Punday Monday 270!

in Funny2 years ago

Welcome to Punday Monday!


Make a pun about the topic of the week,
This week’s topic is Philosophy.
Here's how to make a pun, if you don't know: https://peakd.com/contest/@improv/puns-and-prizes-learn-to-pun-easy-fun-anybody-can-be-a-hit-at-parties


New To Punday?

Pull up a stool, order a spiked PUNch, and get to know some of the regulars. I'm your PUNtender, @improv.

How To Make a Pun

This contest is open to everyone. Here's a handy dandy guide on how to make a pun: Learn to Pun

Rules for the PUN-test:

  • If you hope to win a prize [1 100% upvote per punster, 2 HSBI for a win), your pun must be your original work
  • Puns must be relevant to the topic of the week to win a prize, but they can be very loosely related.

Last Week's Punday Monday:

Here is last week's Punday Monday, and all the puns that were eligible to win this week are in the comments!

Hang on to your PUNderwear. The Winner of This Week's PUNday Monday Is...


How’s THIS:



This Week's Pun Topic Is:

As in
I enjoy the philosophy of the ancient greeks because they’re so malleable. Especially the student of Socrates, Play-doh.

I'm So Good at Puns

If you've never punned before, it might seem like magic! You can do it, too! Learn how in My Free How-To Guide on Punning!

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Dharmavinaya and Rastafari are very similar ways of life... They both seem really into the Buddha!

While I didn't study philosophy in college, I still kind of considered myself somewhat of a philosopher. I went to toga parties, have a partial understanding of the Greek alphabet, and would often spectate Greco-Roman wrestling activities. If you don't believe me, just ask my fraternal twin! Pythagoras wasn't just another guy we studied in class, he was a personal gyro of mine.

I've had my fill of philosophy. Perhaps it rhymes with boloney for a reason.

And I love how Socrates rhymes with Pickle Juice!