Weekend-engagement topic week 43: Your food love or hate - Win hive

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago
Countdown terminated on Apr 5, 2021, 6:06 AM

Welcome to the Easter weekend hivers - Four glorious days off and the opportunity to eat chocolate and hot cross buns? Yeah, just saying that puts a smile on my face! I hope y'all have a great weekend break planned but also hope you have time to engage with this weeks' #weekend-engagement topic too! So here we go...

If you're not familiar with the concept - Just respond to the topic in the comments of this post...Then engage with the others who do the same. I have a bunch of hive to transfer on Monday to a few who engage below, just for your commenting and engagement.

So get involved and you'll probably meet some new people and maybe build a relationship with them - Relationships are critical to account growth here so get on it.

Weekend-engagement topic week 43

dazz (1).png

In the comments below:

Tell us about a food you love or hate - You can say both if you like, but make sure you explain your answers. It could be something you have only had once, or all the time - It could even be something you haven't tried but would like to, or your favourite odd-food-combination. Just get involved and have some fun with it because fun is the key. Feel free to drop a picture of your food love or hate also as it punctuates your point. plates im src

Read this bit so you know what to do. ☝️

G-dog's Food love

Beetroot and cheese sandwich - Snob version although her version is a little more fancy than my basic one; I am but a simple man with simple tastes after all. Jaynie's is legit though, trust meI'm going to go with what some may call an odd combination but as it turns out at least one other person loves it. You can read a post by @jaynie called

So, I love the humble beetroot, cheese and mayonnaise sandwich. It's quite simple really: Combine good quality fresh white bread, butter and mayonnaise a slice of good quality cheese and a few slices of beetroot, pepper to taste is optional. That's it. Do yourself a favour and get on it y'all; I've been eating these since I was a kid and it hasn't done me any harm...Not that I'm aware of anyway! 😜

G-dog's Food hate

I wrote a post about rocket the other day, you can see it here and I'm going to call it out as a food I don't like. I mean I'll eat it if I can mask it with the taste of something else but generally it's not something I like. It's not personal, just something I don't want to eat because I think it tastes like shite; It doesn't define me as a person though you know.

That's the topic for this week y'all, I hope you'll stay around and comment, get involved and have some fun with whomever else does so. Get creative and show some personality, that makes it easier for people to get engaged with you. And to end, here's a couple of food quotes I came across just to add some intellect-credibilty to my post.

“The secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.” Mark Twain

“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” J.R.R. Tolkien

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209

Friday track: Because when I hear this I think of short shorts y'all.

Countdown terminated on Apr 5, 2021, 6:06 AM

Well, I finally see this post just in time, I usually see it on Sundays when it is too late to comment and get involved with others and make new friends 😅.

Responding to this week's topic, I will first talk about a food that I love, my favorite food indeed: lentil stew. I love lentils, in all their forms, even boiled and only with salt. I love it. Lentil stew is something I could always eat and never tire of.

On the other hand, one food that I hate is beef tripe. You know, I don't even understand how something that looks so horrible can be edible. It looks like a towel, its appearance is totally horrendous, I can't imagine its taste. Although the defenders of the beef tripe say that it is delicious ... I don't believe them anything.

The problem with some places that sell lentil stew is that they put beef tripe in their ingredients ... so I can never eat a restaurant-bought lentil stew because they just screw it up. There is only the option of cooking it myself or by someone I trust who agrees not to put horrible beef tripe in it!

I absolutely agree on your love food and your hate food! Lentils, every type can be prepared in so many different ways in so many different dishes and I always add some to stews, casseroles and curries. Although I don't eat a lot of canned products as I find they juts taste metallic I occasionally buy canned lentils and add a selection of herbs and spices and a little tomato passata for a meal that is ready in a few minutes when I am short on time.

You are right about knowing how the food is prepared in your favourite eateries too, I make a habit of learning a little about them and stay loyal once I know I like the food on offer.

Canned lentils are the salvation when you're in a hurry. Good for a salad 😃❤️

Apparently we have the same tastes. LOL. The entrails of cows are inedible to me.
I do love lentils, today my lunch was made up of lentils, they are divine and very nutritious

Jajaja excelente ❤❤ marchen muchas lentejas y nada de entrañas raras 😂

Yes please. If you plan to invite me to eat, you better prepare lentils with pasta, it's great 😊

Oh gosh yeah, lentils beat entrails everytime!👍

Hey there...I'm with you completely on the lentils, such a versatile and tasty food...I'm also with you on the tripe...I can't do it! Never have and never will.

Thanks for joining in and getting in first this week...I've thrown you a bigger comment-vote for that reason! Have a great weekend.


Thank you very much. Glad I was early ❤ Have a great weekend too!

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I love lentils, especially making burgers with them, I think they are very versatile grains. I agree with you that beef tripe is horrible!!!!!

Long life to the lentils ❤


Here where I live (right near Mexico) there is a really popular soup called Menudo. It is legendary for it's taste AND for it's ability to cure a hangover.

Not for me. It includes tripe. It just is not happening that I might put that stuff in my body.

I have found over the years that the soup Pozole is the same but without the tripe. I don't drink, so no hangover, but I love Pozole.

With you there on the tripe. Gross. Not happening. In my country a LOT of people like it, but I ain't one of them.

El pozole It is completely divine, it is very substantial and I am sure it would raise a dead man.

That's great. I've never heard of Menudo before. And thanks God exist an alternative beef tripe free 😝

 4 years ago  

What's in the Pozole soup? It sounds far better sans the tripe lol

Hunks of Pork roast, lots of hominy, cilantro. Soup is served with shredded cabbage, lime wedges and dried cilantro for you to 'spruce up' your own. It's just plain good.

Jajajaja un buen plato de lentejas bien cocido es bastante apetecible. Disfruto cuando mi mamá las hace y le quedan deliciosas. Lástima que a los niños de mi casa no les resulta muy apetitosa, por lo que no las hacemos tan seguidas.

Menos niños que coman lentejas significan más lentejas para vos jajaja. Deberías aprovecharlo! 😝

My wife and I like lentils, they really are good just all by themselves like you said with just a touch of salt. When we want a soup with lentils we just use chicken or a little bit of roast beef, carrots and onions, just a basic soup, but still good tasting and great for when you feel a cold coming on.


I never try lentils+chicken. That sounds interesting 💕

Haha! I didn't like tripe as a kid. Can eat it now but I wouldn't buy it or cook it.

 4 years ago  

I was thinking of tripe when I was going to say things I hate but I figured it would be too obvious. I don't know anyone who likes tripe lol. Gross!

Ah I'm with you on lentils! One of my favorite ways to eat them is making a nice soup with green lentils, my favorite variety, onions, sweet potatoes, tiny pasta and bacon! Bacon is my secret to making lentils taste delicious! I cook it and add the bacon grease in it and everything, it's wonderful. I also spice it with salt, black pepper and whole allspice balls. The allspice gives it a nice flavor I think!

Totalmente de acuerdo con eso....que hambre

All spice is legendary for seasoning anything when you are up against time. But after reading down the thread so far, who is tripe made for? It seems like anybody with a pulse finds it gross so who the hell is making it and who the hell is eating it???

I may set up a covert spot, a little like a 'bird-hide' to see who actually leaves the store with tripe! There is something a little 'twilight zone' going on here if ya ask me!😂

Los granos me encantan, las lentejaa son delisiosAs... Aveces les agrego chuletas y le da un sabor unico

I am not at all sure about cheese, beetroot, and mayonnaise - but I might be willing to give it a try since I like all of the ingredients!

So, food loves... I pretty much like most foods, but I am a sucker for Italian - I love a good lasagne, especially topped with lots of cheese and garlic bread on the side. It's a pretty simple thing, but it's just a great flavour combo!

Also, at this time of year, I get obsessed with cheesecake Easter Eggs (or Cheaster Eggs as they are known here lol). It combines two of my passions - the cheesecake, and the humble Easter Egg!

Food hates - Not a fan of seafood at all, aside from scampi and tuna. That is about all I can handle in terms of that. The taste of any other seafood doesn't appeal to me at all. It leaves a weird taste on my tongue lol!


Now that is one of the best Italian foods ever, both my wife and I love it. We had lasagna for Thanksgiving, and it was great. Four layer by our favorite chef in town, special made just for us.

I am not at all sure about cheese, beetroot, and mayonnaise - but I might be willing to give it a try since I like all of the ingredients!

You'll not know until you try it...Don't forget to butter the bread, not margarine.

I concur with the Italian food thing, probably my favourite, and who can go past a lasagne! (Hint, not me.)

Umm, SHUT UP! Cheese cake Easter eggs! Come on, that's not fair! Now I want some.

The seafood thing...My mum was like that...Fussy! Lol. Just kidding. She didn't like seafood other than tuna and then not too much. I think many are the same, and many would disagree too!

Thanks for getting involved, I appreciate it.


Oh, yeah. I like Italian. True story: The first time in my life that I really got overweight I had an Italian girlfriend. She cooked and I ate!

I like Seafood just fine. But I can understand why people don't.

Italian seasoning is the absolute best, isn't it? There is somewhat of a crossover between love and food in Italian culture that I really like, feeding someone you love is seen as such a caring thing to do.

That girlfriend suggested that it was a physical way to say I love you. I believe her-and still have a real fondness for Provolone cheese :)

You love it perhaps?

Yup a lot of ladies feel that way. Usually Mama sets that wheel in to motion I think, as they say the kitchen is the heart of the home.

Hope you're doing good man, nice to cross paths buddy, have an awesome week 😎


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I know I know... I'm a dumbass!!!

They were clearly for Tom, although if I don't even know that, how are you supposed to?

Gahh!!! Life's too bloody complicated 😂

Imagine if you had married her..?

Well I did, and mine makes killer lasagna.

Thank God.!! It is only once in a blue moon now or I would weigh a TON..!!


GOAL!!! Result Bro. It's probably for the best about that lasagna, like ya said. It would be horrendous if we had to start describing you as:


But it is Soooooooo good..!

Here is a photo of what I would look like if She cooked up a batch every week...

hey happy weekend - what's your favorite seafood item, out of curiosity?

