The first ever double topic hits the #weekend-engagement post this week and there's 100 hive in rewards just for a comment or two!
You may have noticed this post is out on a Thursday and not the usual Friday. That's because I wanted to get it out on the last day of 2020, Thursday December 31st. So, let's get into it y'all...
weekend-engagement topics week 30 - Do one or both, it's your choice
Topic one:

With so much of the world in isolation in 2020 listening to, or playing music, became very important to many people. Here's your chance to share what you listened to, what music you made or what songs and music helped you get through the year. Make sure you explain your choice too.
Drop links to the track if you like as I'm sure some may want to have a listen for themselves.
Topic two:

Have you been waiting for a chance to kick 2020 in the nuts? Here's your opportunity to wind up and let fly with a resounding verbal kick to 2020's goolies.
It doesn't matter what you say, it could be something positive or negative, politically or financially motivated, personal or general, emotional, country-specific, a Covid-19 or lockdown rant, a whinge about wearing masks or zoom meetings, a comment about the lack of toilet paper in the supermarket...You can say anything you like to 2020, you have my permission.
Simply comment below, explain your comment if you like and feel free to add a photo or make an (original) meme up for it too!
The topic will remain open all weekend so you have until very late Sunday night your time to get your comment placed below.
I'll be handing out some hive on Monday as a thank you to some who engage here - It will be transferred directly to their wallets. I will be looking out for people that stayed around and did some engagement with the others rather than those who drop a single comment and then leave.
So that's it for this weeks' topics...It's your chance to send the year 2020 a little message or share some 2020 music and then we can hit the reset button and all move on and into 2021.
Happy new year hivers - Make it a great one!
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.
Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209
Don't forget that HIVE POWER UP DAY is coming - 1 JAN 2021 - Don't miss your chance to get your PUD @hivebuzz badge!

I like to end the year with music. It is a great way to do so.
I am going to share an old song, a band I used to listen to when I was much younger.
I've been quite involved in crypto this 2020 and working on putting together several projects. This song, although relaxed, it kind of pushes me towards the goal of moving forward to launch some of the projects I am working on.
Wish you all a great New Year Eve, and the very best for this coming 2021.
A very nice track, I have enjoyed it while reading some of the comments.
Happy to hear you liked it.
Happy New Year!
I listened to it all while I did my normal other things. I'll bet that hour is more Pat Metheny than I've listened to in the last 10 years...
It was a good track and very pleasant to have in my house this very early NYE day. Thank you!
Only listened to a few minutes while reading these comments about it. But enjoyed it also.
That's a pretty cool track...Like you say relaxed and kind of chilled but also feels quite motivational...I can see how it keeps you moving.
Thanks for sharing this track and for all of your engagement throughout the year both on my posts and on the #weekend-engagement topic posts as well. It is greatly appreciated.
We're five ours out from midnight and a new year down here so I'd like to wish you all the best for the year to come; I hope it's happy and healthy for you and your family and that it's productive and prosperous also.
Thank you, Galen, I wish you, Faith, her mom, Cleo, and all your family the very best for this coming year.
tokens.It's truly cool and relaxing, a nice beat of inspiration in every sound. It's so strange how it touched me, still trying to comprehend it. Happy holiday to you
Glad you like it.
Happy New year!
Thank you, happy new year
Pat Metheny is some pretty old school stuff my friend :) For me I find it is much easier to be old school when whatever object was new school when I was :)
I wish you the best and brightest of 2021. Smooth sailing and favorable winds for the whole year...
Happy to hear you also like him.
Wishing you and your family the very best for this new coming year Tom
Sometimes old school is far better than new! At least when it comes to things played on the radio. Most new music is such a stinking pile of horse shit in the Arizona desert sun.
Wow it's really fantastic and chill. ☺️😍 Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year :))
Happy New Year! @trangbaby
This is so soothing and relaxing. I see why it pushes you to do work. I have added it to my exclusive list and it would turn out to eventually be my go-to for a little bit of motivation or relaxation or both even.
Happy to hear you like it. Happy new year!
Happy new Year mate.
Thanks for sharing this long but relaxing track. The melody with the guitar is very beautiful, while the drums emulate the sound of a locomotive moving forward. I agree with you, relaxing and stimulating at the same time.
This is not so my type of music but the wordings are so impressive. The song was quite long, didn't finish listening to it but it spoke to my soul.
So I LOVED 2020! @galenkp And I feel terrible that it has been soooo atrociously terrible for so many billions of people AND ANIMALS around the world, but for me, it was absolutely freaking brilliant because I spent 8months in lockdown, editing a documentary that is being used as evidence in 3x Royal Commissions into mental health, disability and abuse (and I've been trying to find the time to do this for 5 yrs...)
I did a heap of other great things too, but one of my favourites was the reconnection to one of my greatest young loves- DANCING!
And in doing so, I met bodygrooveondemand with Misty Tripoli and her awesome gang of dancers who got me up and grooving again for the first time in about 15yrs.
Then I met Marisa Cranfill with her delicious sessions of QiGong who took care of my mental health...

Then I met Spotify and in meeting Spotify, I met some brilliant Turkish artists and so Spotify gave me a great xmas gift a couple of weeks ago and tallied up my listening and gave me the following pressies....and while you're reading this, you can listen to some too!
And so as my gift to you, I present to you the best of my 2020....
And then just 6 months ago, along came hive after I stumbled onto it by accident on the net one day.... and as they say, the rest is history and here we are, still carrying on a passionate affair together and loving every minute of it! 😍😍😍
AND HUGE HAPPY NEW YEAR TO you @galenkp and everyone else here in our wonderful Hive family!
I wish that all of you have a wonderful, safe and blessed new year filled full of love, peace, joy, health, abundance and success!
❤️💛💚💙💜 XXX ❤️💛💚💙💜 XXX ❤️💛💚💙💜 XXX ❤️💛💚💙💜 XXX ❤️💛💚💙💜 XXX ❤️💛💚💙💜 XXX ❤️💛💚💙💜
Well. I thought I might be the only person on earth that had a really good 2020.
I'm really glad you staggered in here. Hive is certainly a better place because you are here.
I think we ought to make the "No apology 2020" club :)
Well no, there's far more than just us that had a great 2020, it's just that the others that I know feel too bad about everyone else to say out loud...
And thank you there @bigtom13, I'm certainly glad that I stumbled into Hive too! Especially meeting you and a whole bunch of other great peeps too.
Love that idea- the No Apology community..AKA fuck that!. I reckon it's get quite a few active members real quick too! 🤣
Well, every storm cloud has a silver lining they say and it's good to hear a good news story even though they are few and far between. Most people have had a torrid year for various reasons, deaths, isolation and the mental health issues around it, financial woes, job loss and so on...But then there's people like you who have had a wonderful year.
So, well done for that and I hope that momentum carries forward into this year. Please be sure to check in with me in 364 days and let me know how it went!
Yes that's exactly right! And I actually know quite a few people that have come out of the lockdowns thriving, because they are like me, addicted to being pro-active, creating, learning and doing.
I also know that there are many more like that too- especially other hive owners here that can take the little that they have and use it to their advantage and thrive.
Don't get me wrong, it's definitely been torrid, but not terrible even though I had all of those issues that you mentioned too.
I lost my job on the 18th March and as I have a rare heart condition, I put myself into lockdown straight away and so had an extra 2 months on top of everyone else. I also battled with depression, I guess you could even call it iso(lation) fatigue- but that didn't occur till 6 months into it and then I completely lost my mojo, didn't dance, put on weight, had physical issues pop up, was soooo stressed out about my flatmate who lived like a .... and didn't pay rent or bills, but other than that, I am one of the extraordinarily lucky Aussies that didn't have really hard financial issues- because our govt gave us more $$$ in our support payments and really, there was no where to spend any money and as I am not a super materialistic person, I only need enough to pay rent/small bills/small food, so that was sufficient.
Not too mention that we here in Aust are incredibly lucky that we have not been anywhere near as hard hit with the virus as the rest of the world.
But then we have had a fair share of natural disasters here, but then again, nothing in comparison to what so many other poor countries have been experiencing over the past 12 months on top of the pandemic (except for the bushfires....)
And now, for the first time in just over a year, I have been able to come to my home town to see my ailing 85yr old dad and (really exhausted) brother and I was due to go back to Melbs on Monday to go back to work, but then they made a snap decision to close the borders again last night and now I'm stuck on the wrong side of the border.
However, as I see the good side in everything, I know that atleast I'm stuck in the house that I grew up in with my dad and can now give my brother a break from caring f/t for my dad and he can go away and have some fun while I stay here a look after dad. So that's what I call a happy accident- my favourite saying.
