I have been scratching my mental scrotum trying to think of a song for 2020, but nothing. I have been really lazy with music this year and just listening to old lists on Spotify while I renovate.
A few weeks ago I was painting the floors and singing along when I realized... I had put my phone on a radiator 7 hours earlier and I had painters past it an hour ago. After spending time getting it perfect, I had to bloody well walk across wet paint to retrieve my phone, splashing paint on my footsteps as I backtracked. I wasn't happy.
2020: It was an experience. Like an abusive relationship or being waterboarded.
Ah yes, waterboarding...Good times, good times! Probably not so for the waterboardee though.
I've heard of painting oneself into a corner but the phone? What nutbagery is that?! 😂
I mainly listened to old favourite playlists on Spotify...Loads of country music and instrumental stuff. It's been a fucking drag this year, you know the reasons, and whiost I get it that people don't want to acknowledge how bad it's been for them as that's negative I think it's best to see it for what it was, take the hits, pack the lessons in the kit bag and move the fuck on. No point putting one's head in the sand over it...It happened, I felt how I felt now get the fuck up and keep walking.
Pretty simple really.
A friend of mine waterboarded himself for the experience, but I haven't tried it. Flannel over the face, get under the shower.
Yeah, not the greatest year in memory, but not really the worst either, hopefully 2021 is on the better side of both.
You suggesting I interogate myself in the shower?...You know I'm trying this out right? I'll let you know if I can resist my own interogation and keep silent. I think the secret's safe with me, but then it all depends on how brutal my interogation of myself is.
tokens.So. Sam and I are just about to go out the door on our first walk of 2021. I'd pretty much bet that neither one of us will note anything to distinguish it from our last walk of 2020.
Anyhow. I have something to think about. Is scratching one's mental scrotum bag a good thing or bad? I realize that it's probably not exactly socially acceptable behavior, but aside from that...
I may or may not have more in a couple hours when I return to this spot.
Near as I can tell it falls into 3 categories.
Mentally scratching my scrotum.
Scratching my scrotum.
Scratching my mental scrotum.
Looks like two out of three are probably mostly socially acceptable, but the one that isn't offers so much more relief.
Just sayin'
I'm sorry 2020 was such a bad year for you. 🙁
I guess it was musicboarding for my parents and my neightbors because it was the year I listened to music the most,😁🎼🎵 I too get distracted when I play my playlist on my phone and "accidentaly" do not get any notifications in the form of messages or calls from my parents, you can imagine how happy that makes them. 😂
Painters.. radiators.. backtracking.. let's see what my random song generator suggests:
Justin Timberlake. Either that or Ozzy Osbourne.
Think this generator needs recalibrated