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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 43: Your food love or hate - Win hive

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Hola feliz pascua para todos...
He estado pensando que comida me gusta mas o cual me desagrada desde que vi la propuesta de este fin de semana, he leido varios come comentarios y pues, considero que como de todo, la comida bien hecha y con buena presencia es buena... Aveces hay muy malos cocineros que pueden arruinar un plato delicioso y convertirlo en algo guacala... Jajaja

En definitiva, como de todo. Sin embargó, les comento que esta semana santa.. o de pascua comi pescado tenia mucho tiempo sin comerlo y es delicioso, una buena rueda de pescado, frito con tostones ( platanos verdes) ensaladas... Mi mamá dice que a eso le agregaría coco, y pues pienso que seria perfecto.
Un filet de pescado con crema o salsa de coco... Aqui en Venezuela mucho de nuestros platos para esta semana santa, contienen coco como protagonista. Arroz con leche y coco mmm un dulce para chuparse los dedos.

Pastel de pescado y coco
Majarete ( es como una natilla o flan con harina de maiz y coco) dulce de coco, besitos de coco... Mmm los quiero comer que rico....

Pense hacer una publicación sobre el coco. En la comunidad....

Les gusta a ustedes el coco...


Thanks for joining in. It'd be great if you commented in English though as I do not speak or read Spanish.


Hello happy easter to all ...
I've been thinking which food I like more or which I dislike since I saw the proposal for this weekend, I've read several comments and well, I consider that like everything, food well done and with good presence is good ... Sometimes there are very bad cooks that can ruin a delicious dish and turn it into something bad ... Hahaha

In short, I eat everything. However, I would like to tell you that this Easter I ate fish, I hadn't eaten it for a long time and it is delicious, a good fish wheel, fried with tostones (green plantains) salads ... My mom says that I would add coconut to it, and I think it would be perfect.
A fish filet with cream or coconut sauce ... Here in Venezuela many of our dishes for this Easter week, contain coconut as a protagonist. Arroz con leche with coconut mmm a finger licking sweet.

Fish and coconut cake
Majarete (it's like a custard or flan with corn flour and coconut), coconut candy, coconut kisses ... Mmm I want to eat them, yummy ....

I thought I would make a post about coconut. In the community ....

Do you like coconut ...

Translated with (free version)

Fish is a legit meal and tend to eat a lot of it, seafood in general to be honest. It's pretty healthy too from what I figure, provided it's come from somewhere wholesome or has been farmed responsibly.

Thanks for joining in this week!

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