Oh and dancing, I can't tell you just how mentally therapeutic it was too. In the end I didn't need Marisa's QiGong for my mental health, I just needed the free flowing dancing. Everyone should put some music on and just dance by themselves, however they want, to what ever beat they want and it's so liberating! 😃
I hate dancing, not watching it, doing it. I really don't enjoy it at all and so never do it. I guess we're all different and just have to do the things that we do based on our own needs and interests. Dancing seems to be important to you and clearly helps you in certain ways; For me, well, I'd rather chew my own face off than dance.
Again, it's good you have managed to have an excellent 2020. I also live in Australia and so don't have as many problems as many around the world have had, but also know that there have been many people who have not had such an easy time throughout the pandemic situation and even before, with the economy slowly crumbling, so think people were suffering...And will moving forward. But there'll be the few who do not I guess.
Chew your face off...? Wow, you really hate dancing! Is it the footloose thing....?
Wow so you're in OZ too...N/S/E/W?
Lol, I'm just monumentally bad and it...I don't enjoy dancing at all hence the face-chewing preference. Maybe extreme, but a nice way to make my point.
Oh so it is the footloose thing!
Cool. SA. Not too far away.
tokens.Not sure where to start on this one. That's a lie.
Welcome to Hive! I knew that's where I'd start.
I'm able to pick out a few rewards from 2020 as well. As shitty of a year that it's been, there's a few instances I'm benefitting from. For example, I got this pet peeve with hot chicks who have a mangled grill. Now that they're covering their teeth by masking their face, I can't tell how mangled their grill is so that's a plus.
It's great to see how people can find light in the dark. I am very happy for you, I hope that, like you, this year that has just begun, I will also find light in the tunnel.
I've always been one of those people to see the bright side before the negatives...and really, when on earth have any of us ever had the completely, unadulterated, free time to finally catch up on all that stuff that we've been trying to do for years- what an extraordinary opportunity we were given from such a horrific situation.Thank you @janaveda!
Like me now- stuck on the wrong side of the border, but can now give my brother a break from looking after dad and help him do things around the house that he can't do by himself.
So I may not be able to get back to work, but this time that I have been (so accidentally) given, is precious in itself. So another great opportunity to turn the negative into positive. 😃
It's a good attitude to see the positive in the situations, although seems very negative. So the opportunities introduce for you. Enjoy the moment that gives you life.
I know far too many people that live life in the negative and see nothing but the negative and it takes something the size of a volcano to make them happy- for a minute, whereas I am the complete opposite.
I see opportunity every where and I also see the ability to make opportunity everywhere too.
Even on here. Especially on here, because opportunity is always about who else is out there and how can a collaboration be made between you all.
The ability to make opportunities are everywhere, so I hope that you can see them and enjoy all of the moments in your life too.
Happy new year to you @janaveda and I hope that it is filled with lots of love, sunshine, peace, health, success and abundance!
You're right! I hope that 2021 to be better for you, and your family.
Thank you and you too! 😀
Not everyone should have a bad year but I am truly amazed at your dedication to take the positives from a bad year. You utilised the lockdown period to the maximum and it's amazing.
Also you growth on the hive platform is truly breathtaking. Your growth and input is remarkable. I hope your amazing run keeps on growing this new year 2020
And you know @lebey1, still so many things that I didn't get done cause that 8 months (for me) went by far too fast!
Stoked that you think that my efforts on hive have been so good and that's simply because of all of the fantastic people here.
I miss everyone when I'm not on here....I have made so many friends and want to keep in contact with them and then being a content curator come's 2nd (the education), a content creator comes third and then the financial gains on top of that is just the icing on the cake (and I love cake...especially deep, dark, muddy chocolate...ofcourse...😁)
I still don't understand it all- the technical aspects, but I'm not even worrying about that anymore, I'm just having too much fun being here with everyone and the sense of camaraderie is seriously the best thing about it! 😊
The loving the cake part and the description shows we have a lot in common. Lol. Glad you achieved something though. Keep the good work going
Many thanks, I will try, though I do know that life is going to interrupt once again all too soon....🙄
I know you won't be lazing just seating around doing nothing, so you are saved
Yeah thanks! So true...😄
Sounds like you indeed had a good year in your own way, that's great! Isn't stumbling onto something like hive great! It's so full of so many wonderful people from across the world!
There's nothing better than a happy accident is there! 😃
And You are so right @cmplxty , Hive is so full of so many interesting and wonderful peeps from all over!
I also love all of the challenges and initiatives, especially the Tuesday Hivechats on twitter with thanks to @jeanlucsr and the PUD day @traciyork and so many others because of the sense of global camaraderie they create. 😃
2020: Maybe for some people, it was a waste while to some others it's a blessed year but most important is we live through this pandemic. It isn't a waste year! The year has taugh me a lot (life, family, happiness, friendship, etc..time well spent with family and self time are great) be grateful for everything, treasure people around me, esp my beloved ones and who are there for me lift me up and be with me during this tough time. One of great lesson I have learnt is to accept the unexpected situations. Because I was wondering what the hell going on and struggling to accept it before. However, for now, I'm ok with it and happy spending time with my family, my friends, time for myself and yea I'm still lucky to be here where the covid under good control and I have chance to travel around and explore more my beautiful country. One more thing is that I leant more about myself who I'm actually am, what I really want and what I shoul do. Not the best year, but still a good one tho.
Just added some fun pics of My new Toy-Chickira that I just brough her along with me during my trekking trip last few days. I hope she will make you smile 😊
May you be happy, healthy and lucky the whole year through. Happy New Year Everyone. ❤️
This is a nice message to 2020 and it's great that's you've managed to find some positivity in what was a pretty torrid year for many. It seems to have been valuable for you as you've learned a little more about yourself...Nice work!
Now, I hope you and that funky chicken have a great 2021 and make it better than 2020. 🐥 😁
Thanks for joining in this week. ✅
Thanks Galen. May the New Year bless you with health, wealth, and happiness.”
WoooooHoooo! I LOVE your traveling companion. I used to travel with a friend (Mr Happy) but some bits of him started falling off so he now lives on top of one of my Library shelves. I didn't realize how dirty it was up there until I took this photo a few minutes ago. I either need to clean up there or build a fence around it and call it a national monument.
Mr Happy is a product of Aerostitch, makers of good stuff for motorcycle riding. My foul weather suit is a 1988 Roadcrafter that has over 1 million miles on it (I'm the second owner) and still works just fine.
That's a truly great message from 2020. A serious lesson to learn and thank you for sharing it with us all!
Looks like Mr Happy doesn't mind being dirty.
Thank you very much Tom. Mr Happy looks fun and cute to bring him with you on travel. Wow you are the 2nd owner, he seems very special, I understand why upu keeping him in a national monument 😃 It’s been great to have a friend like in 2020 😍 I wish you a happy and healthy New Year. :))
Interesting, but please forgive me... I like my "Toy-Chickira,"
BBQ style on the grill... LoL
Juss' kidding, HNY to U and Yours, from Us and Ours!!
Oh yea here. 😄
Your cat and you look good Happy New Year 🥳
Ahahahahaha. That's too good!
It tasted like chewy candy 😃😅😁
I agree with you, 2020 also gives me time to spend with my family and that makes me feel lucky. Your toy looks like a cool tourist haha. happy 2021 to you!
Thank you @readymind ❤️ We are lucky to have well spent time with our beloved ones. Wish your family and you with prosperity, good health, and happiness in the New Year. 😍
Good for you! Are you a vegetarian? how did you manage to camp and not eat that chicken? 🤣
The pictures surely look better with that yellow companion there.
Happy new year!
Thanks @hlezama, I’m not really a vegan 😊 try to taste this this chicken but tast like chewy candy 😄 Definitely the photos look more interesting with this funky chicken 😄 Happy New Year . Sending you well wishes in this year 2021
Unlike the idea of a rubber chicken. Never have to tell it to smile or sit still or anything and it's always got the right hair-do for a picture.
Aww thanks for lovely words 🤣🤣 appreciated it as always. You just give me a great idea. I think I will take this chicken to hair salon 😜😄😆
I wish you a very Happy New Year. Hope you have a great time ahead.Hey @dandays, I hope your having a wonderful holiday.
I am very happy to hear your story and how you face the current situation with a positive attitude. The highly competitive and materialistic world takes us away from what is really important. We need an invisible enemy to turn our face towards them.
Happy New Year to you and your family! Wishing you 365 days of good luck!Hey @janaveda thank you for engaging with me here, much appreciated it. I can't agree anymore, this crazy virus has taken us too much things and really tough emotionally and mentally all for us but we need to beat the Pandemic with full energy and positive attitude.
