Here's another fun fact. I've been hospitalized twice in my life due to avocado, once by ambulance.
On a fluke crazy incident once at a friend of mine's little girls birthday party, about 25 years ago now, I bit into a salad, I didn't know it had avocado in it. Immediately I knew it was bad.. it starts at my lips and if I don't get help quick my throat will swell shut.
At the time, I had a bowl of strawberries in my hand, I didn't wanna freak anyone out so I took the strawberries with me to my truck and I was gonna try to drive myself to the hospital.
The more I ate those strawberries, the lesser the reaction. I ate more and more and the allergic reaction went away completely. I still carry a bendedryl on me, I used to have to carry an epi pen in elementary school, benedryl does the trick these days.
But since that birthday party, I've come in contact with avocado three times and all three times I ate strawberries and I never went to a hospital, the reaction just went away.
Wow!!! Amazing the power of strawberries!!!!! 😯 Some chemical reaction will produce the mixture of those foods, it really is a curious story, I did not know that strawberries could fight an allergic attack.
Fascinating right? I'll tell anyone who's willing to listen but I also have to insist 'Don't really on it! For sure.. but it works for me.
Happy Easter!
Good to know, fortunately I am not allergic to any food 🙏🏻 but my two year old son is, only his allergy is on his skin 😞.
Happy Easter! ✨
I wouldn't be surprised if strawberries help him too.
Did ya'all enjoy a nice Easter dinner?
I'm going to try to see if it improves his skin
We had a divine tuna dinner with mashed potatoes and salad 😋 and you?
We got in a good hike and enjoyed some Cajun food at our favorite restaurant. 💖
Here we are again with restrictions on going out, the Covid outbreak is raging now and we have just over 3 weeks locked in again 😩.