Well, I finally see this post just in time, I usually see it on Sundays when it is too late to comment and get involved with others and make new friends 😅.
Responding to this week's topic, I will first talk about a food that I love, my favorite food indeed: lentil stew. I love lentils, in all their forms, even boiled and only with salt. I love it. Lentil stew is something I could always eat and never tire of.
On the other hand, one food that I hate is beef tripe. You know, I don't even understand how something that looks so horrible can be edible. It looks like a towel, its appearance is totally horrendous, I can't imagine its taste. Although the defenders of the beef tripe say that it is delicious ... I don't believe them anything.
The problem with some places that sell lentil stew is that they put beef tripe in their ingredients ... so I can never eat a restaurant-bought lentil stew because they just screw it up. There is only the option of cooking it myself or by someone I trust who agrees not to put horrible beef tripe in it!
I absolutely agree on your love food and your hate food! Lentils, every type can be prepared in so many different ways in so many different dishes and I always add some to stews, casseroles and curries. Although I don't eat a lot of canned products as I find they juts taste metallic I occasionally buy canned lentils and add a selection of herbs and spices and a little tomato passata for a meal that is ready in a few minutes when I am short on time.
You are right about knowing how the food is prepared in your favourite eateries too, I make a habit of learning a little about them and stay loyal once I know I like the food on offer.
Canned lentils are the salvation when you're in a hurry. Good for a salad 😃❤️
Apparently we have the same tastes. LOL. The entrails of cows are inedible to me.
I do love lentils, today my lunch was made up of lentils, they are divine and very nutritious
Jajaja excelente ❤❤ marchen muchas lentejas y nada de entrañas raras 😂
Yes please. If you plan to invite me to eat, you better prepare lentils with pasta, it's great 😊
Oh gosh yeah, lentils beat entrails everytime!👍
Hey there...I'm with you completely on the lentils, such a versatile and tasty food...I'm also with you on the tripe...I can't do it! Never have and never will.
Thanks for joining in and getting in first this week...I've thrown you a bigger comment-vote for that reason! Have a great weekend.
Thank you very much. Glad I was early ❤ Have a great weekend too!
tokens.I love lentils, especially making burgers with them, I think they are very versatile grains. I agree with you that beef tripe is horrible!!!!!
Long life to the lentils ❤
Here where I live (right near Mexico) there is a really popular soup called Menudo. It is legendary for it's taste AND for it's ability to cure a hangover.
Not for me. It includes tripe. It just is not happening that I might put that stuff in my body.
I have found over the years that the soup Pozole is the same but without the tripe. I don't drink, so no hangover, but I love Pozole.
With you there on the tripe. Gross. Not happening. In my country a LOT of people like it, but I ain't one of them.
El pozole It is completely divine, it is very substantial and I am sure it would raise a dead man.
That's great. I've never heard of Menudo before. And thanks God exist an alternative beef tripe free 😝
What's in the Pozole soup? It sounds far better sans the tripe lol
Hunks of Pork roast, lots of hominy, cilantro. Soup is served with shredded cabbage, lime wedges and dried cilantro for you to 'spruce up' your own. It's just plain good.
Jajajaja un buen plato de lentejas bien cocido es bastante apetecible. Disfruto cuando mi mamá las hace y le quedan deliciosas. Lástima que a los niños de mi casa no les resulta muy apetitosa, por lo que no las hacemos tan seguidas.
Menos niños que coman lentejas significan más lentejas para vos jajaja. Deberías aprovecharlo! 😝
My wife and I like lentils, they really are good just all by themselves like you said with just a touch of salt. When we want a soup with lentils we just use chicken or a little bit of roast beef, carrots and onions, just a basic soup, but still good tasting and great for when you feel a cold coming on.
I never try lentils+chicken. That sounds interesting 💕
Haha! I didn't like tripe as a kid. Can eat it now but I wouldn't buy it or cook it.
I was thinking of tripe when I was going to say things I hate but I figured it would be too obvious. I don't know anyone who likes tripe lol. Gross!
Ah I'm with you on lentils! One of my favorite ways to eat them is making a nice soup with green lentils, my favorite variety, onions, sweet potatoes, tiny pasta and bacon! Bacon is my secret to making lentils taste delicious! I cook it and add the bacon grease in it and everything, it's wonderful. I also spice it with salt, black pepper and whole allspice balls. The allspice gives it a nice flavor I think!
Totalmente de acuerdo con eso....que hambre
All spice is legendary for seasoning anything when you are up against time. But after reading down the thread so far, who is tripe made for? It seems like anybody with a pulse finds it gross so who the hell is making it and who the hell is eating it???
I may set up a covert spot, a little like a 'bird-hide' to see who actually leaves the store with tripe! There is something a little 'twilight zone' going on here if ya ask me!😂
Los granos me encantan, las lentejaa son delisiosAs... Aveces les agrego chuletas y le da un sabor unico