My boyfriend is descended from Italians, but he did not inherit the cooking gene, unfortunately lol!

How delicious the lasagna with bread and garlic is very rich, I accompany it with a Coca-Cola haha

That is a wise choice!

I don't like sea food either. Only canned tuna and hake. Although if I am a little crazy I try some rare fish, but only try a bit 😝

I often have canned tuna with bread or crackers. I hope it's healthy or healthy-ish. 😆
I can't eat raw fish. I'm in an environment where I see a lot of it. I have tried but I just can't.

Lasagna, simple enough? That's the only thing I don't agree with hahahaha anything that delights our palate can't qualify as simple. How delicious cheesecakes, as I love them.

That's a good point! ❤️

 4 years ago  

Italian food is definitely some of the best stuff! A lasagne is one of my go to things for ordering at a restaurant.

What the hell, how have I not heard of a cheesecake Easter egg!? That sounds phenomenal! We might have to go looking for them tomorrow at the local bakeries lol

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Next year Cheesecake Easter Eggs sounds like a great one to try! We normally only have hot cross buns.

They are exceptional! We got some salted caramel hot cross buns yesterday and I can't wait to try them!

Spicy, loaded with raisins, fresh baked, Oh boy yummy!

 4 years ago  

Yeah but will you eat the garlic bread with a knife and fork?

Heh, absolutely not lol

 4 years ago  

Funny. We were trippin when we were in Italy. We stayed in Rome for a month. We heard they eat pizza and stuff with a knife and fork, no big deal there. Once I gave it a shot, it's the way and now I eat pizza with a knife and fork. But focaccia bread?!?

Nah, I'm not doin it. I couldn't help but stare though every time they ate their focaccia bread, garlic bread, any bread with a knife and fork.

Dude! I'm British, I have no choice, I eat soup with a frikkin' knife and fork!!! 😂

 4 years ago  


Happy Easter my man!

And to you and yours my friend 😎

I hope you took note of that 16 word comment! I was gonna mention that in the comment, but I think we both realise that by the time I had taken a few words to point out the enormous restraint and brevity of my comment, it would have surpassed the 200 word mark, thus negating any brevity points I may have gained from the incredibly brief and succinct comment...

So I didn't bother... Catch ya soon Bro 😉

Knife and fork for garlic bread? Lol

 4 years ago  

We had to draw the line somewhere. To this day I won't eat fries (chips) with my hands. Gotta thank the Europeans for that one, iheart clean hands. I eat chips with a fork now. Even my pizza, as rarely as I eat it, I'll have it with a fork and knife now. Again, thanks EU!

But I draw the line at bread. My wife and I were comfortable being the only table in each Roman restaurant we enjoyed a meal at who ate bread with our hands.

The differences in practices are interesting. I can use a knife and fork for pizza and fries.
I’d draw the line with bread too. 😆untitled.gif

I love garlic bread too.
I'm planning on trying that beetroot and cheese but just thinking about it, I can't really see them pairing well. Lol! Guess I'll just have to taste it. Lol

It does sound like an odd combo, but I'll try most things once! 😂

Nothing “beets” a failure but a trial eh. Let’s try this. 😂

Ohhhhhh... We see what ya did there!!! 😜

Hehe! Rock it! 😜

Me gustaria probar esa tOrta de quesos, Aqui es muy costosa

'Cheaster eggs' have got to win a trophy of some kind!!! Cheese cake is one of those foods that sounds like it shouldn't work but it tastes like a cloud married a dream and gave birth to little baby cheesecakes.

Anyway forget the trophy, you win a lambo! Galen will send it next week 😂

Oh dude! Beetroot is the absolute worst! Like all things that are the worst, it infects everything around it... if there's beets anywhere near anything, then everything will have some purple beet juice on it.


So, you might not know, but I'm an Aussie living in the US. I've been here for about 6 years and only visited home once... and I've got a MASSIVE hankering for two things:

The humble Chicken Parma with chips:


I would want a LOT more chips just FYI... and get that token salad out of there.

Not only is a top-notch pub meal, but my mates and I would chase the best parmas on Parma.com.au. If you're a pub in Melbourne, your parma will make or break you.

I haven't had one for 6 years and I'm ready.

The other thing I want is just a simple bakery coffee scroll:


I want to get one, cut it in half, slather it in butter and just dig in. Heaven.

The US does have sticky buns... but they're gross. Way too sweet and completely over the top.

Have an awesome Easter break Galen! We got a huge box of Easter Eggs from Aus last night, so we're doing pretty well. Hot Cross Buns aren't a thing here... so my wife has been learning to make them the last couple of years... she's not quite there but each year she gets closer...

I used to work in a huge factory that made bread rolls, the smell was amazing all the time. BUT in late February every year ((depending on when Easter dates fell that year)) We started to make and bake the hot cross buns, each trolley held over 700 of the buggers, 32 trolleys per hour, the smell of the glaze made going to work almost bearable, when they stopped shortly after Easter each year I was a little depressed.

ALSO The town I live in, in England is known as the home of the 'parmo' the difference between parma and parmo is a layer of white bechamel sauce beneath the cheese, it is literally our regional dish, sold in every pub and takeaway. Several people have gained a lot of press exposure for taking it to other countries, including Oz. It was the very last dish containing meat that I ate, almost ten years ago.

 4 years ago  

Damn that looks great! The chicken parm looks like I would love it, with the token salad there too hahah.

I do enjoy an American coffee roll packed with sugar and cinnamon but I think having one that's far lighter on the sugar would be good as well. It might help keep things balanced for flavors. That had ones like that when we were in Italy I think and they were good. I remember being confused expecting the sugar explosion we are used to as Americans but it being pretty low on the sugar lol. Not bad!

It is hard to find a nice not to sweet sticky bun. A whole web tracking page for the best chicken parma, man some foods in some areas that just go nuts. Who would have thought that would be the bar food of Australia. Chicken, Ham and cheese what good possibly go wrong with that combo.

Hahaha, you can't go wrong... that's the beauty of it... and most people don't care... but because it's such the topic of conversation and people love being experts about things, then it's become such a huge deal. I don't need the best, I just want it to be good... but I'm definitely not opposed to traveling to try the best... I'm not immune.

Six years dude? Crikey, your Australianness is in jeopardy! You need a chicken schnitty quick my bro! (No ridiculous side salad either, that's just wrong!) And you need to wash that down with a coffee scroll mate, or else...It could just be the end of you!

The US does have sticky buns

320 million of them apparently. Lol.

I'll hoist a coldie for you mate, eat some hot cross buns and send some subliminal Aussie to you over there. Happy to you and your family mate.


How dare you call my buns sticky!

Ah, well... every time I touch them I have to lick my fingers constantly...

Haha...Well I said 320 million, leaves a few in reserve so consider yourself in the reserve. 🙂

Hahaha, my Australianness is true blue mate, I've got @rustle right here to keep me on the straight and narrow.

We've got some meat pie flavoured Shapes so we're doing alright! Have a great weekend!

Any Shapes will save the day so seems you're all set. 🇦🇺

I resemble that 320 mill. remark...


Haha! Gold. This phenomenon happens in Australia too though. 🤣

The US does have sticky buns

320 million of them apparently. Lol.


Just taking a well-deserved swipe at our American brethren. 😁

Yeah man. Make the most of it before it becomes a crime dude!

National identity is built on these sort of good natured swiping at eachother, I have a couple of aussie mates and some of the stuff we say to eachother during The Ashes turns the air blue 😂

Sorry I didn't capitalise aussie but I barely acknowledge it as a country, I just see it as 'England's overflow carpark!' 😜

I'll get arrested by the rainbow people for some transgression or other...Not having my paper like in 1939 Nazi Germany. Great fucking world huh?

Hey, aussies don't need a capital letter bro, we're comfortable with who we are...This only get feisty when some ignoramus confuses us with a Pom! The reasons are obvious. 😉

That chicken parma looks exceptional!

I live in the North East of England, and in this specific region, there is the chicken parmo, which is the local delicacy, I guess you could call it lol! It's similar to the parma, but it has bechamel sauce, and regular cheese on top!

Oh, very interesting... so a white sauce and then cheese... does it put ham on top of the crumbed chicken?

I can see I'm not going to be able to get through this weekend without making our own chicken parmas now...

Nope, no ham either, which seems like a mistake to me! I might need to try that!

It's such a weird combo... but it's so good!

You gotta find English food to find Hot Cross Buns around here. The buns are fine and the fish and chips are good but the rest? I'll have tacos please...

Which brings me to that Chicken Parma. Looks good. I'm with you that looks like portion control fries (chips) so need to find a restaurant with a fat boy cooking...

Yeah, we've found one pub in Oregon that specialized in English food... and it, was, ah, not good. We were so excited for the fish and chips but it was massively disappointing.

We did find one bakery that did Hot Cross Buns... but they stuck candy all over it, and then glazed it. It was hard as a rock and the most bizarre thing I've ever eaten.

Ahhhhh. We have the old, used up London Bridge over the Colorado River here, and there are a ton of Fish and Chips restaurants in the neighborhood. It works out pretty well and only a couple hundred miles from home :)

That chicken Parma looks really delicious. And the bakery coffee roll looks like what I know in my country as cinnamon roll (there are also dried fruit ones but these look awful to me).

I really like the cinnamon ones, and the chocolate ones make my mouth water 🤤

Hmmm, the chocolate ones aren't too sweet? Is the whole thing chocolate or is there just chocolate chips in there? This conversation is making my mouth water too!

I think it depends on your sweet tolerance level, hahaha 😅. The rolls I like have only chocolate chips, I think that balances the flavor and gives them a tolerable sweetness, my mouth is really watering talking about this 🤤🤭

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No Vegemite..?

Juss kidding...

Ok, not kidding but kinda...


But one of my co-pilot cats likes it...

Lil' Guy & Vegemite (3) 2019-07-25.jpg

Oh.. I forgot.

Chik-Parm Rocks.!!


Oh gosh. Here we have a similar thingy to the sticky buns but they're called Copenhagen's and are filled with custard and drizzled with glaze icing 🤤 man hot cross buns ain't got s*** on Copenhagens.