Happy New Year to you and your family. Hope the joy and success are always with you in this year 😊😍
Thank you for your good wishes. Also, I hope that this year to be better for you, and your family.
This has to be the best comment read yet. The important lesson is that we get to scale through the year and we hope for a better one.. Your toy seems interesting but I love the picture view more. Hope I am permitted to save and use as a wallpaper
I wish you a very Happy New Year.Hey lovely @lebey1 Thank you for your kind words, highly appreciated it. Yea sure you are welcome to use them and I'm glad that you like it. Oh well, I have more pics without this funky chicken. You can check out my new post. 😊😍
I wish happy new year wholeheartedly too. Thanks for the permission.
What I Want To Say To 2020 Before It Gets Out The Door.
I'd really like to do some shit talking right here and now. But I can't.
Thanks 2020. Possibly the best year of my life.
Just exactly a year ago I knew what my birth mother's maiden name was after 50 years of looking. I'd pretty much given up on finding out any more than that.
Jan 1 2020 I got the results from a DNA sample I'd taken on a whim and guess what? I saw a niece. My niece. I contacted her through the site and within a week I had two sisters and a brother with 11 nephews and nieces. Unbelievable stuff, you can't make it up.
So I went to Spokane to meet them and I liked them. A lot. It was the most amazing thing in the world to me, I actually looked like other people.
I no more than got home from Spokane and my family when I got a message that I had a new DNA relative on 23 and Me. There were a couple of 3rd and 4th cousins that I hadn't checked out, I though it was more of the same.
It was another brother. My father's son. But wait, there's more. I made contact with the brother and gained 4 more brothers and a sister. AND I KNEW MY FATHER. He was the superintendent of schools when I graduated from High School. It is really apparent that he never knew that my mother was pregnant, or that he had another child (he died in 2014).
So now I know. One year ago today I knew none of my birth family. Now I know them all...
Thanks 2020. That little pandemic you threw at us isn't my main story.
Now put a song to it.
James Brown, I Feel Good..?
In all honesty I was heading for Little Richard when I found the little blonde :)
It's coming. Delayed gratification. I'll think of something.
Great Year for you tho. Glad you found family, and good people also.
I would have gladly donated mine. They are not good people and I have cut them from my life for survival and sanity sake.
Photo of the Pennsyl-Tucky farm where I grew up.

You definitely have had quite a year out there and I enjoyed joining you on some of your journey through your posts. Hopefully, 2021 brings more good things for you mate.
I certainly can't imagine how it could get any better, but I really expect a mostly good 2021.
I'll stick around and keep telling the story a little bit at a time.
That is an unbelieavable story, Tom. I am so happy for you. It's good to know that the most infamous year in decades (for some of us) was actually the best for others!
And that band of prodigies was quite a discovery! There is hope for the world!
I know, it's hard to believe!
I truly hope that 2021 is your year. I think you are about due!
Love this stuff dude, congratulations. I couldn't have more of an opposite story. Pura's all I got these days, the DNA began and ends with me I guess. Life's such a trip dude.
Reading all these connections of yours, man that's fuckin dope! Good deal, an impactful positive that came outta the year. 👍🏿
Yeah. I know. My family tree has exactly one branch on it. But having a larger group to share and know is just incredible to me.
Wow, my friend! In truth, 2020 brought you good things. The resolution of a long-haunted mystery. I think you have a great opportunity to strengthen family ties beyond the biological ones in the years to come.
Yeah, it took a long time. At one point the State of Washington lied to me, telling me that my birth records had been destroyed in a fire.
Finding out who my Father was just incredibly lucky. Unbelievable.
Wow. You were really busy throughout the pandemic period. Reconnecting with your family is one of the greatest feelings that words can't define.
Glad that you got to know your father and your brothers and your nephew and sisters. Family matters the most if you ask me. Glad the pandemic produced something amazing for you also.
It has just been really exciting. I'm really just getting to know them now...
They will definitely grow bigger this year. the floor is opened for them to shine on
That's a beautiful story Tom, I know, for you, 2020 will be the year of your life. I feel happy for you.
I've found a couple other people that had a good 2020. We might want to start some sort of a '2020 annonymous' sort of program :)
Thanks. I appreciate it!
Oh yeah, I pretty much expected this from you as I know 2020 has been (personally) a year of much gain as far as your family goes. It's a good story and hopefully one that will keep unfolding for years...Your families story I mean.
This is definitely not a one year story. It's been just so much more than I ever imagined. I can't really even explain it.
No explanation needed, just enjoy it as you deserve that. 😏
So. Have you ever had one of those moments? You are heading for the perfect song for your 2020 story and you fall down the Rabbit Hole?
I have a couple of questions. What if Mick Jagger were a 6 year old girl?
What if Nina Simone were a skinny little white girl? If this isn't 2020 music then I don't know what is.
Direct Link
Priceless... Just priceless man.!!
Colt Clark and the Quarantine Kids? Are you kidding me? Perfect. I've watched like 40 videos and every one is a treat. Bellamy is perfect. One of her moves is " The Mc Jagger Rooster".
I love the little girl's energy. She is the rock star of the video. Playing two instruments while dancing and also acting as a backup singer. Lol. Then the faces she makes as she approaches the camera is enticing
She's pretty special isn't she. It's obvious that the whole bunch of them is just having really big fun. It's really a cool project.
It's amazing..she is a rock star.
tokens.Hi there!
Happy New Year's 2021!
Wish You the Very Best!
Here is a track I made in Oct. 2020,
Just Me, playing in My "Headphone Studio",
But it Moved Me greatly!
I had been trying to get a band together to do this, in the end I did it all Myself!
Have a Great 1st Day 2021!
Hey Les, this is very cool! What a funky groove indeed. It has a sort of 2021 is going to be a great year vibe and I like it!
2020 has kept people apart a lot and so it's sort of fitting that you did this yourself and I think the result hasn't suffered; I sound really cool! Nice work sir.
Thanks for joining in this week...The first time you have I believe. It is much appreciated.
I hope you have a great 2021 and we run into each other again...Thanks for this great track too!
Thank You So Much!
Very, Very Appreciated!
You're welcome, it was nice to have you participating and I hope you will do so again at some stage.
Thank You and I am sure I will!
Have an Awesome Mid-Week!
tokens.Thank You So Much!
Very, Very Appreciated!
That is great effort. Hope there is more to come this year.
Maybe a whole band :D
Thank You So Much!
That would be in a way "ideal", then I could play one instrument - "well"!
But I have been in a few bands before...
"Politics ruins Music"
Here is another track I made, Synthesizer Music, I found the Video on-line "royalty free" and made the music and put it together,
Have a Great Tuesday!
Beautiful musical theme. Thanks for sharing it, to assemble it you just look excellent.
Thank you so much!
Have a Great Sunday!
Here is another I made You might like, pure Synthesizer, so a bit different!
Thanks again and enjoy!
Have a Great Tuesday!
You're welcome! On the contrary, thank you for giving me the opportunity to enjoy your music.
Have a great day.
That's a Compliment!
Thank You and have a Great
I lost a grandparent and my father had a stroke. Not directly related to Covid but indirectly since many are stressed and anxious about the virus. I also lost a significant amount of money from my side business and had to pick up additional work to cover expenses. 2020 to me is one of the worst years mentally and physically. Lost a lot of weight but also not fully productive since working from home remotely. My hours cut short hence the second job.
It could have been worse, but at the same time I do not think I and many of my others deserved this. Took the final week of 2020 off and been laying low. Staying at home and mostly blogging and playing games. Simply ignoring as much of the reality there is in the outside world. There is simply too many negative headlines going around.
I intend to have make 2021 better for myself. Going to work on being more productive and hope to transition back to going to and from work rather than just staying at home. Yet I have nothing against staying at home work. In fact I think the positives of 2020 I had was mainly being able to stay home with the children since they also had remote learning from home. I got to learn more about my kids than I had ever before. These time we spend together is precious and I appreciate it. I intend to somehow still have time allocated in 2021 to do the same even if everything goes back to post covid19. Life is too short and I can not dwell on all the negatives. I have to spend my precious time with the people I love most and teach them what I learned in life so that they grow into better people and hopefully better than me. Thanks for doing this event and giving me an opportunity to comment.
It sounds like the year took its toll on you but what I'm also reading here is that you know it did and are actively working towards designing and creating 2021 the way you'd prefer it to be and that means 2020 taught you some lessons. I thin that's an excellent take-away from what was otherwise a terrible year.
Thanks for commenting and I wish you the best in your forward journey into the new year.
tokens.Hopefully in 2021 you will be able to get things back on track and introduce a bit more room for luck in your life. It has been a hard year for most, but we each experience as individuals.
