I've experienced the same thing with a couple people on FB, one a friend for over ten years and another a relative. It wasn't BLM related but post over left and right politics. I guess they are allowed to post and I am only allowed to read their post as they unfriended me so I can't post on their post.
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Yup it's annoying - especially when they pul the shit to create false narrative (like she has done).
On the upside - I have nice video coming along about it - as only @lucylin delivers! lolol
After watching what has been happening across the country our mayor let them protest last weekend without putting any extra safety precautions in place....this liberal belief of believing that everyone is part of the "that's not who we are" are the classic example of indoctrinated, sheltered childhood, safe room syndrome which led to downtown being tore apart by the one's who don't assimilate into their indoctrinated world. Many of them don't assimilate into any world but their own. A few years back when the basketball court across the street saw their own mini riots for two summers in a row and I made my way down to the commission meetings to which she was a commissioner at the time I was viewed as being a racist...though I spent a good chunk of my young adult life before having my own kids (and after) going and getting my sisters two girls after her death in another city and keeping them most of the summer, they were mulatto, if I was a racist I wouldn't have cared. Two of my best friends in life before their deaths were African Americans...but I am a racist because they thought no one lived in this city who didn't subscribe to the "that's not who we are" theology.....well I guess over the weekend she witnessed some of those basketball players in action herself and they weren't who she thought they were. You are not allowed to critique someone based on race without being a racist but I can critique the white equivalent all day long without being called anything.
....apparently I'm racist even though I've had 3 black g/f's, and currently in a seven year relationship now with my Asian girlfriend.
(oh! - and I never even got around to mention my Mexican ex... or my Brazilian ex! lolol)