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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 30: Double topic!

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Nice this id absolutely something I'll listen to tomorrow! I would be interested in swapping some artists and songs. I've got quite a rap catalog going in my Pandora likes. I'll sift through them! I've heard tech n9ne on some other artists but not sure I could pick him out. I'm more partial to lyricist rap nowadays but I do like to jam out to some California Andre Nickatina! Guys got some great beats and some good lyrical flow.

Let's hope it can't get any worse! I do like the phrase though, as long as we've hit bottom lol

 4 years ago  

Oh dude. My wife knows every word to every Nikatina track. I wish you knew I'm not exaggerating. She grew up in The Bay.

This is cool, never ran into anyone particularly about rap.

 4 years ago (edited) 

That's awesome lol. Jungle is probably my favorite Nikki song! I think one of his best beats by far. I got into him with skateboarding, baking soda in Minnesota was the background music in one of our favorite videos and we downloaded all of his albums after that lol.

 4 years ago  

Had to come back and tell you this one..

I was just telling my wife what you said. She came out of the bath with toothbrush in her mouth, brushing her teeth, and said (with the toothbrush in her mouth) "I'm a Pisces but I'd rather be killer whale."

And... She's a tiny little 5'4 blonde chick!

 4 years ago (edited) 

Hahaha nice!

She might know this fun intro line,
"I'm a Pisces, I'd do anything for money. You’ve been asking all the questions, let me ask you one.
Shoot it from the hip baby!
Are we going to bed?"

Killer whale was another top favorite of mine. Killer base in that song! Odd whale sounds added to the pizzazz of the song lol.
I'm a Pisces (at least that's what I have it listed on my iPod lol) is another good one.

 4 years ago (edited) 

Gotta admire a mutual taste for good music. Pleasure to be met @complxty. Have a great week.

 4 years ago  

I had to come back over here, you just made my day and what good is it if I don't let you know?

3 years and four months later, that's how long it's taken me to acquire 1,000 followers. I like to think maybe these non abrasive rough edges just take a little longer to accept vs fellow content producers. Kinda reminds me of all my buddies kids cuz they all have kids and Pura and I don't, it's the only relation I got on quick notice.

They hide from me and don't talk to me until about age 7 and then won't stfu!

Thanks, @cmplxty. If I ever refer to you as one thousand, I mean it with sincerity. :cheers:

 4 years ago  

Ah sorry I saw this but meant to reply and kept getting side-tracked!

I hear you, I'm getting closer to 1,000 followers myself! Still have over a hundred to go but I appreciate any little increase I get. I'm not one to post mind-blowing content that draws the masses so I appreciate my little following I've accumulated!

Being referred to as one thousand seems pretty cool, better than something like six hundred thirty four lol.

We don't have many friends with kids around that age, only one that has kids near there and it was a lot of fun when they got to be that age. I could talk to them like a semi-adult when he was 10 years old it was very weird, considering I remember him wailing as a newborn LOL

Cheers my friend, look forward to more banter in the future! I think one of the posts I've been procrastinating on is cataloging my vast musical library on Pandora. Might make some headway on that soon, I think!

 4 years ago  

I'll be right over. I checked out your blog feed however many days ago and only saw reblogs. I always forget to check the post feed, still not sure the point of two feeds for personal content. 🤔

See you in a minute.