in LeoFinance5 years ago (edited)

thyphoon teaser vid community lottery_Moment.jpg

Greetings dear PARTisans

The next round of the Particl community lottery starts today with a new format. This time you can buy tickets till the rest of the month and we will have multiple winners


    1. place will get 50% of the price pool!
    1. & 3. place both get 25% of the price pool!

You can only win once!

  • Costs: 0.2 Part per tickets!
    Multiple ticket purchases per user are allowed!
    every ticket gets it's own number!

There will be 3 kinds of Tickets available on the marketplace:
1x Ticket for 0.2 PART
5x Ticket for 1.0 PART
10x Ticket for 2.0 PART

  • Drawing:
    We will have a live-stream on Discord
    When: 30.09.2020, Wednesday at 20:00 (UTC +1)
    I will upload a Video soon after the drawing on Discord for people that missed the live stream!

Purchases will be possible till 30.09.2020, Wednesday 18:30 (UTC +1)

  • Shipping info: Add your discord/telegram/e-mail so can get in contract with you if you win!
  • If you want to stay annon just add a PART address into the shipping info, this address will get the price if the ticket number wins

Disclaimer: All proceeds from ticket sales will go to the winning lottery ticket! I will top up the price pool from my personal stack too! Every round i will give out 1-3 free tickets on twitter (@BTCforGermans) and Discord!

Bonne chance, viel glück, good luck, Buena suerte, boa sorte, buona fortuna, powodzenie, везение, 縁起が良い, 好运气

teaser video

P.S.: Big shout out to @Cyberpunk for creating this awesome vid!

DISCLAIMER: I´m a active particl community member posting on HIVE to spread awareness for one of my favorite crypto projects out there!

Best wishes and i see you next time


thyphoon teaser vid community lottery_Moment.jpg


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