I tend not to like the modern day music much; I listen to many different genres and have varied musical tastes but modern music tends to be rubbish mostly, manufactured rubbish. I tend to like a lot of country music and even tat has almost totally crossed over to mainstream-pop which is disgusting...So, I'm not surprised to see you look backwards for some musical inspiration.
Last year certainly was a year for the advancement of the backslide of civil liberties and the year of giving in to it by the general population...There was some good to come from it though, as commented by many here, in that they have learned something about themselves - I see that as a step forward, but in a world of backwards steps...Well, I'm not sure how it'll benefit in the grand scheme of things.
My year wasn't too bad...Sure, I lost 20% of my income for most of it but we adapted and overcame that setback. Yes, my dad died but like you and I and everyone else on the planet, it's going to happen. Yes, my two trips, one a major vacation to Scandinavia, was cancelled and that pissed me off, I lost my cat of 22 years which hurt very much, my wife had to have an operation, her mum got a secondary cancer and has been given a time-frame...Many other negatives too, but those things can and will happen in any year...It just feels worse because of the other pressures we face due to the pandemic.
Life goes on and, like you say, it's all about perspective.