Books, Books and Books

I’m not someone who buys a lot of clothes.

My wardrobe is limited to a few sweaters, some shirts (for formal occasions), shorts for the heat, and a couple of pants (oh, and my university uniforms). I don’t need more than that.

So if I had to choose, I would buy books. Today, I’m sharing a list that you must read.

A few articles ago, I talked about Literal, a business dedicated to printing books, and I believe that without them, I wouldn’t think this way.

( Reading digitally isn’t something I enjoy. )

In my country, it’s impossible to buy books on Amazon and other sites. The few bookstores that exist only sell books by authors very aligned with the government, and many of those titles don’t contribute anything.

If I had $50, I would spend it all at Literal. The books from Literal are around $8 ( and the catalog is quite extensive; I haven’t reached the end yet )

Since Literal accepts HBD, I would convert that $50 to HBD (using HiveCuba P2P services) and use Distriator to claim the cashback they offer (win-win).

Doing the math... I could buy 6 books .

Of course, I would choose 6 books that provide some knowledge or a monetizable skill so I can buy more books (and clothes when I need them 😅 )

In my country, there isn’t a widespread financial culture, nor is it promoted much (it’s really a taboo topic). Books are the only source of knowledge you can have when there are no mentors.

Today, I’m sharing a list of 6 titles I would buy with the $50

These are books I’ve read digitally but would love to have in physical form because I know the value each one brings.

I’m sure this list would generate double the value once You learn what’s between their pages.

1.The Richest Man in Babylon

A famous book with very basic knowledge. If you’re not aware of these basic things, it will be difficult to change your mindset. The Richest Man in Babylon is written in a way that each lesson comes through stories (the storytelling in this book is on another level).

The knowledge you can gain from this little story is just the beginning of a broader world. You can organize and improve your finances if you’re smart.

2. Sell or Be Sold

Selling is the most important skill in our lives.

Since we joined society, we’ve been selling. From the moment you wake up, you’re selling ideas, products, and in my case, even treatments.

I study medicine, and daily I have to sell my patients on the necessity of following treatments and largely, modifying their lives. This book doesn’t just talk about selling products but also cases like mine.

At the end of each chapter, they ask questions as if it were an exam; aiming to ensure that the main concepts stick with you.

The selling process has its steps, strategies, and guidelines; at first glance, we are unaware of this. Thanks to this book, I was able to understand it easily and improve how I sell everything in life.

3. Storytelling: The Magic of Writing

Writing can sometimes be very difficult, and it’s another high-value skill we need in our lives.

Carlos Salas (the author) has dedicated himself to studying writing techniques (in Spanish). The book has been translated into several languages due to its value. Within its pages, there are hundreds of tips to make writing very easy for you.

When I started on Hive, writing, organizing, and editing my articles took me a lot of time. It was a complicated process for me. Making my words sound decent was challenging. I had never written more than a page before.

A friend who is a writer recommended this book to me, saying: you will never have problems with writing again.

The book greatly influenced my way of writing here. Whether it can help you depend on how much value you see in it.

4. Tengo un Plan: Lo que ellos saben y tu no.

The hosts of the podcast "Tengo un Plan" are two young entrepreneurs from Zaragoza. For two years, they have interviewed hundreds of experts in different areas of society.

A few weeks ago, they decided to release their book: with 39 principles drawn from thousands of hours of podcasts. Inside are all the lessons learned from the experts.

It’s like leveraging years of knowledge in just a few pages.

Of course, within the podcast, there are many more teachings. But just being able to access these lessons whenever you want without needing to listen to an hour of audio; enjoying the experience of reading and refreshing ideas is worth a lot to me.

It’s so worth it that I paid to read it digitally (which will never be the same as reading it in physical form). I’m through the first chapter, and I can tell you it’s definitely worth it. It has stories that weren’t told in the podcasts and with those, lessons that aren’t in the episodes.

The English version will be released at the end of the year, so add it to your list. I added it to my list of future orders at Literal.

5. The Midnight Library

I already bought this book for my girlfriend (here’s the post)

Can you imagine living another life? But in your same life? That is... what if you had made different decisions? Or done something differently?

In the library, each book is a missed opportunity (or rather, a different future), a chance to do things differently.

With this book, I learned to value every moment in life, every decision we make, and to move forward accordingly to the choices we make.

There are many missed opportunities, but there is only one life.

6. Billionaire

It tells the life story of Jose Elias Navarro. At 39, he found himself in ruins, and by 42, he was buying his first Ferrari (sounds pretentious, but the story is much more than that )

This man is possibly the Spaniard with the most companies in the world, and at the same time, his fortune is one of the largest in Spain.

He went bankrupt and went from having no money to having millions, and the most motivating part is that he continues to create value and wealth.

Jose Elias has a YouTube channel documenting his day-to-day life, but the book tells what isn’t on social media, what isn’t anywhere else.

In short, it’s like having in your hands the man who has earned millions in everyday business.

That’s my list of expenses.

I would end up spending about $48. With the change, plus the possible cashback, I would buy $HIVE to convert it to HP 😅🤫

I’m sure that after reading, understanding, and applying the lessons; those $50 will turn into much more.

Beyond the potential gains, after reading this list (in any order you choose), you will become a different person. A person with knowledge is unstoppable.