 4 years ago  

A big ol' chicken parm and cinnamon buns will keep the doctor away for sure said the beetroot.

:confession: I can't stand it either.

Hahahaha, my partner loves beetroot... it's the root of our worse fights.

 4 years ago  

10 in creativity points. If this was a one-liner contest, you just set the bar.

Guaooo, I had never thought of making a combination of bread with beets and cheese 😯.

I tell you my favorite food since I was a kid is pasticho, I totally love it. My dad used to get annoyed because I always ordered the same dish when we went out to eat and I never dared to try anything else, even, if the restaurant wasn't that pasta specialty, hahahaha. Before choosing where to go, they would think about looking for some place that might have pasticho included in the menu.

A few years ago I became a Sushi fanatic, I love it!!!! And now it is my first choice when going out to eat.


What do I hate? Undoubtedly the liver, I find it totally disgusting.

I love pasticho too! A mates wife used to make it for me when I was over for dinner with them sometimes and would always make an extra batch to take home. It's so good! And that sushi? Yep, that's legit too.

Thanks for joining in.


I think that just remembering this made me want to prepare a good tray of pasticho this weekend 🤗


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Wheel it in pasticho or any pasta dishes are great, so many ways to make and flavour, yummy.

Sushi never eaten, except select few pickled Herring, smoked trout, fresh oysters sums it up for me....


Yes, pasta has many tasty ways to prepare it. I don't usually eat a lot of pasta, but I love pasticho.

Sushi is a recent taste, it doesn't appeal to you because of the fish?

You know what? Liver makes just fine stinkbait when you are fishing for bottom fish.

I don't even eat the fish that's caught off of liver.

Oh no, liver on a fish line. We start spicing them using bread balls and curry powder.

How do you know a fish was caught off liver, smell it? No I don't eat catfish either, whiskers put me off.

Trust you are well @bigtom13

Interesting question, I was just asking myself this question 🤭

I didn't know that fact, is it because of the foul odor it has? 🤢

You are right not to eat that fish,hahahaha 😂

It is very unpleasant, although many people like it. Its peculiar smell of blood and its consistency like gum make it inedible

Mmmmm... liver.

More for Me then. Love me some liver.


This weekend I'm in the mood for some Italian food because of such good suggestions, the pasticho is a delicious dish, my mom always makes it when the family gathers, it takes us back to childhood days when we had fun at lunch eating pasticho.

I think all the kids love pasticho!!!! It's a dish that every mom in the world should know how to make, hahaha 😅

Yes, I agree, teach how to make a delicious pasticho to all the moms hahaha.

Hahahahaha, like a subject in college 😊


 4 years ago  

Back in my drinking days I used to say 'I'd rather be a liver than have one' and now that I typed it out I realize I probably shouldn't post it.

But I love sushi so it's going up.

Hehehe, things you say with a few drinks in your liver 🙈🙉🙊😅

"Back in my drinking days I used to say 'I'd rather be a liver than have one' "


 4 years ago  

August 2nd, 2014.

You known it's bad when the date's locked in memory

We all have those special dates...

Mine is Sunday August 28th 2016. (3pm)

Drunk Driver...


 4 years ago  

I've seen that a couple times now and it never gets easier to imagine.

It was my dream truck, paid off, it was like losing a member of the family. I do not think I will ever get over it. I have HD video of it but do not watch it. It plays on a repeat loop in my head.

But I will keep on truckin' till the wheels fall off again.

And always miss that Kay Dubbya... R.I.P. old truck.

truck by rocks.jpg

Sammi Jo @ Lake Mary FL. (360•+)2016-02-29.jpg

OMG!!! I also have an experience of these 😭 a drunk driver hit my van from behind, the whole passenger side was destroyed and I had to do rehab for my spine for about 6 months and I still have discomfort in my neck. It was exactly 8 months ago

Aww I love it too, that's the biggest Sushi ever! mlem! mlem! mlem!

Hahahaha, can you imagine eating one like that? 😯

I don't really like the sushi, I couldn't find the delicious thing that everyone loves.

Too bad, but diversity is the variety of tastes, if we all liked it, it would probably be a very boring world if we ate the same 😅

So long live lentils 😄🤗

Mmmmm... liver.

More for Me then. Love me some liver.


It is the one and only thing My Wife will not cook for Me...

I understand her perfectly, I can't stand the smell, even when cooked with lots of onions 🙈

Oh nononono you just raked up a whole host of childhood trauma with mention of liver....😱

Keep hodl'ing that crypto because you are really gonna have out with the therapy costs later.

Hahahahaha, it's true!!!! For me it was a trauma, only that now overcome (although I still can not tolerate the liver), I have nothing to complain to my mother because I know she did it with the best intentions 🤗

 4 years ago  

How have I never heard of pasticho? I need to look that up!

Ah sushi, that's something I haven't enjoyed in a while. I love me a good sushi but I stay away from it now unless it's cooked. For the longest time I never used the soy sauce with it but once I did it's a game changer! Lol

Pasticho is very similar to lasagna, do you know this dish? They are not exactly the same but in concept they are quite similar.

I like cooked sushi too, and with the soy sauce... Yummyyyy, definitely another taste 😋

So. I've probably made enough comments here that listing my favorite and my 'no way jose' choice is going to lack surprise. But here we go.

Bacon. It all starts and ends with bacon for me. No bad way to eat bacon.

Brussel Sprouts. No good way to eat Brussel Sprouts. Those slimy little buggers are a pox on humanity.

What happens with bacon wrapped brussel sprouts? I don't know. Two people have tried to feed me bacon wrapped brussel sprouts and I'm not interested.

Which just goes to show that the negative far outweighs the positive in my life...


Bacon, I'm with you. There's something about that bacony goodness that is...Well, good. And bacony. I think, if you look up bacon in the dictionary the definition is good.

Brussels sprouts...I never liked them as a kid but, if don't right they can be good..they are quite high in carbohydrates though...So best avoided? 🤣


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 4 years ago  

Ah bacon is definitely my favorite nest. We've been largely vegetarian for a while but one thing I've kept sacred is my bacon enjoyment! I won't give that up at all lol. I love Brussels sprouts but I've never had them wrapped in bacon yet, I'll have to try them one day!

Love/Hate Foods....

Short version I Love Biltong - Not too fat, not too thin, Not too dry Beef Biltong! But you know that already.....

Long version I Hate Sago Pudding - Frogs eyes we called them, dancing around the plate gloating at you!

There is nothing, NOTHING tasty or more snotty than tapioca, please don't try convince me or I'll head to the hills, go on a long walk-about! Of course I have no photo, would break the lens.... so here is Giphy for visual.

 4 years ago  

Hahah!! I didn't know you were going to tapioca with frog eyes. I was all eyes prepared to learn about some crazy new entree.

Some love it some hate it I am the latter, a bowl with those swirling around or peering up at me give me the Screaming heebie-jeebies Like such....

 4 years ago  

How funny. Back when I was a kid and didn't know any better I had no problem eating all that processed garbage cuz my mother was still a kid herself, neither of us knew shit.

So outta all those jello container things (there was/is A LOT); chocolate, the swirl, vanilla, they even had all those different colored gelatins. Ready?

My favorite one was the tapioca. 💖

My favorite one was the tapioca. 💖

You never had nightmares? Volunteered to eat it... Oh boy you are brave!

 4 years ago  

Maybe that's why I have such a tough time sleeping??

Nice session, Doc! Do I owe anything for the diagnosis?

Just #hive-engagement hon....

Never wreck a purrrrfectly good day!


African wildcat

 4 years ago  

I'm kind of with you here lol I liked tapioca but I haven't had it in over 10 years lol

 4 years ago  

It's probably been that long for me but the more I read tapioca the more I want one of them j-e-l-l-o's.

 4 years ago  

J-e-l-l-o it’s alive!

Remember those commercials? Lol

Haha! I am totally with you on the sago pudding...It's like eating slugs eyes!

Biltong though, legit

P.s. That's a rater disturbing gif you know. Lol.


GIF Not quite disturbing enough to get the full picture, but close enough!

Love a local pizza called Madonna, crumbed mushrooms and snails (Escargots) must be cheeeezy......

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Yup weird consistency isn't it? This was on the menu every school dinner-time, we called it frogspawn lol. 😂😂

What a nightmare having to eat that every night, my Gran made it and thank goodness I did not have to have it too often, bulk at the thought!

 4 years ago  

I don't know what any of that is except tapioca and as gross as it sounds to you, I kind of want to try some tapioca now. I haven't had it in many years and want to see what I think of it. My wife thinks I'm weird but I'm not joking that I've been looking to get a tapioca fix in for 3-4 years now lol.

Perhaps it is able to be disguised under or in something, still not something I would go out looking for.

I will eat most things. Some only once mind you. A far cry from when I was young and would only eat a very limited amount of items.
Some foods I will usually get every time if they are on the menu include fish & chips, clam chowder, and haggis. That last one is a bit different here in the US due to some ingredients not being allowed but I will take it anyway. Someday, perhaps, I will make it overseas and get to try a different version. Maybe I won't like it then, who knows.

Fish and chips is one of my favourite foods and I don't mind a clam chowder either! Haggis I have never tried but I'd give it a go. I hope you get to Scotland for a traditional haggis.


Visit us @ The Sandbag House House and I will make haggis...

When covid buggers off it's on the cards!

I won't eat thats. One is kidneys. And if I can, I will avoid things passion fruit and guava. And overdone chilli. Oh and my late mother's vegetable soup.Well, @dandays called me over. Food, I can discuss for days... I have lots of favourites (yes with a U 💃) and will eat anything at least once, possibly more often before I give my verdict. I don't have many

As for favourites, that depends entirely on the mood and the moment. Am I cooking or choosing from a menu. Really easy to please, methinks!!!

 4 years ago  

Quick, I need a favor!



Well, I've threatened to come to SA to visit your food booth, but now I know I'd be fine. I have one thing to add to the list: Brussel Sprouts. Not now, not ever. :) I'm more likely to eat passion fruit and guava.

You'd be very welcome. You might get passion fruit cheesecake and I would keep all the Brussels sprouts for myself!!🤣

Thanks, Brexit and then COVID have been conspiring against me making it over there. Someday hopefully.