You left a great comment too and I wish you well :)
The opening paragraph here didn't point to the silver lining in your closing at all. From an outsider looking in, seems to me 2020 dished out its share of favors to you as well as aches.
Happy new year!
I'm sorry for the loss of your loved ones. Of course, although we know that sooner or later these events will come to us, it does not stop affecting us.
On the other hand, I hope you achieve your goals and the right balance between work and family. Obviously, if I am given a choice between work and family, the answer is more obvious. Time is an inestimable commodity that we must manage wisely.
I have been scratching my mental scrotum trying to think of a song for 2020, but nothing. I have been really lazy with music this year and just listening to old lists on Spotify while I renovate.
A few weeks ago I was painting the floors and singing along when I realized... I had put my phone on a radiator 7 hours earlier and I had painters past it an hour ago. After spending time getting it perfect, I had to bloody well walk across wet paint to retrieve my phone, splashing paint on my footsteps as I backtracked. I wasn't happy.
2020: It was an experience. Like an abusive relationship or being waterboarded.
Ah yes, waterboarding...Good times, good times! Probably not so for the waterboardee though.
I've heard of painting oneself into a corner but the phone? What nutbagery is that?! 😂
I mainly listened to old favourite playlists on Spotify...Loads of country music and instrumental stuff. It's been a fucking drag this year, you know the reasons, and whiost I get it that people don't want to acknowledge how bad it's been for them as that's negative I think it's best to see it for what it was, take the hits, pack the lessons in the kit bag and move the fuck on. No point putting one's head in the sand over it...It happened, I felt how I felt now get the fuck up and keep walking.
Pretty simple really.
A friend of mine waterboarded himself for the experience, but I haven't tried it. Flannel over the face, get under the shower.
Yeah, not the greatest year in memory, but not really the worst either, hopefully 2021 is on the better side of both.
You suggesting I interogate myself in the shower?...You know I'm trying this out right? I'll let you know if I can resist my own interogation and keep silent. I think the secret's safe with me, but then it all depends on how brutal my interogation of myself is.
tokens.So. Sam and I are just about to go out the door on our first walk of 2021. I'd pretty much bet that neither one of us will note anything to distinguish it from our last walk of 2020.
Anyhow. I have something to think about. Is scratching one's mental scrotum bag a good thing or bad? I realize that it's probably not exactly socially acceptable behavior, but aside from that...
I may or may not have more in a couple hours when I return to this spot.
Near as I can tell it falls into 3 categories.
Mentally scratching my scrotum.
Scratching my scrotum.
Scratching my mental scrotum.
Looks like two out of three are probably mostly socially acceptable, but the one that isn't offers so much more relief.
Just sayin'
I'm sorry 2020 was such a bad year for you. 🙁
I guess it was musicboarding for my parents and my neightbors because it was the year I listened to music the most,😁🎼🎵 I too get distracted when I play my playlist on my phone and "accidentaly" do not get any notifications in the form of messages or calls from my parents, you can imagine how happy that makes them. 😂
Painters.. radiators.. backtracking.. let's see what my random song generator suggests:
Justin Timberlake. Either that or Ozzy Osbourne.
Think this generator needs recalibrated
For the first topic:
It has to be Homura by Lisa. The word means a flame or blaze in Japanese and it is a track from the film Demon Slayer Infinity Train movie recently released only in Japan. Haven't seen the movie yet because pandemic made it unavailable for World wide distribution but hopefully it would be launched next year even in DVD. The song's lyrics are powerful enough that it made me feel the emotions of encouragement, hope, sadness and what it means to have meaning in suffering. Just by lyrics alone. The show it was used on had themes like that so I can relate how much of a tear jerker this movie is going to be. The song just grew on me that it has always been on the play list for 6 months without skipping.
As for the 2nd topic: 2020 had its ups and downs but I'm leaning on the positive experiences I got from the year. A lot of good things have happened in 2020 for me but this is something I can't really talk much about considering everyone else is having a hard time. I'd say thank for the year, the events that happened in it helped me grow in wisdom, career wise and personal growth.
I can't understand the words but yes, I can see how that track is very emotive to you; It's quite powerful really. I haven't heard of that movie but will check it out.
Thanks for sharing it and all the best for the year 2021.
tokens.This is a tough one.
Happy New Year, everybody! I was going to answer to the first prompt only since I have already devoted one of my recent posts to rant about 2020, but after some thinking I realized that by answering the first prompt I would be forced to addressing the second one, so here we go, please bear with me.
I can't think of a single memorable song produced in 2020 by mainstream Latino singers or bands. Every year for as long as I can remember there have been a bunch of catchy songs played by all radio stations, on buses, in every household and they all end up being sung and danced (I'm mostly thinking about latino genres) by most people.
2020 was such a crappy year that not a single catchy song was made (I may be wrong, I might have missed something, but how about all people around? all radio stations?).
2020 was such a crappy year for latino music that Bad Bunny was named Composer of the Year by ASCAP. I mean, Bad fucking Bunny! even people who love reggaeton and latin trap were shocked by such a disgraceful choice.
In any case, if we have followed the evolution of the music market, we should not be surprised. After all, this was the best song of the year according to the same "organization".
I must appologize to all of you for doing this, but here's a very "praised" sample of this "composer of the year".
An insult to the spanish language, even if you're not a conservative purist (and don't get me started on the moral issues, and I am not a moralist).
I am hoping that the remaining 9 years of this decade are "illegitimate chuildren" of this grotesque year; if the upcoming years will bear any resemblance to their parent year humanity is in serious trouble.
I wrote four beautiful songs this year.😍🎼🎵
And the world is missing them.😱😁Mr. @hlezama, you're wrong.🤔
LOL! Of course, sweetie. I may be biased to affirm this, but your songs would top any billboard in a paralell world where real talent and humanquality is valued.
The music world of today is driven by some sickening logic according to which the most polemic the figure they promote is, the better. Allegedly that's what people want. People, on the other hand, end up consuming that product (mostly because that's what gets promoted/exposed/available) and that reinforces the twisted logic.
Of course, audiences are the ultimate culprit. If the youth did not consume the bad-bunny-type of musical crap, we would not have a bad bunny (or any similar misfit, for that matter).
Very true! Our son won't be listening to any of that gutter trash excuse for music.
Good for you and him. Most parents here refrain from doing the right thing because it makes them look like oppressors, or because kids will be exposed anyway. On other matters, though, parents here can be very intrusive and overprotective, especially when they should let kids be themselves and do what is right and expected of them. It's an upside down world
Lol, sums up 2020 I think! 😀
I only just made a comment to bashadow on this post about the state of affairs of modern music...Most is simply manufactured rubbish designed to chart on some top 40 list somewhere. It's total shit. One doesn't need instruments of a good voice, nor even a well-written song...Just a computer and some dick head dumb enough to buy the track.
I like this last line very much sir. I concur.
Now that I think about it, I should have said adopted children, instead of "illegitimate". Illegitimacy in parenthood still bears the "burden" of genetic afiliation.
"Manufacture" is a good word to explain what have become social trends, and it applies to msot cultural things these days. It happens with movies and especially with politicians. Those with the money and the PR and social media machinery can create poducts people allegedly "need" and can't live without.
I think we are witnessing a similar operation with the pandemic business. Everything, from the science behind it, the protocols, policies/measures, and now the vaccines are up for auction. The best bidder gets to impose the most appealing truth, regardless of how farfetched or derisive it may be; like affirming that Maradona was the best soccer player ever or Che Guevara the most inspiring revolutionary.
Manufactured...Everything is these days, from politicians, to ideals and even people's own independent thought as that's often created through the propaganda forced down people's throats at every turn...That they swallow down with glee and ignorance.
Nothing seems organic anymore...It's all contrived, created and controlled.
Pathetic really, but humanity has allowed it through lack of action. The powers at the top pull the strings and keep feeding us the shit they want us to eat removing freedom of thought a little more each day and so the population focuses on the things they think they are choosing and those things cement the process in place and create new platforms of reality.
Well put here. I think lots of us here could sit down for many weeks with plenty of beers and come to all of these same points. Complete fabrication of society that's going on. They are also modifying history left and right. Tearing down statues and trying to make things be forgotten. Even the centers for disease control in America are modifying their historical records. The Tuskegee experiment they did many years ago is now "under review" for accuracy when the truth community, the "conspiracy theorists" have known about it and been talking about it for years. There's a long line of this shit happening.
I have a little solace knowing that so many of the people plugged into this matrix of lies and farce are so deep that if something were to happen like a true disaster like a meteor strike or something, they are defenseless and hopeless. They would turn to the people who have been trying to just live their lives peacefully away from all the shit they are forcing down our throats from their thrones on high. Probably won't happen but so many are clueless, completely clueless.
