I think most people have had a difficult year; It's impossible for us to experience a year with the sort of pressures and events we've had and it not be difficult I think. You'll probably find, if you scratched the surface of those that are saying the year has been awesome, you'll find they are just putting on a brave face or isolating one small part of it and calling that awesome. The world has had a shit year, plain and simple, it's just been less shit for some.
It's good you have found a song that has triggered your emotions, a tangible thing that you can listen to and find a feeling of happiness and gratitude.
I hope you take an active role in your forthcoming year and take steps to ensure you have a good one.
Thanks for joining in.
You know I pray to God never to experience such a year as that anymore. I know he'll answer because he said in his word that affliction shall not repeat itself the second time.
I'll take a bold step towards participating actively in this year and I pray God help me.
Thank you for having me. Happy Sunday
I wonder though, how do you explain World War One and World War Two? (Two terrible afflictions.) Also, we've had other viruses and pandemics...The Spanish Flue for instance back in 1918? It killed 50 million people. Bad things happen in life, it's just the way of it and whilst it's nice to think they won't happen a second time, they often do; History is full of examples and I name only a couple.
I think Faith is important, but so is being prepared for occurrences like this also, personally and for governments. Don't you think?
Yeah you're right though
You see sometimes, God allows things like that to happen just to test our faith in him.