You'll get there...This pandemic can't last for ever right? Right? Come on I need some reassurance! 😆

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I just hope it isn't a train. :)

Haha! That's always an issue I guess.

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I think we share the same passion for fish. They are a delight in their variety of presentations.

Yeah, I have seen/had many varieties.

 4 years ago  

I love me a good plate of fish and chips! Preferably at a place near or on the beach to enjoy the scenery too!

I agree that fish & chips on the beach is a great way to go!

Happy extended weekend, my friend! Hope it's off to a good start; good start here!

I'm going to go with my favorite food. Warning, it's very Wisconsin. Some people will have no idea why I would even try this, but it's a thing I fell in love with at a cheese festival years ago. It's a sandwich and it's a braunschweiger and Limburger sandwich. You put the cheese and meat between two slices of bread; slap on some mustard if need be and place a white sliced onion on top of it all. Then enjoy it with a cool brew. Some people would call the experience "choking it down," but I think it's delicious. Maybe the beer helps?

 4 years ago  

Certainly sounds like an interesting thing to try. I don't know what those ingredients are yet so I'll have to look them up and figure it out. I love a nice spicy brown mustard though and who doesn't like food with a beer?

It's sort of a "delicacy" over here, you could say. The cheese is pretty stinky, but I think the taste is good. I should do a weekend engagement post on it - too bad I won't be able to convey the taste, however!

 4 years ago  

It certainly sounds like it, I looked it up now and the stuff sounds like it’s an acquired taste at a minimum lol. I know what those are like!

Hmm, this is really interesting! I was hoping to see something like this, just odd stuff from around the world. I've watched so many good shows on TV that focus on local foods and always find it interesting.

I'd give this a try for sure...Cheese and onion goes together well! Does it matter what sort of meat is used? I'll look it up to...Want to see this one!


Yeah, it's yummy - here is where I had my first one:


I always go with white onion, though; I think it fits the Limburger pretty well. When you get over here, I'll make you one!

That's a deal!

One of our faves we watch...
Diners, Drive ins and Dives


Haha, we have that in Australia too..Not a bad show at all...Makes me hungry. 🙂

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Beet has come to surprise me, I think I can imagine the combination of cheese and beet and I imagine it very good hahaha.

I have one that I really love and enjoy, I think I could eat it every day, is sweet and sour chicken, I love its taste, color and smell. It is a combination that explodes my taste buds with flavor and delight. One of my friends taught me how to prepare it and now I can eat it whenever I want.

Now, there are few foods that I hate, I am very flexible in flavor and varieties, I am very good at trying new and strange recipes, but there is something that I already tried and I prefer not to do it again is something that in Venezuela we call "mondongo", I have read that in other regions they call "callos", the truth is that this is beef belly. It tastes far from "delicious", I do not judge those who eat it, but I choose to leave it out of my food group.

 4 years ago  

Lotta chicken lovers here. My autocorrect had livers and there's a lotta liver lovers here too.

Thanks for the heads-up. Mondongo & Callos, check! I just put'em on my not to-do list.

Sometimes I wonder what is so good about tripe for those who say "yes" it is delicious? Hahahahaha to each his own. While we are still far away from them @dandays 🤣🤣

 4 years ago  

Cheers! 💖

Liver Lovers...

I got the Liver Lover Covered, Cooked in Red Wine Vinegar also...


 4 years ago  

Hey man, in England they call it black pudding. Liver, whatever it is, close enough.

Deceiving name

Hey I am... No Shitting You. Creeped out by it too. But when cooked up properly, with some garlic salt, red wine vinegar, medium well done. Never frozen it is the best. Melts in your mouth. Soooo tasty.!

The frozen liver will be chewy.

Larry's Mom had Liver too...

Sweet and sour chicken is a good choice. Now you made me want some!

On the other hand, I do not want any mondongo. Ever!

Thanks for joining in.


I'm so glad to hear you have nothing to do with that tripe! Lol

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 4 years ago  

Ah that's definitely a great way to eat chicken! I could eat that often for sure lol.

I'm not surprised at all to see a lot of people calling out cow stomach hahah that's some gross stuff!

Believe me you would be surprised how many people around me saying "I love guts". ¡More than you can imagine! .
Thank goodness for you lol.

I'd treat you to a nice chicken just to that I know you have good taste.

First the good.
My sister makes a mean pork trotters stew and even my wife found it delicious until she found out afterwards what it was. Almost a divorce 🤣

The bad.
Radishes, I just cannot stomach that stuff and Brussel sprouts and Lettuce.

So I am easy to feed and if you want to see me happy, give me a full avocado pear and a smoked spare-rib.

I'd do fine with the trotters for a fact. I could eat a radish once in a while but no Brussel Sprouts. Not now, not ever.

I live in the lettuce capital of the US and barely eat the stuff. I do like Romaine and even have some in my fridge right now. But I'd be ok if normal lettuce just went away/

You would really love that trotter stew that my sister makes Sir Tom. She was taught how to cook by my gran on the farm and even my food fussy wife with her univesity hotel school degree admitted that she liked it. But then she heard it was trotters. Funny what a name can do to people 🤣

Radish and brussel sprouts are for those that like them and you and I don't fall into that category.
I don't know what Romaine is, but if it is lettuce then I would rather leave it for the Romainians 😉

I'm with Marian on the Trotter stew mate, but have been told it's very nice before also. Not keen.

Radish is a funny one. I actually don't mind it to be honest, but I get why many do not like it. Shaved thinly on smashed avacado on rye toast with feta cheese and a squeeze of lemon. Pretty good.


Made the right way, that trotter meal will blow your socks off guaranteed.
I have never touched anything radish again after I took a bite out of one that grew in the veggie garden on the farm. Might taste better if it's splintered as you explained with other stuff.

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 4 years ago  

Looks like another thing I have to look up here. Never heard of trotter stew!

Ah radishes, I can eat those things raw like tomatoes lol

An old favorite here in Africa my friend. But then again, so are chicken feet 🤣
Yes, my mom also liked radishes and it is just not my taste.

Cheers and !BEER

BEERHey @cmplxty, here is a little bit of from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

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One of he best veggie snack foods in the world those little round red radishes. Just nip the tail off, and the stem, and instant snack food with a bite, I love em, especially the hot ones.

Hahaha, like I said elwhere, my mom also used to love them, but for some reason radishes just does not excite my taste buds.

Cheers and !LUV

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Hello again everyone. Great to read you are all well. Reading these posts made me hungry, thanks for that 🤤 lol.

Ok so I'm going to have to start with a food hate. I had a bad childhood experience with basil pesto. I visited family friends and they made really strong basil pesto with olive oil and chucked it over spaghetti. When they first said we were having spaghetti for lunch I was really excited - I'm an Italian food fan but I was thinking spaghetti bolognaise - you know, like with mince and mushrooms and melted cheese. My first experience of basil pesto pasta left me trying to not gag and wretch while also trying to be polite and not seem ungrateful. But I think my face and gag reflex betrayed me - needless to say I don't remember being invited there for lunch again.

Food love? Yeah I'm totally with @magenta24 on this one! I've perfected baked lasagna and it's my number 1 fave. Only downside is that it's so good, there are never any left overs for midnight snacking in my house 🤣

And um beetroot, cheese & mayo? I've got to give this a go. My go to snack is melted cheese-mayo sandwiches, but I never would have imagined adding beetroot. I am definitely going to give this a go! Thanks @galenkp for this interesting weekend engagement post 😊 I'm off to forage now nom nom nom.

 4 years ago  

Are you still strongly opposed to basil pesto pasta? That's so interesting, I just can't get enough of the stuff. I'll put basil pesto on whatever. Pasta, fish, eggs, bread, yummmmmmm!

Lol I've given a few tries over the years and there are a few varieties that have actually been very nice, so I would say for the most part I am still extremely wary of it and eye it suspiciously from afar before contemplating it 🤣 I understand some people can't get enough of it, you sound like one of them, which is cool. I visited a basil pesto factory once to do an environmental audit and the owner swore that he had return customers that were addicted to it 😬

 4 years ago  

Mayonn.. Mayyyy... <-- totally different story there. I can't even spLeL without vomiting in my mouth. Not much I won't eat. I'm allergic to avocado so those are out. There's a few things I don't like so much probably like you and pesto. But I can only think of two foods I won't eat. Lobster and Mayo..nnaaaaay.... that.

Lobster at least doesn't make me cringe when I see it though. The other, oh man! Just telling you about my disgust for it I swear I can smell it now.

Good morning from the east coast of the US, happy whatever day this is.(she spells favorite with a U... silly Fiona) I see you're from South Africa. I'm sure you have already but just in case, have you ran into @lizelle, @jaynie, @fionasfavourites , @zoed and I know I'm leaving a buncha Hive ladies out.

I know it's almost the next weekend so don't even know if I'm allowed to comment on a Thursday but...
My not so favourite food that will never pass my lips are things like tripe, pressed tongue, sweet meats and the list goes on. I love crispy succulent lamb chops but when my kids were small they asked me at the dinner table:Well @dandays, I remember hearing you mention my name and other fellow South Africans; favourite is the pucker correct original English spelling I have to tell you so don't go calling my fellow country woman silly😉 or I'll put you in detention and make yoh write that word out 500 times as punishment.

what part of the animal does this come from?

That put me on a plantbased menu for weeks afterwards!

I succumbed though at the next braai (BBQ) so I'm a bad girl blindly not wanting to know where it comes from.
I'm afraid I'd make the worst farmer's wife!
Sooo sorry for the long delay but something kept bugging me till I remembered I'd seen this notification!
Need to set up Hive bot as Gina bot talks way too much nonsense, then I would never miss your name being mentioned!

 4 years ago  

favourite is the pucker correct original English spelling...

Alright, firstly, you know I'm American, right? It's that joint to the west of you who makes their own rules, rewrites the English language, and changes sports wording around to how we think soccer and football should be played. Stuff like that.

And someone somewhere decided awhile back deveined five vowels is one too many for 'favorite.'


But what in the heck is "pucker correct??"