You're right. However, I think that for many people around the world believing in sugar-coated official versions is a confortable choice, like ignoring some hard family truths and ruling them out of the conversations. They know it is true, but believing it is not feels better.
tokens.Preach man! Lol. I love listening to two local radio stations around here that play Latino music when I'm in the car. I'm not good at Spanish so I don't know the words or artists but this year there wasn't indeed any songs that I remember being played that seemed new and were in the playlist often. I'll have to get some recommendations from you though for some artists that make good Bachata music. Love that stuff! I bought a truck many years ago and the guy I bought it from was Latino and he left his CD's in the truck when I took it. I didn't notice it for about 6 months so at that point I don't remember who it was so I could give them back so I listened to them and loved it! I don't know the songs, artists or genres of the songs but since then I'm always trying to figure it out so I can get some of the songs back lol. I love the songs that have that small guitar in it, at least it looks and sounds small in my head. Not sure what it's like in real life.
Let's hope 2020 is the bottom of the barrel for the rest of the decade. We can go up from here, I hope!
Lol! You made me remember when I sold my car in the States because we had to come back to this hell. I was sure I had gotten everything out of it, but then I remember some of my favorite CDs were left behind. I hope the lady I sold it to had the same good impression and enjoyed the music.
We too love bachata. Juan Luis Guerra was for decades the best representative of the genre. He turned his music a bit religious after a conversion, but he kept it lively and clever. Of the new guys Romeo Santos has produced some great songs that apeal both to the mature audiences and the young kids who are more into the sexualized music. Those two on the top of my head, but again, it has been a low year for good latino music and for much of what we expect from life.
Let's see what 2021 brings (it did not start well for venezuelan politics. history teacher will have a hell of a time trying to explain childen 50 years from now what they hell we were doing with this country).
Hello all! And Happy New Year! A track that I found this past year that I can't listen to enough of is a classical piece by Dobrinka Tabakova titled Concerto for Cello and Strings, Movement 1. I heard the end of this piece one day on Minnesota Public Radio while driving around with our daughter to get away from the house, and the end of the piece completely caught me off guard and made my ear pique in interest. Thanks to the quick use of Soundhound, I was able to get the title and piece for future listening.
What can I say about this one? The first half of the song is filled with strong strikes and harsh notes; strings are bouncing all over the place. Then around the 5-minute mark, the strings begin to swell into an intense wall of sound. For the balance of the piece, the strings escalate in strength and sonic dissonance; I dare call it a bit of "string shoegaze music," but I won't (or maybe I just did?) Just listening to it now I still get goosebumps. It's been my go-to piece this past year when I need an extra oomph. I'm not the world's biggest classical music fan, but I think this piece is very special and it will always remind me of the better parts of 2020 for the rest of my life.
It's a wonderful work that I'd have never heard otherwise. I really do appreciate it.
I was struck as I was watching straight over the back of the first two violinists at the similarity of the movements of their bows. It would be really cool to have a teeny LED light on the end of each and track the motion.
Good music for the year. Thank you!
I'm glad you enjoyed it too! She's quite a composer; it's quite a track I think. I"m a sucker for those fantastic string chords that get stretched out over the final few minutes of the movement. I really need to take the time to listen to more of her compositions.
That's a nice piece of music...The soundtrack to 2020 maybe huh? I listen to all sorts of music including classical and a lot of instrumental music as it's often emotive and the words don't get in the way, one is left to feel whatever one feels and put ones own story to it.
I haven't h are of SoundHound so I'll have to check out what that is and how it works but thanks to it you've found this great music which clearly makes you feel something positive.
Thanks for joining in this week.
I've been listening to a lot of public radio this year in the car, and I've only heard this one once. I thought maybe it had been used in a film/tv series, but I guess not. I'm always appreciative of finding something new, too...I love Beethoven and Mozart, but I do wonder what's out there that is amazing that doesn't get radio time over here. That might be a good resolution: find more new classical music!
Movie soundtracks are a good source of instrumental music, maybe not classical per se, but still good. Music from, Band of Brothers, Lone Survivor, Pearl Harbour, Oblivion, Enemy at the Gates and so many more. I find it a great source of often very emotive instrumental music. One just needs to explore a little.
I'll have to give this one a listen tomorrow, thanks for the track! I love these types of songs!
Definitely - let me know what you think! Movement @2 isn't too bad either - I'm excited to check out more of her work this year.
tokens.Music that moved me the most this year was a song by burna boy titled 20 10 20. This music addresses lot of issue in Nigeria. Starting from the police brutality to bad governance then it mentioned the lekki massacre that happened on the 20th of October, 2020.
Incase, you are not aware of the lekki Massacre, it was when the government ordered soldiers to shoot at Unarmed citizens protesting about police brutality. Over 200 people lost their lives from the shooting by the Army.
It doesn't have a video yet because the sighting of that day was horrible but you can listen to the song through the link here
Topic two
I have nothing much to tell 2020 then I hope and pray that e never cross path again in any lifetime.
The reason Is that 2020 was the toughest year in my life, lost my job, had to move to my mum house, became broke and even questioned my existence on earth.
Last year was terrible for a lot of people and it seems you were one of them. Many injustices were done and many people suffered through their own personal troubles...I wonder if 2021 will be any different? I suspect not as even here in Australia we're still experiencing the same negative aspects we did in 2020.
Thanks for sharing that song...I wonder, what's your solution for the troubles in Nigeria? I mean what do you feel needs to happen to move the situation to a suitable resolution?
For a country like Nigeria, 2021 might likely look like 2020.
The only way the situation could change is by total cleansing of our political system. All your government personal are either corrupt or having their own hidden agenda.
Once that is done, capable hands who have the best interest of the people at heart should be put in the government.
Then the issue of police brutality should be addressed to. Police prove themselves as gods. Killing innocent civilians and walking free from these offenses.
We can start with this two changes first and Nigeria could grow from their
Where are those capable hands that have the best interest of the people at heart going to come from? Couldn't they also be corrupt? Irruption is sonrife these days, around the world you know? I think that is one of the biggest issues, the way greed, hubris and ego take the drivers seat of most people's thoughts.
Truth be told I think our system of government should be change also. Human is capitalist in nature and always wanting to acquire more and more to himself alone at the expense of others.
But changing from a capitalist state to a socialist state will massively drive that greed in people's eyes. I think greed makes one corrupt and it should be extinguished first.
Greed and ego are two of the worst of human traits. I agree with you.
Glad we could both agree on something
Do you think that capitalism without restrictions is better or socialism? Just curious here. Socialism has led to a lot of trouble throughout many countries in the world and always leads to communism which itself fails in the end.
Socialism is better if you ask me. I don't think capitalist without restriction is better I feel it's worse. Ever imagine one person owning all the airplanes/airports In a country and refusing to let anyone to fly it out. That's what capitalist without restriction may bring.
tokens.Music and arts are a great medium to use to pass information and feelings on subjects. I'm sorry that people were killed in your area that's awful!
I feel that the year was incredibly challenging for so many in the world. I have some hope though that you are on here and are able to blog, post and earn money that you can use to help keep yourself and family with something. That is important and one of the ways cryptocurrency is revolutionizing money. I hope we can continue to help you out through hive!
I will wish for that too but being here and keeping my sanity in check is a win for me too. Lost friends to depression which led to sucidal thoughts which were executed. I thank God for being alive
I'm a big fan of rap and hip hop. I honestly can't tell you how many performances I've seen, though, having grown up in Los Angeles—hundreds (with a BIG 'S'). Punk rock is likely my least favorite—too many cover songs, too much snare drum. Otherwise I'm not opposed to any of it; classical, rock, country, etc. But the stuff I usually listen to is hip hop or rap. And during recent years, I've grown to prefer that fast tongue twisting tempo duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh rap.
According to my Spotify, I listened to Rittz more than anyone else last year. I've supported his music about 8 years now and he went though a lot of addiction issues before reaching his current stage—goin on two years clean. Started his own label now and is really successful, I'm glad I never turned my back on him. This is a new track from his new album, it features Tech N9ne, another favorite duh duh duh duh duh M/C of mine.
What I'd like to say to 2020: What I'd like to say is welcome 2021, it can't get much worse but I learned a long time ago to never say 'It can't get much worse.'
Alright.. time to see how others approached this topic.
Happy Sunday ya'all. I'm pretty sure it's Sunday. It is.... I just verified it with my calendar. It's the third, too, January 3, 2021, in case you're curious.
I wouldn't have picked you for a rap music sort of guy to be honest. That surprised me. But then you've got a varied taste in music like me as well so it makes sense there's room for rap and hip hop.
