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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 30: Double topic!

Yes that's exactly right! And I actually know quite a few people that have come out of the lockdowns thriving, because they are like me, addicted to being pro-active, creating, learning and doing.

I also know that there are many more like that too- especially other hive owners here that can take the little that they have and use it to their advantage and thrive.

Don't get me wrong, it's definitely been torrid, but not terrible even though I had all of those issues that you mentioned too.

I lost my job on the 18th March and as I have a rare heart condition, I put myself into lockdown straight away and so had an extra 2 months on top of everyone else. I also battled with depression, I guess you could even call it iso(lation) fatigue- but that didn't occur till 6 months into it and then I completely lost my mojo, didn't dance, put on weight, had physical issues pop up, was soooo stressed out about my flatmate who lived like a .... and didn't pay rent or bills, but other than that, I am one of the extraordinarily lucky Aussies that didn't have really hard financial issues- because our govt gave us more $$$ in our support payments and really, there was no where to spend any money and as I am not a super materialistic person, I only need enough to pay rent/small bills/small food, so that was sufficient.

Not too mention that we here in Aust are incredibly lucky that we have not been anywhere near as hard hit with the virus as the rest of the world.

But then we have had a fair share of natural disasters here, but then again, nothing in comparison to what so many other poor countries have been experiencing over the past 12 months on top of the pandemic (except for the bushfires....)

And now, for the first time in just over a year, I have been able to come to my home town to see my ailing 85yr old dad and (really exhausted) brother and I was due to go back to Melbs on Monday to go back to work, but then they made a snap decision to close the borders again last night and now I'm stuck on the wrong side of the border.

However, as I see the good side in everything, I know that atleast I'm stuck in the house that I grew up in with my dad and can now give my brother a break from caring f/t for my dad and he can go away and have some fun while I stay here a look after dad. So that's what I call a happy accident- my favourite saying.

Oh and dancing, I can't tell you just how mentally therapeutic it was too. In the end I didn't need Marisa's QiGong for my mental health, I just needed the free flowing dancing. Everyone should put some music on and just dance by themselves, however they want, to what ever beat they want and it's so liberating! 😃


I hate dancing, not watching it, doing it. I really don't enjoy it at all and so never do it. I guess we're all different and just have to do the things that we do based on our own needs and interests. Dancing seems to be important to you and clearly helps you in certain ways; For me, well, I'd rather chew my own face off than dance.

Again, it's good you have managed to have an excellent 2020. I also live in Australia and so don't have as many problems as many around the world have had, but also know that there have been many people who have not had such an easy time throughout the pandemic situation and even before, with the economy slowly crumbling, so think people were suffering...And will moving forward. But there'll be the few who do not I guess.

Chew your face off...? Wow, you really hate dancing! Is it the footloose thing....?

Wow so you're in OZ too...N/S/E/W?

Lol, I'm just monumentally bad and it...I don't enjoy dancing at all hence the face-chewing preference. Maybe extreme, but a nice way to make my point.


Oh so it is the footloose thing!
Cool. SA. Not too far away.

I don't know what the footloose thing is, something to do with the movie I guess, but when I dance I'm all loose and it is not a thing of beauty and joy. Trust me. I'm better at other things so I do them instead.

Yeah, close to a few places, not so close to others. It's a big place I guess, but we're all Aussies and so connected nonetheless.

Yes and that is the footloose thing- teaching old mate how to dance cause he was so bad at it... it is not a thing of beauty and joy

Do you know any more Hive Aussies over there?

Yeah, we meet up fairly regularly, or did before the bastard-virus-over-reaction. We'd meet up at The Jade on the last Thursday of the month for burgers, beer and bullshit. It was nice. I think we had 23 as the most attendees but an average of probably 13-14. We've had a few BBQ's too.