Haha that is a new expression signed sealed and stamped by an Afrikaans speaking lady from the east coast of South Africa🙃 We also make up our own English vocabulary here and it can get very confusing having no less than 11 official languages in SA!

Hello Dandays

Thanks for the reply. Oh gosh, I don't think I could live without that stuff you hate, so my pesto is your mayo...
I'm sorry for making you want to hurl.

Ooh thanks, I'll definitely check out the other SA ladies on hive. I have run into Joan Stewart who is a biltong addict. I learned that from last week's weekend engagement.

Have a good one.

 4 years ago  

Happy Easter!


 4 years ago  

I'm not the biggest fan of pesto myself. My dad loves it like no tomorrow but I'm indifferent to it. I of course didn't have a traumatic event trying to choke it down though so there's that lol.

Solid choice with the lasagne! One of my favorites as well, and no there are almost never left overs!

You fell for the old pesto on the pasta ploy. A trap for young players for sure! 🙂 Been there.

I don't mind it now but in small doses. The gag-face was appropriate though I think!

Lasagne is legit...Enough said on that point. So legit.

I don't think the beetroot, cheese and mayo would work well toasted but it's worth a try I guess. It's probably best in the traditional manner. A tasty combination though.


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Dear community, here again with you.
This time to tell you about the foods that I like and those that I do not tolerate.

A good balanced diet is synonymous with health.

I love fish, and salads in all its presentations, fish is a rich source of nutrients, it connects me with my childhood because my dad was a fisherman all his life.

Eating is definitely my passion, and any dish regardless of its presentation is my delight.

There are foods that I have not been able to eat because I can't tolerate them at all such as: viceras, beef tongue, cauliflower, chicken feet, goat and sheep meat are some of those foods.

I believe that any food is good, however we always have preferences to select what we really like.

In Venezuela we have the virtue and privilege of having a wide gastronomic range, in which we can delight whenever we can.

Blessings to all my dear foodies hahahaha those who are passionate about eating.

Fish is a good food for sure. So healthy and good for us in many ways. You must have had so much fresh fish I guess with your dad and all. Also, those foods you don't like...With the exception of cauliflower, which I love, I'm with you.


Gracias por comentar, si para nada me gusta la coliflor aunque se que es muy nutritiva .

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 4 years ago  

I certainly enjoy me some fish for sure but I can also enjoy some nice lamb chops as well! Some good food all around and it's great to live where there's great food varieties.

De eso se trata, disfrutar lo más que se pueda.

 4 years ago  

Food... what can be said other than it is awesome! Such a blanket statement and one that covers many but in all honesty the whole reason I started training was so I could eat more. I don't really eat bad food just as you age you store more and burn less so I needed to pick up my training in order to maintain.

Chicken is probably my favourite one of the most versatile foods and blends with so many different flavours and herbs and spices.

Can't go past a good steak or rib eye fillet.

My favourite is Lasagna though. I have a thousand year old recipe that blows everyone's mind. It's a traditional recipe from my grand parents village in calabria.

Everyone always requests me to bring a plate of food and my world famous Lasagne.

Chicken is a legit food...I mean KFC can't be wrong about it right? Lasagne too...Legit food. Seems like you've got a good thing going with it...I hereby dub you Hive Lasagne King!


 4 years ago  


Look at that! Lil miss agrees too. Today's late lunch early dinner



Legit looking meal.

 4 years ago  


I cooked a few more other things but the lasagne was the best. It ends up on everyone's plate. I didn't make the bechemal sauce this time and opted for crusty melted mozzarella top. I prefer it over the sauce.

Happy Easter to you and the family brother, all the best hope you're having a wonderful time

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I agree with you about the versatile quality of chicken, although it is not my favorite, except that it is a "Cordon Bleu" chicken that I love!!!

I love lasagna, although in my country we are more used to pasticho, which is quite similar.

 4 years ago  

Cordon Bleu is really nice and I can make a nice dish of it.

I might make it during the week for dinner.

Nice! I see you like to make delicious dishes 😋

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 4 years ago  

Being able to eat a lot of food while working out often is a great thing lol. I haven't had the time to get back into working out a lot but it was great to eat anything and burn it off with a workout! Great choices indeed, a thousand year old lasagne recipe sounds intriguing.

Food Loves

Baked Chicken would have to rank up there as one of my favorite food. I don't eat it very often any more but it is still a favorite. The restaurant we used to go to did a great job on baked chicken, but they kind of lost their best cook and things are not as good as they were. The nice thing about baked chicken when done at home was the leftovers. Nothing is quite as good as a spicy chicken salad, (salsa for a topper/dressing), or a finely chopped chicken salad sandwich. Take some left over chicken finely chop, mix with sandwich spread, a little drop of mustard, add some fine chopped onions and just a couple drops of pickle juice, mix well spread on bread, whole wheat or rye bread was the best.

Last year and the year before, I had no pizza at all. I still like and enjoy a nice pizza, so this year I have had a couple of meat lovers pizza's from a local pizza joint they do a nice job with them.

It has been years since leftover chicken makings, but it just got to be to much and we could no longer get fresh chicken just frozen ones, and well it just was not the same as fresh chicken.

Food dis-likes

Not many dis-likes, number one would be beet soup (Borscht, in some language {Russian I think}), it has just never been a food I like. I still try it out every few years just to see if my taste buds have changed, but nope not yet.

A pretty short list, there are a lot of foods I have not tried like all the fried bugs and a lot of the stuff from the ocean, so I could not say if I like them or not.

I worked at a local pizza joint for a whole year and I still never got sick of pizza... I reckon I could probably eat it for most meals forever...

Not the best food for type two diabetes, but after two years I just felt like having a few, they still taste great. I figure as long as I don't wash it down with beer I should be good number wise.


Yeah, that must be really tough. Numbers above all else! But I'm glad you got a slice or two...

I don't worry to much about it any more. If I start to feel like crap, I just change my diet again.

That's fair... it's totally the same as you get older... if I eat too much pizza I'll feel like crap too... I guess the portions are just different for you.

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BEERHey @aussieninja, here is a little bit of from @bashadow for you. Enjoy it!

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Me too. If it wasn't so bad for my waistline, I would eat it every day!

Oh yeah man, roast chicken is legit! (Baked...Same thing). Across the road from my office is a place that does charcoal chickens, fish and chips and all. It's not a fancy place, just a take-away, but a couple times a month I'm there for a 1/4 chicken and salad for lunch.

The left overs thing is legit too...Chicken sandwiches the next day, mayo and pepper...Yep, I concur!

Beet soup...I don't think I've ever tried it to be honest, although I like beetroot so I suppose maybe I'd like it? Soup and crusty bread is a legit thing for me so maybe I'll see if I can find it and give it a try. I love beetroot dip on crackers so who knows?

There's so much out there I haven't tried, some I will never I guess, but my tastes have changed over time and will do so again I assume. Thanks for joining in.


Yeah there is a lot of food in the world, I used to love those cooking shows when I watched TV, just to see what people eat in different places around the world, I plan on spending some time tomorrow reading comments just to see what people eat in other parts of the world.

I'm hoping there's some interesting comments dropped...One of the cool thing is the way we can range around the world here on hive, all on one post!

All we need now, (and someone is working on it, I just can not remember who), is a right click translate function on the post and comments. Google does okay on some things, but it would be great to have a global translate all post and comments to English option or what ever is a persons native language.

This would be great to be honest. I have so little time in my day and having to translate stuff is a pain...It'd be good if if it was a lot easier.

If peakd or one of the other front ends had it as an option the new tab might be used by me more often. Right now I judge by the cover photo thumbnail, I know that is wrong to judge a book by it's cover thing, but with the time needed to open and then translate...well most just get passed by.

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I think chicken goes well with everything and how you prepare it, especially in the oven.

The beet soup I tried it only once and I didn't like it at all!!!! I don't think I will venture to try it again someday.

I never give up on a food, even though I have yet to acquire a taste for beet soup, one day I might, so I end to stay open minded about some foods. Example I never liked spinach for the longest time ever, but I got used to it and enjoyed it on occasion.

Wait a few years then try it again, you never know. Well I am pretty sure I will never like beet soup, but I still try it every couple of years.


Hahahahaha, good thing you're still holding out hope.

As a child I didn't like yellow cheese and a long list of vegetables, and now I eat them with pleasure, there are certainly things that over time you can get to like. In my case I don't think I will ever be able to accept beef liver in my mouth, but for everything else I am receptive 😊

Yeah, I'm not a big fan of liver. I think only pure bred English people can stomach liver.

I honestly don't know how they can eat it 🙈🤢

BEERHey @miriannalis, here is a little bit of from @bashadow for you. Enjoy it!

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 4 years ago  

My wife is a big fan of baked chicken too. She always gets pissed at me and calls me a spoiled princess because I'm a spoiled princess and won't eat chicken. So she's always making me something different. And same with pig, too, she makes me something different. She doesn't eat beef though so we're cool on that one.

I had to go without meat for several years, mostly fruits and nuts and green salads, but that diet caused other issues, so I am finally able to do a more balanced diet, less meat than before, and less fruits than before. Still all in all chicken is a good food. rattlesnake even taste like chicken, or does chicken taste like rattlesnake?

 4 years ago  

I've never tried rattlesnake, is that weird?

I don't know if it is weird or not. But you have to do something with the snake after you kill it so skin it, (hat band), keep the rattle, (great for scaring people), toss the head away, (who needs it), and cook the rest. I guess it is mostly back woods campers that ever really get to eat rattlesnake. It is probably illegal to do that now.

Rattlesnakes are protected species here in Arizona. I mean REALLY!.

That happened because of commercial hunters. So, you are supposed to carefully move a rattler you find in your yard to a wild place. It's pretty tricky to do, mine almost always seem to end up dead. (Or in the neighbors yard :))

I knew there were venom harvesters of rattlesnakes, but there were people harvesting them? Heck they have pretty big broods when they mate, or so I've been told, so why not just farm them if they want the skins for belts and the meat for exotic restaurants. People are lazy I guess, or really afraid of them in tight quarters.

No doubt about it, chicken tastes like rattlesnake.