I used to listen to rap a while back, my older brother was heavily into it and I was about 14, 1984, and sort of went along with it. I remember listening to a lot of Grandmaster Flash and Melle Mel stuff back then, but it was difficult to get the tracks down here in Australia back then. I moved on the NWA which I liked slot, still do, but moved away from rap white early in life and couldn't tell you one current rap artist now I think.
Cant get much worse...Yeah, not a phrase I'm willing to use these days...Because, well it probably can.
Thanks for joining in and your sponsorship support too.
Oh man, Melle Mel. Love that stuff. Check this out, I seen'em perform. They even did White Lines. Would've been about '94 I guess, at a show called Oracle in Pomona, California.
Pura's more of a pop type fan, stuff that plays on the radio. I like that too. I like a lot of country, like you said, I wide array. I'm a huge fan of all the electronic music, too, used to turn records about 25 years ago for fun. But I'm partial to rap.
Never saw NWA though! Like Too Short inn Las Vegas (once is all it takes), it's best I don't attend some.
tokens.Nice this id absolutely something I'll listen to tomorrow! I would be interested in swapping some artists and songs. I've got quite a rap catalog going in my Pandora likes. I'll sift through them! I've heard tech n9ne on some other artists but not sure I could pick him out. I'm more partial to lyricist rap nowadays but I do like to jam out to some California Andre Nickatina! Guys got some great beats and some good lyrical flow.
Let's hope it can't get any worse! I do like the phrase though, as long as we've hit bottom lol
Oh dude. My wife knows every word to every Nikatina track. I wish you knew I'm not exaggerating. She grew up in The Bay.
This is cool, never ran into anyone particularly about rap.
That's awesome lol. Jungle is probably my favorite Nikki song! I think one of his best beats by far. I got into him with skateboarding, baking soda in Minnesota was the background music in one of our favorite videos and we downloaded all of his albums after that lol.
Had to come back and tell you this one..
I was just telling my wife what you said. She came out of the bath with toothbrush in her mouth, brushing her teeth, and said (with the toothbrush in her mouth) "I'm a Pisces but I'd rather be killer whale."
And... She's a tiny little 5'4 blonde chick!
Hahaha nice!
She might know this fun intro line,
"I'm a Pisces, I'd do anything for money. You’ve been asking all the questions, let me ask you one.
Shoot it from the hip baby!
Are we going to bed?"
Killer whale was another top favorite of mine. Killer base in that song! Odd whale sounds added to the pizzazz of the song lol.
I'm a Pisces (at least that's what I have it listed on my iPod lol) is another good one.
Gotta admire a mutual taste for good music. Pleasure to be met @complxty. Have a great week.
I had to come back over here, you just made my day and what good is it if I don't let you know?
3 years and four months later, that's how long it's taken me to acquire 1,000 followers. I like to think maybe these non abrasive rough edges just take a little longer to accept vs fellow content producers. Kinda reminds me of all my buddies kids cuz they all have kids and Pura and I don't, it's the only relation I got on quick notice.
They hide from me and don't talk to me until about age 7 and then won't stfu!
Thanks, @cmplxty. If I ever refer to you as one thousand, I mean it with sincerity. :cheers:
I would have to say this was the most listened to song for me in 2020. It is old, but it was new to me in late 2019.
All I can really say is I like it a lot. I loved the Planet P album and Pink World was one of my favorite aalbums of all time and I still listen to it every now and then.
On Hive just a few weeks ago I got lucky and found a Hivian that makes music I liked along the lines of some of my favorites from back in the very late 70's to mid 80's ala jean michel jarre and his album equinoxe and that is Graham Thorpe or @gribbles this song of his I liked and it carried me way back in time to like I said the late 70's-mid 80's.
Okay, so what would I say for or about 2020. I would have to say for me it was a very interesting year. I learned a lot, Hive Block Chain was born, and my crypto holdings doubled in amount while not doubling in value I have a heck of a lot more than I did at the beginning of the year.
Would my year have been any different if it was not for governmental boundary overstepping? Not really the governments of the world are always overstepping the boundaries and pushing them back. Maybe we need more covid related overstepping, after all the biggest armed conflict of the year was a minor skirmish somewhere along the Chinese border where they tried, and failed, to push the border back. So no big armed conflicts that I was aware of in 2020. We had an American President that continued his pull back of American Soldiers, and I think that was a big plus for the year.
So for me 2020 was pretty much more of the same-ole same-ole. Governments pushing, people resisting, people accepting, and people begging to be controlled. SO no real change, I guess it is all in ones perspective if it was a good year or a bad year, for me mostly a good year.
I tend not to like the modern day music much; I listen to many different genres and have varied musical tastes but modern music tends to be rubbish mostly, manufactured rubbish. I tend to like a lot of country music and even tat has almost totally crossed over to mainstream-pop which is disgusting...So, I'm not surprised to see you look backwards for some musical inspiration.
Last year certainly was a year for the advancement of the backslide of civil liberties and the year of giving in to it by the general population...There was some good to come from it though, as commented by many here, in that they have learned something about themselves - I see that as a step forward, but in a world of backwards steps...Well, I'm not sure how it'll benefit in the grand scheme of things.
My year wasn't too bad...Sure, I lost 20% of my income for most of it but we adapted and overcame that setback. Yes, my dad died but like you and I and everyone else on the planet, it's going to happen. Yes, my two trips, one a major vacation to Scandinavia, was cancelled and that pissed me off, I lost my cat of 22 years which hurt very much, my wife had to have an operation, her mum got a secondary cancer and has been given a time-frame...Many other negatives too, but those things can and will happen in any year...It just feels worse because of the other pressures we face due to the pandemic.
Life goes on and, like you say, it's all about perspective.
tokens.Some good points here. Lots of people that bash the president over whatever the lamestream media is pushing this week don't seem to understand the troop reduction and armed conflict halting that's gone on in the past few years. Sad but that's the culture we are stuck in today. Polarization and short attention spans for everyone.
I've had a pretty similar year. A bunch of good things, some bad things but overall not bad. I know so many in the world are a lot worse off so we can't complain much!
As far as 2020 goes, it was annoying and people are being strung along like the good puppets they are, freaking out over things that are pretty much minimal issues. 1.5 million deaths out of over 7 billion people is pretty minimal but not if you listen to the mouth pieces.
For us, 2020 has been a great year. I’ve gotten to work remotely for all except 5 days which means I got to spend thousands more hours at home with my family where I belong, than I would have before. We did a lot of great things, got to experience a lot with the little man right here at home where things can be the most overlooked. The whole mask nonsense is tedious but there are a lot of people who don’t really care where we spend time so it was enjoyable.
For music hmm I have a lot of things that I listen to but lately this has been one of my favorite chill songs.
Carbon based life forms - supersede
Something like a 2.2% death rate from known cases worldwide based on WHO figures as at the time of writing this comment...Minimal I'd say but there's no governmental control without fear and so...
I believe that for people gauging their year in isolation of everything else many would say it's been good. (Work from home etc.) But whilst that may be the case I think in hindsight, looking back from the future, the year will be revealed as one in which many civil liberties were lost irrevocably, a death-toll sounded for the cash-economy (card use promotes control and tracking) and life changed for the worse...Time will tell of course but the control measures implemented won't roll all the way back. Travel will be harder, customer service will (has) declined as will medical care. Education has suffered, here at least as teachers haven't been able to reach all students effectively, @hlezama could attest to this, and how job loss can be a good thing I'm not sure. Sure, the world has had to do things differently, but at what cost?
But to the individual, like a friend of mine who picked up more hours and made more money working from home, the year may look better. It's all subjective.
I worked from home too, March to October and did very little...My pay was reduced by 20% but I did 80% less work...I don't see that as a good thing though as the company worked around it, knows it can do the same, or similar, with less personnel. I'm very cautious about saying how great the year was, despite some good things happening for Faith and I, as I think the true gauge of the year 2020 won't be able to be measured for some time to come.
Good track, added to my instrumental Spotify playlist. You might like to check out the soundtrack to the movie Oblivion dude.
Oh absolutely. The overblown policies and things done after 9/11 globally were always and continue to be touted as"temporary" but they are far from it. Psychopaths want more control, more slaves and thrive off people in fear. Unfortunately many believe it if they repeat it enough and everyone touts the same fear message, I've found if people aren't too strong in their self-confidence and convictions they succumb to the agenda. Just my thoughts and experience.
