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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 30: Double topic!

Engagement the Weekend - Week #30

For this week's double topic, I feel that my song that's always in my mind shoving the others around is from one of my favorite singers I grew up with during the 70s. The song is What's Going On by Marvin Gaye. Both artist and song are famous worldwide.

The song will also serve as my topic in the 2nd part of the engagement topic.

I haven't had many highs this year, but numerous lows. Can it get any better? I can only hope so in 2021. I just finished a post for my end of the year review. In it I state that I'll never forget 2021. And no one should because we need it as a template of what not to do next year. We need it as a reminder of how we made it through and what it will take to survive next year and beyond.

Although the song was written in the early 70s, it still is pertinent today. Events keep repeating themselves. Probably will until the world finds a permanent solution. I fear this may never happen.

Please listen to my song if you've never heard it before. I chose this particular video for the song because it encapsulates the area pulling together all that happened. I feel with so many of the same things going on in 2020, it's still relevant.

I feel this song also epitomizes the events that happened the entire 2020. So I'll let you hear the song that asks the same questions I have of this crazy year I just experienced: What's going on?


Uh, Huh. Mr. Marvin Gaye. Just doesn't get much better than that. Thank you.

Last year was different for all of us. In reality it was a year like every other year, only the usual things that happened, people getting sick and dying, financial stress and so on, was overlaid with the pandemic situation which sort of magnified the effects of what would otherwise have been a normal year. I doubt 2021 will be much different, a date change isn't enough to make a difference, but humans will adapt to the conditions and event around them and will keep moving forward. It's all we can do.

A nice choice of song, Marvin Gaye was a great singer.


I feel 2021 will be much different because we now have events to gauge it by. We have the knowledge and tools to make it a better year if we don't want a repeat of 2020

That's one way to look at it. Let's hope those that make the decisions at the top see it that way too.

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I love this song.

Have you heard the other one, Inner City Blues. It's truthful and powerful. The video created for this song provides a candid look from the inside.

Yep. I listen to Marvin Gaye semi-regularly. I haven't seen the video though, so will check it out.

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