I think I was 14 years old when I had my first taste of rattlesnake, and it really was a great tasting food.

 4 years ago  

Definitely love me some baked or roasted chicken! That stuff is awesome and I just learned the pickle juice secret like 2 years ago for making chicken or tuna salad! It's a life changer for sure lol.

I'm with you on beets man, I don't dislike many things but beets are one of the only things I can do without!

 4 years ago  

This is an easy one. I can't even read your eggy, oily sandwich spread without vomiting in my mouth. Can't stand it. The way it looks, the way it smells, nothing about it. I cringe in the condiments aisle. And I'm deathly allergic to avocado but this one's a no-brainer—maaa.. mayyy.. (see what I mean?)

I love anything Pura makes and lie my ass off when I don't like it. 'Yuummmmm!!' 🤫

I've told you this before but I don't know if you understand my sincerity. When this article's in my feed, it's my first indication what day it is. Thanks, Fridanimal!

Friday / Manimal

I know a few who don't like mayo, Inger it. I don't like heaps of it, just a taste. And anything Pura makes. Sounds like a good safe option! 🙂


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I would never have imagined that avocado could cause allergies 😱

 4 years ago  

Here's another fun fact. I've been hospitalized twice in my life due to avocado, once by ambulance.

On a fluke crazy incident once at a friend of mine's little girls birthday party, about 25 years ago now, I bit into a salad, I didn't know it had avocado in it. Immediately I knew it was bad.. it starts at my lips and if I don't get help quick my throat will swell shut.

At the time, I had a bowl of strawberries in my hand, I didn't wanna freak anyone out so I took the strawberries with me to my truck and I was gonna try to drive myself to the hospital.

The more I ate those strawberries, the lesser the reaction. I ate more and more and the allergic reaction went away completely. I still carry a bendedryl on me, I used to have to carry an epi pen in elementary school, benedryl does the trick these days.

But since that birthday party, I've come in contact with avocado three times and all three times I ate strawberries and I never went to a hospital, the reaction just went away.

Wow!!! Amazing the power of strawberries!!!!! 😯 Some chemical reaction will produce the mixture of those foods, it really is a curious story, I did not know that strawberries could fight an allergic attack.

 4 years ago  

Fascinating right? I'll tell anyone who's willing to listen but I also have to insist 'Don't really on it! For sure.. but it works for me.

Happy Easter!

Good to know, fortunately I am not allergic to any food 🙏🏻 but my two year old son is, only his allergy is on his skin 😞.

Happy Easter! ✨

 4 years ago  

I wouldn't be surprised if strawberries help him too.

Did ya'all enjoy a nice Easter dinner?

 4 years ago  

Lol I love Mayo, sorry man! My wife thinks I'm weird when she makes me some chicken salad or something anc I go put a little more Mayo in it once she's done lol.

It's good when the women can cook! Though I'm not so great when the thing she made me is disgusting lol. I'll choke some down but not finish it all and she knows I didn't like it. Thankfully we split the cooking so it's not often I get a bad dish!

 4 years ago  

Dude I used to cook! All the frikkin time too. I was the guy my buddies would ask to run the grill. Him.

Then I met Pura... Nowadays it isn't rare to find me shooting her a text message "where's the jelly" cuz I can't even make a pb&j without assistance.

Mayo.. I'm not exaggerating, I can't hardly peak that direction when I go down aisle 12. I'm like one of those race horses with blinders on 'quick! Get me outta this aisle!!'

Favorite food for me has to be something sweet and my vote come down to a “baked cheesecake “ home made is better.

You have to let it set in the fridge for 24 hours otherwise it just tastes mushy.

This wait for it to set raises the anticipation and is all part of the experience.

 4 years ago  

Ah who doesn't love a fantastic cheesecake?! They are definitely wonderful!

I bake my own you know, it's a passion for me.

Thanks for the comment, I gave you an upvote 👍

Baked cheesecake is legit! I know it's not home made but have you had the apricot baked cheesecake at Cibo? It's bloody awesome!


I’ll put it on my list right now, I am a regular at the cibo on pirie street, they should have it.

They'll have it. Worth a crack I reckon. I have one now and then...Not good for diabetics, but so good! 🤣

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And I really love durian, you could say I'm addicted to it. I was born and grew up in the Highland of Vietnam, we grow a lot of durian. Actually, when I was a kid, I couldn't eat durian, couldn't even smell it, it smelled like sh * t. I didn't understand why my grandparents, parents, and siblings could eat so well. During the durian season, that haunting smell filled my home, and then I decided to take a bite, and since then I have become a durian addict. I always look forward to summer to eat durian every day. For durian, you will either extremely love it or extremely hate it.
img_1238.jpgHi @galenkp , I really like this topic because I really like food.

Hmm, it's not my thing to be honest although someone said my head looks like a durian so there's a tenuous link at least. 🙂

Thanks for joining in.


Kkk you should try once. If it doesn't work, take the second bite and then it can be listed in your favorite food list. Than you very much for organizing this great contest, @galenkp!

Durian is one of those food I'll never try, ever. I'd rather eat my own head. Lol.

😁 it seems to be you had a really bad experience with durian. Don't go to my hometown in summer.


Durian Head (Hellraiser)


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Thank you very much!

A durian is a new food for me, I have never tried it and I can't even imagine how it tastes. What strikes me is its large size for what I think it is, a fruit.

A good thing about its large is we HAD TO share it with other people. Anyway, you should try once.

 4 years ago  

That thing is huge! Is that jack fruit? I'll have to look it up later and find out.

Nope, it's durian. You should try it once.

So, I love the humble beetroot, cheese and mayonnaise sandwich.

Why did you have to remind me of this horror?

I love sweets. Who doesn't love sweets? if someone doesn't like to eat sweets or to play with dogs I get suspicious of that person.

0:30 to 0:38

but make sure you explain your answers.

...No. 😜
sweets are one my many weaknesses. and they are awesome. I consider this a good explanation. But if it is not enough here are some foodporn pics. After all ,,pictures are worth a thousand words'' right?



Thanks for joining in.


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 4 years ago  

I feel the same way about someone who doesn't eat sweets or like dogs, can't trust'em. I kinda pretty much feel the exact same way of anyone who doesn't admit they know all the words to this Justin Bieber song, too, so you might consider another potential witness in your behalf.

I guess this means that you should not completely trust me. I don't listen to Justin Bieber. And if I am not mistaken this was the only song that I had learned entirely...

Now I no longer have intention of singing it so I don't even remember this song.

 4 years ago (edited) 

Fuckin dope dude! That's a jam!

I don't listen to Justin Bieber either, can't tell you one other song he does. But that song right there, that song, whoever says they don't like it either can't be trusted or they never heard it. Did you check it out?

Even the video's dope! That young couple dancing but dancing in bed. Cool stuff.

Did you check it out?

yes. song is nice but I was more interested in their movements.

 4 years ago  

Do you like any rap music? Or are you into any hip hop at all? I ask cuz I'm a big fan of it. I've seen this dude Futuristic (linking him in a moment) perform twice. The first time he did a cover song of that Justin Bieber otherwise I probably would've never heard it. If you're not a fan of rap or hip hop, apologies in advance but you really gotta check out this cover of that Bieber track. Soon as I heard this I like it and the original.

I don't really consider myself a fan of any music. I like various music but I also often spend months without listening to anything at all. 😜 But I do like Eminem songs. So maybe I could be considered a rap fan? 😜
I liked that cover.

 4 years ago  

Sweets are indeed a weakness. I've had to put on my game face lately and refuse then entirely, it's tough lol.

I think one time I did not eat any sweets for a few months. I will not do that again.😜

HA! Easiest topic to date...

Halloumi OMG I love halloumi, no contest, case closed it has to be halloumi it is by far the holiest of cheeses. I am a vegetarian and don't use milk, basically I am almost vegan, if I were to decide to be a full vegan to give up this wonderful cheese would be difficult

Thanks for the great topic, my work here is done... Oh wait!!!

Pizza is like my favourite other child, my favourite ever-present child.

Oh wait! I have it... My all time favourite food is 'halloumi topped pizza!'.

Isn't it great when things just work out nicely? Although I gotta say I do love rocket, I also add it to pizza sometimes, like the basil and spinach in the one above.

Galen you mentioned 2 foods that are on my all time fave top 10 too. They are 2 that I really must try and cut down on if truth be told. Cheese and mayo. or I will never fit in to my 'short shorts, ever again!.

Hope the weekend has been kind so far and the new week ahead is shiny, fun and filled with promise 'weekenders' 😎👍💖

Haloumi is legit and is used quite a lot here. Grilled with a squeeze of lemon...Mmm! I'm with you there.

It's actually used a lot on breakfast plates here and it's a star.

Now, haloumi on pizza? Never tried it but combining two legit things like that can't be bad right? Unless one adds rocket!


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 4 years ago  

I don't know what this is but I'm adding it to my list of things to look up and figure out! That sounds delicious though!

 4 years ago  

Fun stuff man!
Ah beets. I love almost every vegetable and other healthy thing but beets are something I despise. I don’t know what it is about the flavor but I can’t stand the things lol. I will trust your opinion on the beets and cheese sandwich! I do think that a lot of things with fresh white bread, butter and slices of fresh cheese could be palatable for sure. Except beets of course lol.

I’ll have to check out your other post about rocket or whatever that is. Doesn’t ring a bell!

So before I read your response to the topic I knew I was going to do a weird combo one. Ever since I was a kid, I absolutely love to eat toast or a bagel with some really good butter on it and the awesome but weird part? I think sipping the toast or bagel into some fresh delicious orange juice is amazing! I have no idea where I got it from but I do it all the time lol. Some of my favorites to use for bread is Jewish rye bread, so right up your alley with that one, and Italian scali bread. Others are awesome as well but those two have really great flavors for it! I remember when I was dating Siena and we went out to breakfast one morning after some fun time out and I got toast and orange juice and started to do it in front of her she looked at me like I was disgusting hahaha. She said people were looking at me for being weird. Thankfully we weren’t on our first day otherwise she might have dropped me for that one!