Another interesting component I've learned is that a big portion of the "educated" class of people that I interact with often are trained to just trust someone else's professional opinion. They don't think to question anything and just take it at face value. That's the most dangerous, I think. We need to think for ourselves and form our own opinions. It may not be correct at times but that's also part of science. You need to have a theory and constantly rethink it and try to see if it still holds true. "Science" lately is more of a religion than it is by the definition of science. There's too much "this is how it is, do not question it" going around. Heretics of past generations are now called pseudo-scientist as a way to dismiss them outright in the public eye.
Might have gone off a bit much but this is quite the topic in my life, I just don't talk much about it.
There were definitely short-term benefits and long-term damages to all of this. Our freedoms globally have been eviscerated in the short and long term but short term I got more home-time and attained some personal goals. Teachers and lots of other people in the work force have been really challenged and damaged by all of it. It’s brought some people closer together than before which is good.
Another element of the wider picture I guess right? People seem to want to be led rather than do the work themselves, use their own brain...It's all too hard to do so and takes precious time away from the more important things like counting likes on Facebook, shopping on credit and taking selfies. Science? Don't worry about science, inquisitiveness and wonder, just do what we say.
Pathetic really, and anotger example of how easily fooled people are, and their desire to cease independent thought.
I'm glad you brought this up actually, it has me thinking in new directions.
tokens.I still haven't been asked to wear a mask. A whole year without one but I see a lot of them in public. My wife says it's cuz I'm a big white dude fulla tattoos who walks with a limp and nobody wants to say anything to me.
The limp and skin tone I can't help. Tattoos, well of course, they help keep the bad people out.
Happy 2021! Your kids are lucky to have you.
Haha nice good for you! When I'm outside in public I don't wear the face condom. Fuck that, sunlight kills most things and the air is well circulated. Only in stores and stuff. I did have to visit family and wear it once but they are utterly terrified of it and a good product of the system. Can't blame them, I just feel bad for them.
I could care less, sickness or not, if someone wears a mask. It's our choice of freedom to do so. If you're gross I might put a mask on myself to not get sick from you but otherwise have at it. Our bodies are incredibly strong at doing what they are designed to do, keep us healthy!
When I see'em out there with masks, I just assume they're sick so a big shout-out to those covering their faces because you're sick. I don't want to catch a cold or a Covid or whatever other catch phrases by popular demand are being inserted this year.
I'm a professional sneezer, cougher, farter, burper, hiccuupper, etc. Been practicing over 4 decades now. I know how to redirect anything that naturally expels itself from my body so I choose to stay physically distanced from face coverings because they make it harder to understand wtf they're trying to say.
First of all, I want to express my best wishes to everyone in this new year that begins. 2020 was a crazy year for the vast majority. Every cycle ends, but it does not mean that all processes are closed with it, so it is best to live each day with the hope that now will be better, and consequently, work to materialize it.
Second, I am happy to be with you and meet the challenge of @galenkp. About seven months ago I made a post about my first public home music production. LOL. Of course, I did it here in the community.
2020 brought a lot of anguish to people, and for me, it was no exception. Especially, it brought concern for everyone we love. So to calm down, one day I sat in front of my Yamaha keyboard and composed a short melody to find peace of mind.
If you want to listen to him, here is the link below.
Hey mate, thanks for joining in and with such a personal piece of music. I chose to use music as part of the topic as it can mean so much to a person and you clearly demonstrate that here so thank you.
I play the piano, have don't since I was 4 years old and I know how sitting down at the piano can centre a person, bring enjoyment and relaxation too...And frustration sometimes.
All the best for 2021 and thanks for stopping by.
You're welcome! A fantastic idea for this weekend. Thank you for your good wishes, I hope the best for you and your wife in 2021.
Piano is one of the cool instruments I always tried to play around with but had always failed lol. I never took formal lessons or anything but I couldn't keep a tune.
I think learning to play any musical instrument can be fun, mine happened to be piano, trumpet and bass guitar. I was average at the two latter ones but at piano...Well, let's just say I played for a long time and played at a good level. I have my own piano still, and I play it sometimes. A keyboard works as well if you can't fit a piano in though, but you're young still and have other things to focus on; There's plenty of time for you yet.
tokens.That's great! I'm glad that you shared music that you yourself put together. There are a few excellent musicians in here, it's awesome! I'll try and check the track out tomorrow while I'm working!
Let's hope that the coming year can have less stress and issues. The fear agenda won't stop, please understand that. The governments and powers that shouldn't be want you to be scared and vulnerable. If we don't let them scare us we have so much more power over them. Keep that in mind and pass it on! If we are able to think with our minds, not with fear, then we can sniff out bogus information when we see it!
I hope what Like you. Oh yes! You're right. No fear, more freedom for being happy. And when I appointed a relationship between freedom and happiness; I want to say, Living without fear.
Hi! I'm glad to be back here, celebrating that today is a special day.
I'll start by talking about the music that helped me get through 2020. Although during the quarantine several albums were released that I enjoyed very much (in my house), definitely the band that made a good part of my 2020 happy was Queen. I already knew several of the band's songs but it was this year that I took the time to research more about their history and learned more songs that I had heard before but didn't know were theirs. Among the songs I like the most are One Vision and Crazy Little Thing Called Love. They became those songs that you sing automatically when you are distracted. I leave here the video of One Vision, which I found incredible because in a certain way it gives us a glimpse of a typical day of the band.
What would I say to 2020? Well, I'll try to stay with the positive and the truth is that this year I learned too many things. To give you an example, the world of video calling was unknown to me and this year I learned all the advantages that the virtual mode has (at least for some things). I also know about Hive and have learned and continue to learn many things when preparing my publications and reading those of others. So thanks 2020 for making me feel that satisfaction of having learned new and useful things.
I take this opportunity to wish you all a happy 2021, a lot of success!
I've been a fan of the band Queen since I discovered them back around 1983 as a thirteen year old. They are a great band and have created some amazing music. It's such a shame that Freddy Mercury died in the fashion he did, but I guess he lived the sort of life that opened up that opportunity and he paid the price. They do a track called, who wants to live forever which I really enjoy, but I like them all.
It's great to hear that you have taken something away from 2020 that is positive in nature and I'm sure you'll carry it forward to this year and build upon it.
Thanks for joining in.
tokens.Engagement the Weekend - Week #30
For this week's double topic, I feel that my song that's always in my mind shoving the others around is from one of my favorite singers I grew up with during the 70s. The song is What's Going On by Marvin Gaye. Both artist and song are famous worldwide.
The song will also serve as my topic in the 2nd part of the engagement topic.
I haven't had many highs this year, but numerous lows. Can it get any better? I can only hope so in 2021. I just finished a post for my end of the year review. In it I state that I'll never forget 2021. And no one should because we need it as a template of what not to do next year. We need it as a reminder of how we made it through and what it will take to survive next year and beyond.
Although the song was written in the early 70s, it still is pertinent today. Events keep repeating themselves. Probably will until the world finds a permanent solution. I fear this may never happen.
Please listen to my song if you've never heard it before. I chose this particular video for the song because it encapsulates the area pulling together all that happened. I feel with so many of the same things going on in 2020, it's still relevant.
I feel this song also epitomizes the events that happened the entire 2020. So I'll let you hear the song that asks the same questions I have of this crazy year I just experienced: What's going on?
Uh, Huh. Mr. Marvin Gaye. Just doesn't get much better than that. Thank you.
Last year was different for all of us. In reality it was a year like every other year, only the usual things that happened, people getting sick and dying, financial stress and so on, was overlaid with the pandemic situation which sort of magnified the effects of what would otherwise have been a normal year. I doubt 2021 will be much different, a date change isn't enough to make a difference, but humans will adapt to the conditions and event around them and will keep moving forward. It's all we can do.
A nice choice of song, Marvin Gaye was a great singer.
I feel 2021 will be much different because we now have events to gauge it by. We have the knowledge and tools to make it a better year if we don't want a repeat of 2020
That's one way to look at it. Let's hope those that make the decisions at the top see it that way too.
tokens.I love this song.
Have you heard the other one, Inner City Blues. It's truthful and powerful. The video created for this song provides a candid look from the inside.
Yep. I listen to Marvin Gaye semi-regularly. I haven't seen the video though, so will check it out.
There's only 3 things for sure...
Happy new year guys!
Last year was a tough year for me. I know to some people it wasn't a tough nor bad year. Since I was born, I have never experienced something like that of last year but in all of that, I never lost my praise.
This now explains why the song from the Brooklyn Terbanacle choir "I never lost my praise by Nita Whitaker" kept boiling in my heart, spirit, soul and body.
Here's the link of the song👇
Every day when I wake up, I sing this song while doing the house chores and everything other thing. The song makes me see thousands of reasons to appreciate God for not losing anything despite how the year was. It also encouraged me not to stop praising God, rejoicing, laughing, smiling, hoping and having faith in God.
