if anybody wishes to post/reblog this in the #blacklivesmatter community, feel free - seeing as I can't...
Shocked! Shocked, I tell ya!I've just been banned from #blacklivesmatter community! lol
Actually, I don't mind that so much - communities are free to include or exclude as they wish.
I was banned for stating facts that didn't fit the BLM sheep narrative.
What DOES irk me, however, is being banned after receiving replies - so that I cannot answer.
What this shows perfectly, is the typical leftist intellectual cowardice.
('Hitting' me with words, then not allowing a verbal repost).
This is indicative of a manipulative personality.
(even though I've had 3 black ex g/f's and as I type - a 7 year long relationship with my Asian girlfriend - hardly fitting the profile of an ardent racist , uh?...lol)@stellabelle - in response to my own post about being accused of being racist...
..here are the responses (then she banned me from the community)
now you've really crossed the line here. Black Lives Matter is a peaceful organization. If you're here to agitate us, then you don't belong in our community. Calling people 'stupid' won't be tolerated.@stellabelle..
Firstly...(Black Lives Matter is a peaceful organization!!)
BLM shut down part of Interstate 94, a major highway in St. Paul, and although it appears to have begun peacefully, some people started throwing water bottles, pieces of concrete, rebar, brick, Molotov cocktails, and rocks at police.
This is one link of many - and is hardly 'peaceful'.
I never called anyone stupid. oops.
I said...
'Numbers are not sensitive, only idiots'.
Do you see the manipulation technique at work here?
The jump from saying 'numbers are not sensitive idiot are', to me calling someone stupid?
Secondly, to say BLM is a peaceful organisation is to ignore the very violent acts from 3 or four years ago.
But that doesn't matter to @stellabelle - the fake narrative is far more important than the actual truth of things.
Oh, it gets better, honestly...
@stellabelle 's second response...
She posted snippets of screenshots of my post - on the community thread.
She ommited to post all the information, just tried to construct an a narrative to bolster her position.
Again, this is not someone wanting an open discussion, but someone trying to manipulate other peoples perceptions...(typical left perspective)
HERE is what she posted on the first screenshot...
HERE is the actual comment...
The attempted manipulation of my own words, is not only very low IQ - but it indicates an extremely scared person.
Scared of looking at facts.
Scared of losing the argument.
Scared of facing reality.
Scared of losing the 'moral high ground'...
The fact that my comment would be doctored as such - because it didn't fit a twisted reality, only goes to show a manipulative person who's more than happy to omit facts if it furthers their agenda.
She then goes onto to offer another screenshot, totally out of context again - and not taking the humorous angle into consideration.
I was serious about the 'shame' thing?? lol.
It seems that sarcasm is not in @stelleabelles intellectual landscape.
OR... she posted it in away that it couldn't be taken as such (i.e out of context) OR, she posted it in away to suit her narrative. I.e manipulating facts to suit her position.
Either way, it doesn't look very good does it?
It goes to indicate someone who's driven by 'muh feelings' , rather than intellect and facts.
Her screenshot. (read my last post for the full sarcastic bent)
manipulative people are definitely lacking in 'the sense of humor' department
I replied with this...
- to then be told...
The BLM community - who argues for equality and tolerance, - would not tolerate my introducing facts into the discussion.
As I mentioned on my post yesterday, I'm getting really bored of the low IQ, lefty echo chambers, that exist here on hive.
Cut out the cancer, or let it kill the host. (I hope all you 'big stake players' are listening).
'get woke, go broke'.
LOL , i joint a group ones on FB , lets call them " Dutch lives matter " , for i cant even remember the name . I was invited by some friends . Made some comments on the Dutch opposition right winged politician , something about his training and education he had in a Israeli-an desert community . I was banned on the spot , for they all worshiped this political prick like a god . People that form groups like that are blind for the truth .
Like when i read "black lives matter" i think ,.... and i do not ???? Because in my vision we all do matter .
To me forming a group like BLM puts the ones in it in a position they are against in the first place . It feeds only the ongoing racial problems there are like a magnifier .
We humans of all colors are one race , for when we would not be , we could not reproduce children between different skin colors or other things that are different between us all . The racial thing is just a way to divide and keep us fighting with each other while the elite scum takes it all .
One love , peace to all .
Because your downvote just made you one .... and i hope many will see this and find out your true and evil nature as a racist .
@bloom , your downvote on this comment of mine , just awkward ,.... ??????? are you a racist ? And just come for me you racist , i already stopped posting because of dickheads like you on Hive , so good luck on that part RACIST ! I bet your hive coins came directly from Soros .. Muhahahaha .. like i care for coins , like i care for Hive ... go ahead racist @bloom ,... wreck the place up .
Even so , @bloom , i wish you love and peace to .
People do not learn, people forget to easy, and people do not like to see nor hear any truth other than what they want to remember. Nothing was learned from the Rodney King, (March 3, 1991), incident, Nothing was learned from the Ferguson incident, (August 10, 2014), and nothing is likely to be learned from this incident, (May 25, 2020). Nothing has changed. The majority of the cities that have seen violent outburst are primarily run by democrats or have democrats as the mayor. Most police chiefs are hired with approval of the current city administration. Most police policy is approved by the cities politicians. Most of the political people in charge are elected by the people of that city. Nothing has changed, nothing will change, people do not want to change, it would upset their apple cart.
I am not sure how police chief selections work in towns other than the few I lived in and had a care to learn how they were picked, and it was the current city politicians that decided.
I've experienced the same thing with a couple people on FB, one a friend for over ten years and another a relative. It wasn't BLM related but post over left and right politics. I guess they are allowed to post and I am only allowed to read their post as they unfriended me so I can't post on their post.
Yup it's annoying - especially when they pul the shit to create false narrative (like she has done).
On the upside - I have nice video coming along about it - as only @lucylin delivers! lolol
After watching what has been happening across the country our mayor let them protest last weekend without putting any extra safety precautions in place....this liberal belief of believing that everyone is part of the "that's not who we are" are the classic example of indoctrinated, sheltered childhood, safe room syndrome which led to downtown being tore apart by the one's who don't assimilate into their indoctrinated world. Many of them don't assimilate into any world but their own. A few years back when the basketball court across the street saw their own mini riots for two summers in a row and I made my way down to the commission meetings to which she was a commissioner at the time I was viewed as being a racist...though I spent a good chunk of my young adult life before having my own kids (and after) going and getting my sisters two girls after her death in another city and keeping them most of the summer, they were mulatto, if I was a racist I wouldn't have cared. Two of my best friends in life before their deaths were African Americans...but I am a racist because they thought no one lived in this city who didn't subscribe to the "that's not who we are" theology.....well I guess over the weekend she witnessed some of those basketball players in action herself and they weren't who she thought they were. You are not allowed to critique someone based on race without being a racist but I can critique the white equivalent all day long without being called anything.
....apparently I'm racist even though I've had 3 black g/f's, and currently in a seven year relationship now with my Asian girlfriend.
(oh! - and I never even got around to mention my Mexican ex... or my Brazilian ex! lolol)
I guess expecting fair play from the BLM community I was asking to much 🤔
..wait for my video...lol
Ignore the fuckers - they SUCK! - For this sort of stuff I like to have a look at GAB where libtards get shredded.
Except now I'm hanging out to see you do a video about them!
funny you should mention a video....lolol