For the first topic:
It has to be Homura by Lisa. The word means a flame or blaze in Japanese and it is a track from the film Demon Slayer Infinity Train movie recently released only in Japan. Haven't seen the movie yet because pandemic made it unavailable for World wide distribution but hopefully it would be launched next year even in DVD. The song's lyrics are powerful enough that it made me feel the emotions of encouragement, hope, sadness and what it means to have meaning in suffering. Just by lyrics alone. The show it was used on had themes like that so I can relate how much of a tear jerker this movie is going to be. The song just grew on me that it has always been on the play list for 6 months without skipping.
As for the 2nd topic: 2020 had its ups and downs but I'm leaning on the positive experiences I got from the year. A lot of good things have happened in 2020 for me but this is something I can't really talk much about considering everyone else is having a hard time. I'd say thank for the year, the events that happened in it helped me grow in wisdom, career wise and personal growth.
I can't understand the words but yes, I can see how that track is very emotive to you; It's quite powerful really. I haven't heard of that movie but will check it out.
Thanks for sharing it and all the best for the year 2021.