And now, in this new year, I am of full assurance that God will not let me down and I'd like you to also rely on him as he will not let you down. He has never done that before and will not start now.
I think most people have had a difficult year; It's impossible for us to experience a year with the sort of pressures and events we've had and it not be difficult I think. You'll probably find, if you scratched the surface of those that are saying the year has been awesome, you'll find they are just putting on a brave face or isolating one small part of it and calling that awesome. The world has had a shit year, plain and simple, it's just been less shit for some.
It's good you have found a song that has triggered your emotions, a tangible thing that you can listen to and find a feeling of happiness and gratitude.
I hope you take an active role in your forthcoming year and take steps to ensure you have a good one.
Thanks for joining in.
You know I pray to God never to experience such a year as that anymore. I know he'll answer because he said in his word that affliction shall not repeat itself the second time.
I'll take a bold step towards participating actively in this year and I pray God help me.
Thank you for having me. Happy Sunday
I wonder though, how do you explain World War One and World War Two? (Two terrible afflictions.) Also, we've had other viruses and pandemics...The Spanish Flue for instance back in 1918? It killed 50 million people. Bad things happen in life, it's just the way of it and whilst it's nice to think they won't happen a second time, they often do; History is full of examples and I name only a couple.
I think Faith is important, but so is being prepared for occurrences like this also, personally and for governments. Don't you think?
Yeah you're right though
You see sometimes, God allows things like that to happen just to test our faith in him.
tokens.Thanks so much I appreciate it
Keep yourself in these spirits! We can do the best we can and what we can control. Some things are completely out of our control so what happens will happen. I'm glad you had a year that wasn't bad, many want the same thing so I'm hoping that next year is the same or better!
Also keep yourself in the same spirit. All will be well it's just a matter of time.
I actually came across your comment on a lads post about making a chicken frame tractor. It has been what I have been looking for all my life, the opportunity and how to interact with other hive users.
I actually wrote and poured out my heart in a long text a moment ago, but I lost it when the website reloaded, so angry, nevertheless I'd try to re-write Why I wrote earlier.
Music that moved me
I'm this eccentric, queer fella, so its hard for me to pick out just one song that moved me during 2020. I listen to any and every type of music but still, there is actually a song that I resonated with during this year, it has been what I am all about, little things.
What I'd like tk say to 2020, why?
Ironically, I'd like to say thank you. The year has made me realized some fucked up thing about myself and I have been consciously working yo improve them, particularly, I have been able to spend more time with my family, especially my niece, such a gem.
She had been there for me whenever I needed a subject to shoot, whenever I had a crazy idea. On this day I gave her my DSLR and she seem very keen on figuring it out.
I think 2020 has been a good year to learn things about ourselves and being a little isolated from others has forced many to look inwardly - I don't think it's a bad thing.
I chose music as a topic for this week as it is always a large part of my life but in 2020 it was something that became more of an outlet for me, made me think of cleared my mind, whatever was required at that given point.
Thanks for sharing your music and thoughts and it's great to see that you've had some realisations about yourself and are working to change what you need to and build on the good things. Well done.
Thank you so much.
Agree with you, it is a very good thing when when starts to see inwardly and sees his own flaws first before pointing out others. Like Naval Ravikant says 'people are going out to fix the world when their family needs to be fixed'.
Happy new year, have a great one.
That's a nice saying and I agree completely.
I think there's too much noise (distraction) in people's lives these days and they can't seem to get engaged with themselves to work out what the inner-self needs. I have a few techniques to do so, some of which I've written about in posts before...It works for me but everyone must find their own way to reach their centre-point.
Exactly what I have being trying to do for so long. Looking for techniques and how to work out myself, a ZEN sort of thing.
We all have to find our own part afterall
You seem to have the right attitude so I'm sure you'll get it done. Thanks for engaging with me, I appreciate it.
Thank you very much.
Do have a great year ahead.
tokens.That picture of your niece is gorgeous.
Thank you so much. 😊
Tool: Invincible. This song really helped me a lot, it's like a powerful mantra in times of vulnerability.
Good song.
I so agree💯💯
Is that off the new tool album? I kind of like tool but I heard someone make note the other day that it's funny how bands like tool are too political in their own right. They come out with albums decrying differences and that with republican presidents but don't say anything with democratic presidents. I don't follow them much but I found it interesting!
Yes, it's from the new album. I like the band a lot, they are different
I don't want to kick 2020 in the nuts. That just encourages me to focus on the negative, and I did that enough in March/April when my plans were well and truly scuppered on the rocks, leaving me screaming to the unsympathetic sky - the same sky that everyone was screaming about in frustrated and fearful unison. In the end, 2020 showed us we were more connected than ever, DESPITE being torn apart - you can't stop people loving each other tremendously, friend or stranger. And that there was a lot to be grateful for, bruised nuts aside. Actually, mine's a bruised vag, but never mind. I don't regret 2020 happening. We did okay,all things considered. And it doesn't serve us, or anyone for that matter, to dwell upon, lament or relive the past. I seriously can't talk about the hotel quarantine fiasco without feeling uber anxious and a little bit sick.
I'm trying to think of an INSPIRING song but instead, I have an earworm of A DISTRACTING song. So we're in that Dutch barge we stayed in on the Kennett and Avon canal, right, drinking far too much French red wine as the water lapped at the boat. We're listening to some random folk playlist on Spotify, where they are throwing up songs that seem to fit the mood. English stuff. And then this very catchy song comes on, something about a hedgehog, which is cute, as Jamie's Dad is the head of the Hedgehog rescue in Kent. That's not a title I will ever have. We like to think of him having a hedgehog ambulance with a little hedgehog painted on the side and a siren, but that's just our imagination. Anyway, I digress - here's the song:
I absolutley challenge you to listen to this song twice, and then not have it in your head for a week. It's by an English psych folk band from the 60's and definite encapsulates the unique quirkiness of the British folk scene. Being in England in that time was pretty awesome - there were no planes, no traffic - the whole country was shut down. There were deer, and kingfishers, and squirrels all around, the landscape of old that English folk are so darn tied to. The smell of wild garlic drifting from the woods into the boat, stinging nettles in the stew on the fire for dinner, Somerset brie and oat cakes after a day's walking through centuries old villages and an even older barrow, which as you know is a burial mound. Forget the more popular and well known West Kennet or Bath cathedral - there's nooks and woods and hills and streams all over Somerset that quietly boast the whole timeline of history, of course including my ancestors. Some had lived in the village not 3 miles from where the boat was moored, and I imagined them walking along the tow path towards Bradford on Avon for market day, or other business that might be in a larger town.
For a little while, we forgot the pandemic and slipped into a Britain that time forgot, and that we remembered from a quieter and gentler world seventeen years past, from when we used to live in England's green majesty.
Still bloody never saw a hedgehog though.
In the end we were screaming at each other to NOT BLOODY SING OR HUM THE BLOODY HEDGEHOG SONG.
But boy, it brings back some nice memories.
I didn't listen to the song twice, I heeded your warning and so I'll not be singing it my head for days to come fortunately.
Last year will be remembered differently depending on who is doing the remembering I guess and some will be positive and some negative. It's unique to the individual as we've all been affected differently. Finding something positive out of it seems productive although many will not. For me, well I've kicked it in the balls in my own way, a couple of times because one was on your behalf, and have moved on Time goes forwards not backwards.
Time DOES go forward, unless you're stupid enough to build a time machine to escape this human life, drink too much tequila and fall into a wormhole, or allow your brain to chew on the rancid fat of last year's mishaps and fuckduggery. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with movin' on forward - just I'm glad I can swirl the lollipop sweetness of SOME moments of 2020 in my mouth to savour them a few more times before letting it go.
You have EVERY right to kick 2020 in the nuts - totally understandable.
Fuckduggery...Now I'm just fucking pissed off I didn't come up with that word!
After I kicked 2020 in the balls, (size 10 combat boots), then wound up and did it again, I'm just happy to let it slink away unremarked as it tries to remove it's testicles from it's abdomen.
tokens.Omg spread some engagement to other posts as well you engagement hogger.
Lol...I'll have my company add engagement hogger to my business card. But...With additional qualifications comes additional pay, or so I will tell them! 🤣
They better reach deep into their pockets
Hmm, that's what I think but they have notoriously deep pockets and short arms! 🥴
I'll give it a go though.
P.s. Thanks also for the support. Much appreciated, as always.
Lol I'll have go use this one! Deep pockets, short arms. Too funny
Lol, yeah it's a nice way of saying a miserly bastard!
Hope you'll notice me
👋 Consider yourself noticed. :)
Notice me please