If I could I would buy them all.
I must admit that I have only read classic novels, almost nothing about personal improvement and in these times it is very important to catch up with it, because life and times force you.
I was very interested in the third book of your proposals: Storytelling, the magic of writing, I think it is a highly valued tool for all of us who like to write with a certain coherence and naturalness, and the other books sound super inspiring.
So we just need time and money...😅
🌻Your post is excellent as always @dahpilot
The world is advancing so quickly, and we are so far behind here that at least these books bring us closer to the rest of society.
As for storytelling, it’s a fascinating skill that can be improved every day. You just need time.
Remember that I read them digitally, and yes, ~I didn’t like it~, but it’s definitely worth it.
Thank you for the kind words; it’s always a pleasure to read your comments 🙏🏻😁
Nothing better than the smell of a book being opened for the first time, right?
You are very good at writing so you did your homework well.
Thanks to you for always providing us with an excellent and enjoyable read.