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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 30: Double topic!

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Hey mate, thanks for joining in and with such a personal piece of music. I chose to use music as part of the topic as it can mean so much to a person and you clearly demonstrate that here so thank you.

I play the piano, have don't since I was 4 years old and I know how sitting down at the piano can centre a person, bring enjoyment and relaxation too...And frustration sometimes.

All the best for 2021 and thanks for stopping by.



You're welcome! A fantastic idea for this weekend. Thank you for your good wishes, I hope the best for you and your wife in 2021.

 4 years ago  

Piano is one of the cool instruments I always tried to play around with but had always failed lol. I never took formal lessons or anything but I couldn't keep a tune.

I think learning to play any musical instrument can be fun, mine happened to be piano, trumpet and bass guitar. I was average at the two latter ones but at piano...Well, let's just say I played for a long time and played at a good level. I have my own piano still, and I play it sometimes. A keyboard works as well if you can't fit a piano in though, but you're young still and have other things to focus on; There's plenty of time for you yet.