
Oh so it is the footloose thing!
Cool. SA. Not too far away.

I don't know what the footloose thing is, something to do with the movie I guess, but when I dance I'm all loose and it is not a thing of beauty and joy. Trust me. I'm better at other things so I do them instead.

Yeah, close to a few places, not so close to others. It's a big place I guess, but we're all Aussies and so connected nonetheless.

Yes and that is the footloose thing- teaching old mate how to dance cause he was so bad at it... it is not a thing of beauty and joy

Do you know any more Hive Aussies over there?

Yeah, we meet up fairly regularly, or did before the bastard-virus-over-reaction. We'd meet up at The Jade on the last Thursday of the month for burgers, beer and bullshit. It was nice. I think we had 23 as the most attendees but an average of probably 13-14. We've had a few BBQ's too.

Wow, that sounds great!
I can't wait to its all over here so we can have one!
I'd love to know how many Hiveans are in VIC.
Maybe when it's all over we can do a combined VIC/SA on the border around Naracoorte or somewhere....(then I can go caving before/aferwards 😃)

Oh yeah, that's a good idea, a joint SA/VIC meet up!

The only VIC hivers I can recall is @melbourneswest, a great chap from what I can gather and my girl @riverflows but I know there's others.

 4 years ago  

I am from Victoria, as the name states in Melbourne's West 🤣 would be good for a Hive meet

Be great to figure out where all the melbourne people are at, @choogirl might be able to identify their whereabouts

Oh @trevorpetrie is also vicco. @bobaphet

After all, you da man! (especially on the engagement League of champions..), so can't wait to meet the champion! 😃Great! Glad you think it's a good idea @galenkp! 😀