Hello again everyone. Great to read you are all well. Reading these posts made me hungry, thanks for that 🤤 lol.
Ok so I'm going to have to start with a food hate. I had a bad childhood experience with basil pesto. I visited family friends and they made really strong basil pesto with olive oil and chucked it over spaghetti. When they first said we were having spaghetti for lunch I was really excited - I'm an Italian food fan but I was thinking spaghetti bolognaise - you know, like with mince and mushrooms and melted cheese. My first experience of basil pesto pasta left me trying to not gag and wretch while also trying to be polite and not seem ungrateful. But I think my face and gag reflex betrayed me - needless to say I don't remember being invited there for lunch again.
Food love? Yeah I'm totally with @magenta24 on this one! I've perfected baked lasagna and it's my number 1 fave. Only downside is that it's so good, there are never any left overs for midnight snacking in my house 🤣
And um beetroot, cheese & mayo? I've got to give this a go. My go to snack is melted cheese-mayo sandwiches, but I never would have imagined adding beetroot. I am definitely going to give this a go! Thanks @galenkp for this interesting weekend engagement post 😊 I'm off to forage now nom nom nom.
Are you still strongly opposed to basil pesto pasta? That's so interesting, I just can't get enough of the stuff. I'll put basil pesto on whatever. Pasta, fish, eggs, bread, yummmmmmm!
Lol I've given a few tries over the years and there are a few varieties that have actually been very nice, so I would say for the most part I am still extremely wary of it and eye it suspiciously from afar before contemplating it 🤣 I understand some people can't get enough of it, you sound like one of them, which is cool. I visited a basil pesto factory once to do an environmental audit and the owner swore that he had return customers that were addicted to it 😬
Mayonn.. Mayyyy... <-- totally different story there. I can't even spLeL without vomiting in my mouth. Not much I won't eat. I'm allergic to avocado so those are out. There's a few things I don't like so much probably like you and pesto. But I can only think of two foods I won't eat. Lobster and Mayo..nnaaaaay.... that.
Lobster at least doesn't make me cringe when I see it though. The other, oh man! Just telling you about my disgust for it I swear I can smell it now.
Good morning from the east coast of the US, happy whatever day this is.(she spells favorite with a U... silly Fiona) I see you're from South Africa. I'm sure you have already but just in case, have you ran into @lizelle, @jaynie, @fionasfavourites , @zoed and I know I'm leaving a buncha Hive ladies out.
I know it's almost the next weekend so don't even know if I'm allowed to comment on a Thursday but...
My not so favourite food that will never pass my lips are things like tripe, pressed tongue, sweet meats and the list goes on. I love crispy succulent lamb chops but when my kids were small they asked me at the dinner table:Well @dandays, I remember hearing you mention my name and other fellow South Africans; favourite is the pucker correct original English spelling I have to tell you so don't go calling my fellow country woman silly😉 or I'll put you in detention and make yoh write that word out 500 times as punishment.
That put me on a plantbased menu for weeks afterwards!
I succumbed though at the next braai (BBQ) so I'm a bad girl blindly not wanting to know where it comes from.
I'm afraid I'd make the worst farmer's wife!
Sooo sorry for the long delay but something kept bugging me till I remembered I'd seen this notification!
Need to set up Hive bot as Gina bot talks way too much nonsense, then I would never miss your name being mentioned!
Alright, firstly, you know I'm American, right? It's that joint to the west of you who makes their own rules, rewrites the English language, and changes sports wording around to how we think soccer and football should be played. Stuff like that.
And someone somewhere decided awhile back deveined five vowels is one too many for 'favorite.'
But what in the heck is "pucker correct??"
Haha that is a new expression signed sealed and stamped by an Afrikaans speaking lady from the east coast of South Africa🙃 We also make up our own English vocabulary here and it can get very confusing having no less than 11 official languages in SA!
Hello Dandays
Thanks for the reply. Oh gosh, I don't think I could live without that stuff you hate, so my pesto is your mayo...
I'm sorry for making you want to hurl.
Ooh thanks, I'll definitely check out the other SA ladies on hive. I have run into Joan Stewart who is a biltong addict. I learned that from last week's weekend engagement.
Have a good one.
Happy Easter!
I'm not the biggest fan of pesto myself. My dad loves it like no tomorrow but I'm indifferent to it. I of course didn't have a traumatic event trying to choke it down though so there's that lol.
Solid choice with the lasagne! One of my favorites as well, and no there are almost never left overs!
You fell for the old pesto on the pasta ploy. A trap for young players for sure! 🙂 Been there.
I don't mind it now but in small doses. The gag-face was appropriate though I think!
Lasagne is legit...Enough said on that point. So legit.
I don't think the beetroot, cheese and mayo would work well toasted but it's worth a try I guess. It's probably best in the traditional manner. A tasty combination though.