In my case, I can’t buy them in large stores; in your country, maybe buying the list would exceed the budget. Let me know in the comments how much the total would be.

If we were in a casino, I’d say... All in on red! In this case... all in on books!

I hope this list helps you, and of course, let me know which book you would add to the list and what it taught you.

Read you soon

All photos used are mine

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You are very clever. Hahaha... I like your shopping list on Literal. And using Distriator, I'm telling you, you're a smart guy.
I have never owned such a device for reading ebooks, but I wouldn't rule it out in my life. They are comfortable I think, although of course they are no substitute for the smell of the book and touching its pages.

To those of us who love to travel and enjoy the outdoors, I think it's inevitable that we buy an eBook because you can't always carry all the books with you.

So when I get one, I'll let you know how it goes, haha.

A book is a book, and no one can change that 😅

If I could I would buy them all.

I must admit that I have only read classic novels, almost nothing about personal improvement and in these times it is very important to catch up with it, because life and times force you.

I was very interested in the third book of your proposals: Storytelling, the magic of writing, I think it is a highly valued tool for all of us who like to write with a certain coherence and naturalness, and the other books sound super inspiring.

So we just need time and money...😅

Your post is excellent as always @dahpilot

The world is advancing so quickly, and we are so far behind here that at least these books bring us closer to the rest of society.

If you enjoy classic novels, you will love The Midnight Library.

As for storytelling, it’s a fascinating skill that can be improved every day. You just need time.

Remember that I read them digitally, and yes, ~I didn’t like it~, but it’s definitely worth it.

Thank you for the kind words; it’s always a pleasure to read your comments 🙏🏻😁

Nothing better than the smell of a book being opened for the first time, right?

You are very good at writing so you did your homework well.

Thanks to you for always providing us with an excellent and enjoyable read.


You're very smart and I've seen a few titles that popped out at me immediately, so I'll bookmark your post:)

Simple things.jpg

Thank you for bookmark my post; you have no idea how happy it made me to read that 😁.

I hope you enjoy some of the titles on the list and find them valuable. That’s what I was aiming for with this post

Thank you for reading me and commenting 🙏🏼

Hi, I refer to the list of books you suggest and I take note of Carlos Salas' book, I'm sure it can help me to improve the content in Hive. And maybe it will save me time, each publication still takes me too much time.

Best regards and happy week @dahpilot

When I added that book to the list, I thought of you 'cause Carlos Sala is a fellow countryman.

The author has other titles that you might enjoy, but this one in particular I believe can contribute a lot to writing here.

Of course, I hope you enjoy it (plus, it’s not very long, so it won’t take you much time)

Thanks for remembering me, I will definitely read the book. Although in a few months I'm going to be a bit busy. I am in a moment of changes at work, with new bets that I think are going very well ...., the other books that you have presented interest me less, precisely because I work for me, and my path is already decided, and I think I have not been wrong, at least I'm seeing the first positive results.

As you tell me that the book is short, maybe it is even an ideal reading now that I am short of time.

It is always interesting to read you.A big hug @dahpilot

Thank you for sharing the selection of books with a 50 dollar budget especially book number 2. Indeed selling is something really important in our lives and definitely need more insights to it to learn more about it and what better way than to read about it.

Reading these comments is the most important part of the post 🤩

I hope you enjoy the book; it’s definitely worth it, and I hope it contributes to you as much as it did for me.

When you’re not selling, someone else is selling for you, or they are selling you. It’s an important skill, no matter what.

Is there any book you can recommend to me?

I am currently reading Surrounded by Idiots by Thomas Erickson. Find it quite an interesting read, you can take a read too

Dope list! The Richest Man In Babylon rearranged my brain (for the better) when I didnt understand money

That's why I put it first. The list isn't in any particular order, but that book is definitely a must-read.

I'm glad to see I wasn't wrong in including it.

Since I see you enjoy these topics, is there any book you can recommend to me?

Don't mind the genre; I always like to expand my reading list 😉

I’ll give 2…an all-time favorite - The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, and current read - Deep Work by Cal Newport

Wow, my friend. I'm all about reading adventures, but it's never a bad thing to increase skills. Thanks for sharing!👌🏾

Build strong and soft skills as well, and then you can buy a library of adventure books—a brilliant idea, don’t you think? 😂😂😂

Thank you, my friend, for reading me

I hope that if you read any of them, they bring you value; that would make me more than happy. And of course, thank you for commenting 🙏🏼

This is very impressive, a wonderful collection you are putting up here. This books carry value, I will do well to get them for reading. Thanks, keep learning friend.

Thank you for those words 🙏🏻I hope they bring you as much value as they did for me.

And thank you so much for reading me

Now, could you recommend something to help expand my reading list?

One of my favorite mentor is Robert Kiyosaki. Check out 'Rich dad poor dad' and 'Cash flow quadrant' if you want to venture more into the world of business and investing.
Also, check out 'The midas touch' (by Robert and Trump).

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Oh friend this list of important books that we should read has caught my attention, I haven't really read any, but it's never too late, I think they are very important because it helps us in our growth. Thank you @dahpilot. I wish you a nice day

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I also do not buy cloths unless it is necessary, but whenever I have some cash, I buy books.

That 's the way 🤝