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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 43: Your food love or hate - Win hive

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Fun stuff man!
Ah beets. I love almost every vegetable and other healthy thing but beets are something I despise. I don’t know what it is about the flavor but I can’t stand the things lol. I will trust your opinion on the beets and cheese sandwich! I do think that a lot of things with fresh white bread, butter and slices of fresh cheese could be palatable for sure. Except beets of course lol.

I’ll have to check out your other post about rocket or whatever that is. Doesn’t ring a bell!

So before I read your response to the topic I knew I was going to do a weird combo one. Ever since I was a kid, I absolutely love to eat toast or a bagel with some really good butter on it and the awesome but weird part? I think sipping the toast or bagel into some fresh delicious orange juice is amazing! I have no idea where I got it from but I do it all the time lol. Some of my favorites to use for bread is Jewish rye bread, so right up your alley with that one, and Italian scali bread. Others are awesome as well but those two have really great flavors for it! I remember when I was dating Siena and we went out to breakfast one morning after some fun time out and I got toast and orange juice and started to do it in front of her she looked at me like I was disgusting hahaha. She said people were looking at me for being weird. Thankfully we weren’t on our first day otherwise she might have dropped me for that one!

Besides beets, for something I really dislike as food I’m going to have to say tofu. I can get into the veggie and other types of things that are trying not to use meat but ugh tofu is gross. I tried it many ways and I can’t get past the weird block look of it and the lack of taste. No more tofu for me!


I can't imagine what it's like to have a sip of bread with orange juice, it's like dipping bread in coffee with milk?

Bagels dunked in orange juice...Now that is an interesting combination for sure. It would have been a shame for that quirk to have cost you Siena...Fortunately she already knew you were a weirdo and just accepted it! Lol.

I'm with you on the tofu thing...I mean what the actual fuck right? The only good tofu for me is the tofu I don't have to eat!

Great response as always, thanks for joining in!


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