Besides beets, for something I really dislike as food I’m going to have to say tofu. I can get into the veggie and other types of things that are trying not to use meat but ugh tofu is gross. I tried it many ways and I can’t get past the weird block look of it and the lack of taste. No more tofu for me!

I can't imagine what it's like to have a sip of bread with orange juice, it's like dipping bread in coffee with milk?

Bagels dunked in orange juice...Now that is an interesting combination for sure. It would have been a shame for that quirk to have cost you Siena...Fortunately she already knew you were a weirdo and just accepted it! Lol.

I'm with you on the tofu thing...I mean what the actual fuck right? The only good tofu for me is the tofu I don't have to eat!

Great response as always, thanks for joining in!


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Hi weekenders. After reading G-dog’s like and dislike. I had to do a little research. Lol! It was my first time hearing about “rocket”. I realized it certainly couldn’t have meant 🚀. I’ve actually never had it. I read the link to his post, got the meaning of rocket but then got hooked on the entire post. 😂

Now for mine... I really love fruits. They get me excited. Somehow though, I don’t really fancy ripe bananas. I eat them but can easily pass on them.
I don’t like, can’t eat sardines. I think there’s some bad experience I had with it as a child. Maybe I didn’t like the smell. I can still remember my mom telling me about all about its nutritional value. For me, it’s still a “No”.

Hahahaha, what a laugh about the rocket😄.

What are your favorite fruits?

🤣Haha!!! That rocket really got me at first. It’s really hard to pick a favorite fruit so I’ll name a few. Muscat grapes, watermelon or all kinds of melon, peaches, apples, mangoes and strawberries. How about you, what fruits do you like? Here’s a little platter I made some time ago:


Looks delicious that dish, very provocative 😋, I hadn't heard that muscatel fruit, I guess it's the one next to the strawberries?

I really like fruits too, my favorites: strawberries, grapes, pineapple, watermelon and mangoes!!!!

😃Your likes are similar to mine. The one next to the strawberry is dragonfruit. These are muscat grapes:


I know them as green grapes and I love them, but I didn't know dragonfruit 😯

Dragonfruit aren’t very sweet but but nutritious. It’s my favorite of green grapes. 😃

Thanks re the dish. 😃

Bananas are something I'm not so keen on. I mean I'll eat one, but never ripe, like you say! Disgusting. I like banana cake though, with that lemony icing, and toasted banana bread with butter...Oh, banana ice cream too. Lol.

Sardines are not something I'd choose to eat. No real reason, I guess I don't see the point if there's something else anything else available.

Thanks for stopping by!


Haha! Quite interesting. I love banana bread too. Also banana fritters. I had banana-strawberry ice-cream. It was so good. 😂😂
Yeah! So many other options. Why sardines? I’d rather try a beet-cheese-mayo sandwich or a rocket of some sort.😜

Don't knock the beetroot, cheese and mayo sandwich until you've tried it. It is a taste sensation!

Will try it. Don’t see beets regularly but they do have it at the supermarket occasionally.

Your personal awesomeness will improve.

Mark Wahlberg contemplating your awesomeness...

Haha!!! I'll have to take before and after pics so I can see the true awesomeness that it brings.

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Thank you. 😃

 4 years ago  

Yeah I'm with you on sardines! I know some people that love them but no thanks, I'll pass on that lol. I do love some ripe bananas though!

Recently I’ve been enjoying ripe bananas in smoothies. Sardines, no thank you. 😆

I am one of those vegetarians that hate salads. Most people think that I definitely like salads because I’m a vegetarian. Well…maybe fruit salads, because otherwise, I never make vegetable salads or order them. People usually eat their food along with a salad…not my kind of plate.

Also, I hate natural yogurt. I just can’t stand it...I’ve never eaten an entire one, not even an entire spoon. However, I can mix it in other dishes. It goes the same with the cheese. I thought that I was lactose-intolerant, but I have no problem with milk for example….so I don’t know.

I’ve always been a highbrow in terms of foods, so there are in fact a lot of things I don’t like to eat. I will mention also olives…I was that skinny kid all my life...now with the pandemics...I might be skinny +1 kilo 😋

Regarding the meat, I am aware that it tastes good, it was more of a personal decision with regards to other living creatures. So, I wouldn’t necessarily put it in this category of ‘hated foods’.

What I enjoy eating…stuffed peppers, spinach, pasta, mushrooms, potatoes, sushi, pizza…and everything with garlic if possible. I also enjoy sweet and sours things. I can’t stay a day without eating some sugar things (e.g., chocolate, wafers, chewing candy, etc.) and sour-ones (e.g. chips, popcorn, sunflower seeds, etc.).

This is me preparing to eat sushi and some unknown things in a french restaurant 😁


I'm totally with you on the natural yoghurt thing...I don't actually get the point to be honest, let alone the taste of it which seems rather evil to me. 🤣

All your likes seem to line up pretty well with mine so get it. So many good things, so little time. A lifetime doesn't seem long enough.


Evil yoghurt...that's a point I didn't think about it yet...hahah..😁

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Thank You mister! 🙂

 4 years ago  

I'm a sucker for sushi too. Where was that picture taken? Looks comfortable.

At Spring Sushi in Paris ☺️

Wow! You are an exceptional case of vegetarians 😅

I love eating spinach and I love mushrooms in any preparation.

Yogurt doesn't keep me awake, I've eaten it sometime, I'm not a fan of it, but I don't hate it either.

Yes...I am one of those cases 😅
When I was little I didn't like at all spinach...but I love it now. Just boiled and a little bit fryed with garlic or bunch onion. Popeye would be proud 😅

Hahahaha, being unique is good 😄.
I like to eat spinach omelette, it's very tasty 😋 as a child I would never have thought I would eat that green stuff, hahaha.

Yes, indeed 😅 Spinach omelette sounds good. I have to try it 😋

I hope you like it 🤗

I think I will 🤗

 4 years ago  

All good statements here! I kind of like the regular yogurt's sour flavor to it. One of the best ways to eat it, I think is buying it plain and adding your own honey to it. You can give it the sweetness you want without the extra ingredients they throw in. Great stuff!

Yes, that's a good idea. I usually buyed fruit yougurt or those yogurts that already come with some extra cereals/ other things to mix with your yoghurt.

Hola feliz pascua para todos...
He estado pensando que comida me gusta mas o cual me desagrada desde que vi la propuesta de este fin de semana, he leido varios come comentarios y pues, considero que como de todo, la comida bien hecha y con buena presencia es buena... Aveces hay muy malos cocineros que pueden arruinar un plato delicioso y convertirlo en algo guacala... Jajaja

En definitiva, como de todo. Sin embargó, les comento que esta semana santa.. o de pascua comi pescado tenia mucho tiempo sin comerlo y es delicioso, una buena rueda de pescado, frito con tostones ( platanos verdes) ensaladas... Mi mamá dice que a eso le agregaría coco, y pues pienso que seria perfecto.
Un filet de pescado con crema o salsa de coco... Aqui en Venezuela mucho de nuestros platos para esta semana santa, contienen coco como protagonista. Arroz con leche y coco mmm un dulce para chuparse los dedos.

Pastel de pescado y coco
Majarete ( es como una natilla o flan con harina de maiz y coco) dulce de coco, besitos de coco... Mmm los quiero comer que rico....

Pense hacer una publicación sobre el coco. En la comunidad....

Les gusta a ustedes el coco...

Thanks for joining in. It'd be great if you commented in English though as I do not speak or read Spanish.


Hello happy easter to all ...
I've been thinking which food I like more or which I dislike since I saw the proposal for this weekend, I've read several comments and well, I consider that like everything, food well done and with good presence is good ... Sometimes there are very bad cooks that can ruin a delicious dish and turn it into something bad ... Hahaha

In short, I eat everything. However, I would like to tell you that this Easter I ate fish, I hadn't eaten it for a long time and it is delicious, a good fish wheel, fried with tostones (green plantains) salads ... My mom says that I would add coconut to it, and I think it would be perfect.
A fish filet with cream or coconut sauce ... Here in Venezuela many of our dishes for this Easter week, contain coconut as a protagonist. Arroz con leche with coconut mmm a finger licking sweet.

Fish and coconut cake
Majarete (it's like a custard or flan with corn flour and coconut), coconut candy, coconut kisses ... Mmm I want to eat them, yummy ....

I thought I would make a post about coconut. In the community ....

Do you like coconut ...

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Fish is a legit meal and tend to eat a lot of it, seafood in general to be honest. It's pretty healthy too from what I figure, provided it's come from somewhere wholesome or has been farmed responsibly.

Thanks for joining in this week!

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Hola, lamentablemente en este momento no tengo activo el traductor, así que te voy a escribir en mi lengua nativa, el español, espero no te moleste. Cuando leí tu post inmediatamente pensé en una bebida: se llama chicha de piña. La primera y única vez que la probé fue en un viaje que hice al estado Trujillo, aquí en Venezuela. Es una bebida a base de piña, pero era espesa, lo que me lleva a imaginar que tenía un ingrediente que quizá pudo haber sido arroz. Su sabor era delicado, dulzón con un aroma exquisito. Nada parecido a otras chichas que he probado. Lamentablemente compramos la bebida en plena carretera. Pagamos y seguimos nuestro camino con vaso en mano. Cada probada era un éxtasis para nuestro sentido del gusto y del olfato. En un momento hasta pensamos en regresar y comprar más de esa enigmática bebida, jajajaja por supuesto no lo hicimos ya estábamos muy lejos del lugar. Te debo las fotos, pero te imaginarás que mientras mi pareja manejaba y yo me lamía mis dedos, lo menos que pensamos fue en tomar una foto. Gracias por leerme y saludos desde Venezuela.

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I'm sorry, I don't speak Spanish but that thanks for joining in.


