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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 30: Double topic!

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago (edited)

Music that moved me the most this year was a song by burna boy titled 20 10 20. This music addresses lot of issue in Nigeria. Starting from the police brutality to bad governance then it mentioned the lekki massacre that happened on the 20th of October, 2020.

Incase, you are not aware of the lekki Massacre, it was when the government ordered soldiers to shoot at Unarmed citizens protesting about police brutality. Over 200 people lost their lives from the shooting by the Army.

It doesn't have a video yet because the sighting of that day was horrible but you can listen to the song through the link here

Topic two
I have nothing much to tell 2020 then I hope and pray that e never cross path again in any lifetime.

The reason Is that 2020 was the toughest year in my life, lost my job, had to move to my mum house, became broke and even questioned my existence on earth.


Last year was terrible for a lot of people and it seems you were one of them. Many injustices were done and many people suffered through their own personal troubles...I wonder if 2021 will be any different? I suspect not as even here in Australia we're still experiencing the same negative aspects we did in 2020.

Thanks for sharing that song...I wonder, what's your solution for the troubles in Nigeria? I mean what do you feel needs to happen to move the situation to a suitable resolution?


For a country like Nigeria, 2021 might likely look like 2020.

The only way the situation could change is by total cleansing of our political system. All your government personal are either corrupt or having their own hidden agenda.

Once that is done, capable hands who have the best interest of the people at heart should be put in the government.

Then the issue of police brutality should be addressed to. Police prove themselves as gods. Killing innocent civilians and walking free from these offenses.

We can start with this two changes first and Nigeria could grow from their

Where are those capable hands that have the best interest of the people at heart going to come from? Couldn't they also be corrupt? Irruption is sonrife these days, around the world you know? I think that is one of the biggest issues, the way greed, hubris and ego take the drivers seat of most people's thoughts.

Truth be told I think our system of government should be change also. Human is capitalist in nature and always wanting to acquire more and more to himself alone at the expense of others.

But changing from a capitalist state to a socialist state will massively drive that greed in people's eyes. I think greed makes one corrupt and it should be extinguished first.

Greed and ego are two of the worst of human traits. I agree with you.

Glad we could both agree on something

 4 years ago  

Do you think that capitalism without restrictions is better or socialism? Just curious here. Socialism has led to a lot of trouble throughout many countries in the world and always leads to communism which itself fails in the end.

Socialism is better if you ask me. I don't think capitalist without restriction is better I feel it's worse. Ever imagine one person owning all the airplanes/airports In a country and refusing to let anyone to fly it out. That's what capitalist without restriction may bring.

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 4 years ago  

Music and arts are a great medium to use to pass information and feelings on subjects. I'm sorry that people were killed in your area that's awful!

I feel that the year was incredibly challenging for so many in the world. I have some hope though that you are on here and are able to blog, post and earn money that you can use to help keep yourself and family with something. That is important and one of the ways cryptocurrency is revolutionizing money. I hope we can continue to help you out through hive!

I will wish for that too but being here and keeping my sanity in check is a win for me too. Lost friends to depression which led to sucidal thoughts which were executed. I thank God for being alive