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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 30: Double topic!

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago (edited)

Oh absolutely. The overblown policies and things done after 9/11 globally were always and continue to be touted as"temporary" but they are far from it. Psychopaths want more control, more slaves and thrive off people in fear. Unfortunately many believe it if they repeat it enough and everyone touts the same fear message, I've found if people aren't too strong in their self-confidence and convictions they succumb to the agenda. Just my thoughts and experience.

Another interesting component I've learned is that a big portion of the "educated" class of people that I interact with often are trained to just trust someone else's professional opinion. They don't think to question anything and just take it at face value. That's the most dangerous, I think. We need to think for ourselves and form our own opinions. It may not be correct at times but that's also part of science. You need to have a theory and constantly rethink it and try to see if it still holds true. "Science" lately is more of a religion than it is by the definition of science. There's too much "this is how it is, do not question it" going around. Heretics of past generations are now called pseudo-scientist as a way to dismiss them outright in the public eye.

Might have gone off a bit much but this is quite the topic in my life, I just don't talk much about it.

There were definitely short-term benefits and long-term damages to all of this. Our freedoms globally have been eviscerated in the short and long term but short term I got more home-time and attained some personal goals. Teachers and lots of other people in the work force have been really challenged and damaged by all of it. It’s brought some people closer together than before which is good.


Another element of the wider picture I guess right? People seem to want to be led rather than do the work themselves, use their own brain...It's all too hard to do so and takes precious time away from the more important things like counting likes on Facebook, shopping on credit and taking selfies. Science? Don't worry about science, inquisitiveness and wonder, just do what we say.

Pathetic really, and anotger example of how easily fooled people are, and their desire to cease independent thought.

I'm glad you brought this up actually, it has me thinking in new directions.