I still haven't been asked to wear a mask. A whole year without one but I see a lot of them in public. My wife says it's cuz I'm a big white dude fulla tattoos who walks with a limp and nobody wants to say anything to me.
The limp and skin tone I can't help. Tattoos, well of course, they help keep the bad people out.
Happy 2021! Your kids are lucky to have you.
Haha nice good for you! When I'm outside in public I don't wear the face condom. Fuck that, sunlight kills most things and the air is well circulated. Only in stores and stuff. I did have to visit family and wear it once but they are utterly terrified of it and a good product of the system. Can't blame them, I just feel bad for them.
I could care less, sickness or not, if someone wears a mask. It's our choice of freedom to do so. If you're gross I might put a mask on myself to not get sick from you but otherwise have at it. Our bodies are incredibly strong at doing what they are designed to do, keep us healthy!
When I see'em out there with masks, I just assume they're sick so a big shout-out to those covering their faces because you're sick. I don't want to catch a cold or a Covid or whatever other catch phrases by popular demand are being inserted this year.
I'm a professional sneezer, cougher, farter, burper, hiccuupper, etc. Been practicing over 4 decades now. I know how to redirect anything that naturally expels itself from my body so I choose to stay physically distanced from face coverings because they make it harder to understand wtf they're trying to say.