Hi, unfortunately at the moment I don't have the translator active, so I'm going to write to you in my native language, Spanish, I hope you don't mind. When I read your post I immediately thought of a drink: it's called chicha de piña. The first and only time I tried it was on a trip I made to Trujillo state, here in Venezuela. It is a pineapple based drink, but it was thick, which leads me to imagine that it had an ingredient that may have been rice. Its flavor was delicate, sweet with an exquisite aroma. Nothing like other chichas I have tried. Unfortunately we bought the drink in the middle of the road. We paid and continued on our way with glass in hand. Each taste was an ecstasy for our sense of taste and smell. At one point we even thought about going back and buying more of that enigmatic drink, hahahaha of course we didn't because we were too far away from the place. I owe you the pictures, but you can imagine that while my partner was driving and I was licking my fingers, the least we thought about was taking a picture. Thanks for reading and greetings from Venezuela.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version). Sorry for mistakes in traslation.

Hello this was my participation, sorry for no write in english, but yesterday my internet was so bad and i didn´t have traslator.

Ah ok, you had trouble with your translator. That's ok, I hope it works out.

Thank you. Yes, o hope It works good.

Food is very important to us, it is everyone's livelihood, I believe that without food we would not be able to live.

I can be very greedy. I love eating and cooking, that's why my profession is related to food, and all its industrial and non-industrial processes.

Even though I love food and eating, there is something that I can't eat, I have tried to eat it several times, but I really can't swallow it. It is the liver of the cow, many people love this food, its health benefits are high, but no, it is the food that I can not eat.
This vicera is eaten with lots of onions, calling the preparation beef liver encebollado.

If for some reason you want to invite me to eat, make sure this preparation is not on the menu 😉.

Hahaha I like liver with onions. But not much, I admit that I like onions and the flavor they acquire when are cooked with the liver. To be able to eat it you have to avoid thinking that it is a liver 😂

Nooo! Really I can not. The texture of him in my mouth makes him unable to swallow.

Chicken liver peri-peri makes a tasty dish if done correctly. Liver Pâté another for spreading on toast, all depends on recipes used.

Agree beef liver is not something ever eaten with very strong taste, as for beef tripe, never tasted, doubt I ever will either.

believe that without food we would not be able to live

This is probably quite correct I'd say.

Eating the liver of anything is probably not something I'd want to do, although as you say, many simply love it! I guess the fact I'd not eat it leaves more for them though, so a win-win!

Thanks for joining in!


I confess that one opportunity a very kind lady invited me to eat at her house, a very attentive lady, she was happy that they ate with her, and she told me that she has prepared a delicious liver onions . I really wanted to run away, I couldn't find what to do, my face totally changed when they told me the menu, however I tried and I put a piece of liver in my mouth, chewed and chewed and it was untreatable, I had no choice but to tell the lady that I couldn't eat it.

Lol...How did she take the news that you couldn't eat the liver?

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I like eating more than cooking, hahahahahaha. I think I cook out of necessity, I admire people who dedicate themselves to cooking because it's a lot of work.

I hate beef liver, my mom forced me to eat it as a child and I think it has been one of the most unpleasant experiences of my life, to the point that she had to stop giving it to me because it started to make me nauseous and I couldn't tolerate it anymore.

 4 years ago  

I see those cow livers in the market. Never tried it myself. Every time I see it I think the people who eat probably eat the eyes next to it too. And the tongue. Anywho.. what I meant was I've never tried cow liver.

Did I miss it? I'm good at doing that. Did you mention your favorite food and I missed it?

I don't have a favorite food. I only hate beef liver, otherwise I can eat anything else.

I used to like pressed cow tongue as a kid. My mom would make it the pressure cooker and it came out real good tasting, haven't had it since being a kid though.

 4 years ago  

If your mom pressurized some lingua right now I'd love to get my first taste of it from a pro like her.

It has been years, but as I remember it it came out nice and tender, and it was my dad that got me into eating sandwiches that consisted of more than peanut butter and jam.

I have to say I agree about the liver, and liver and onions? Created no doubt by a raving Englishman.

 4 years ago  

I've eaten only two organs in my life and they were chicken hearts and chicken livers. They were blended with onions and some other stuff, cooked and made into a pâté and it was an interesting experience. Not one I would do often but I'm glad I tried it. It sounds like you tried cow liver as well and don't like it so I don't blame you lol

I must say, value + taste = PIZZA. A clear winner!



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I will check out the sandwich... I have my doubts but one should try new things in life 🤣.

Food dislikes..
I'm pretty simple when it comes to food, I'm not all that picky and I can try anything once. But if you force me to choose something I think it's, Brussels sprouts... I just haven't had a good version of it.

Food likes!
I mean I can easily say Pasta, Pizza and even Sushi... But you know what doesn't get enough credit? Eggs! I can always count on fried eggs! And I can't really go wrong. It's just always tasty. Some of my friends call me Triple Egg cause I told them about my famous 3 egg combo. I'm just saying chickens fear me...

And talking about likes....
It's going down! (If you know you know)

That dish with triple eggs looks delicious!!!!! Certainly eggs are a very nutritious food and an excellent option that is not always taken into account very much

Thanks, it's my go to after a night or as breakfast :).
What do you like?

Definitely like breakfast 😋

Haha, yeah I was waiting for someone to say brussels sprouts...I used to hate them but now I think they're awesome! It's all about how they're done I guess. But yep, I get it, you an millions of others hate them!

Eggs dude! Where would we be without eggs? So good man, so many options. I agree with this one...No doubt.

Now...Milk and ginger nut biscuits...Happening right now huh? SO good man, I'm very jealous!

Thanks for joining in mate.


I don't hate them but.. I mean, they don't really do anything for me...
And yes the milk and ginger nuts were great!

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Sprouts are the worst lol! They have such a weird taste to them. I only ever have them at Christmas as it seems to be traditional to have some with your Christmas dinner!

I'm glad I (we) don't adhere to those Christmas traditions through....I mean it's supposed to be a day of celebration! Who celebrates with sprouts?! 😃

 4 years ago  

Hey why is there only two eggs in the frying Pan Triple Egg? 🤔

The 3rd one a strategically blending so you can't see it!!!
No but one egg is already mixed in so that there is more body to put the ham and cheese on 😃

 4 years ago  

Strategically blended.. spoken like a true chef.

Brussels sprout are a great veggie, I love-em. I recently had some sautéed ones in bacon and butter with some onions, but I really prefer them just plain old boiled or in a nice creamy potato soup.


Haha so you're just gonna show up to defend the sprouts huh??!
I would try the sautéed ones though, they have a chance in my book

I love them, they look like tiny cabbages which I also happen to like, though I prefer my cabbage raw not cooked or fermented.

 4 years ago  

Damn that sounds fantastic, though you could sauté almost anything in that and it will be delicious lol

 4 years ago  

Oh man let me know how you like the ginger cookies and milk dude! I think @ladybug146 was also one to recommend it, if not sorry Marielle lol.

I love fried eggs with a passion. I make them every weekend almost, my favorite is making a bagel and egg sandwich except mine I use two eggs and put one on each half of the bagel instead of one between lol. Your plate looks great!

Brussel sprouts can be tough to get used to if not made right. I love to bake them in the oven with salt and pepper, with olive oil. When they come out drizzle some balsamic vinegar on them and they are delicious!

Haha i did! It was good!
Also tried it with (black) coffee and I now have even more problems limiting my ginger nutty intake 😃...

You know what I'll give these sprouts another chance but I'll have someone else make them and do something special with them haha I'll keep you posted!

I don't like goat cheese. I can't even stand the thought of goat cheese. I gag at the sight of goat cheese. If someone slips me goat cheese, and that shit somehow ends up in my mouth, and I begin to taste it, I become paralyzed with fear. I have to scrub my tongue and use three liters of mouthwash to get whatever the hell is wrong with that stuff out of me, for good. Goat cheese is the most traumatizing experience of my life. I don't know if I can even trust people who eat that stuff and say, "It's good." What is so wrong with their mouth to even make them say that?

Goat and goat by-products, I have ate a lot of things in my life, but some how goat cheese, goat meat, and goat milk have not crossed my taste buds yet. I should try some one day.

I have had lamb chops before, and mutton once but the mutton was a tad bit to chewy even though it was in a stew.

I'll eat squirrel. I'll leave the goats alone. They can be the petting zoo.

I never tried squirrel stew before and I lived in TN close to the KY border for a few years. I was young and just could not get passed the stereotype of squirrel stew eating folk.

 4 years ago  

You ever tried goat cheese cake?

I can't say I've ever tasted goat cheese and, if I have, I don't remember so it must not have been good. I'm cheesy, but more peppery jacky.

I saw goat cheese cake on a menu once in New Orleans, it came with the fried alligator poppers, I'd had neither. I had to try it. Eh... they were both pretty damn good.

Those creative restaurants can be so, awkward. The way some of those menus are designed, and the confusion they create at times, can be like eating goat cheese.

 4 years ago  

Goat cheese didn't rhyme with times. And had I not directed that sentence it would've said Fiat cheese. The fuuuu??

 4 years ago  

Hahah your passionate hate for goat cheese sounds like you had quite the traumatic event with the stuff. I won't try to convince you otherwise but if it's the right variety, the stuff is excellent. Some are disgusting for sure though, so it depends which.

You can't fool me with that brand name stuff. No dice. Nice try though!

Hahahaha, I can see the hatred you have for goat cheese, I don't like it either but not so much that I distrust people who eat it,although I probably should 😅😂🤣

There's something off about those people...

I'm just kidding of course. But I'm not kidding when I say I hate goat cheese...

Hahahaha, I totally understand the feeling 🤗

Hahahaha, I totally understand the feeling 🤗

Hahahahaha I felt the passion in this one...
What did goats ever do to you 🤣🤣🤣

They tried to put rotten milk in my face!

Goat cheese malfunctions...I'm not saying you, maybe it's everyone else...Like, their mouth is malfunctioning or something...Or the taste receptors in their noggins? Lol.

I'm not actually a big fan of it either to be honest...I mean, if I was starving I'd eat it but otherwise I'd choose anything else over it...Even rocket. (Arugula).

Thanks for stopping by.


I'd rather starve or eat bugs. I would eat the goat raw and while its still living before I'd eat goat cheese.

So...You don't like it much then? 🤣

Well, no. Do they milk a male to make that stuff?

Haha, I think that's exactly what they do...Best avoided I'd say.

Got your back on this one!

Habajajaah I only tried goat cheese once and it was good, what's the problem?

Don't try it twice. Fair warning! LOL

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