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Yeah man. Make the most of it before it becomes a crime dude!

National identity is built on these sort of good natured swiping at eachother, I have a couple of aussie mates and some of the stuff we say to eachother during The Ashes turns the air blue πŸ˜‚

Sorry I didn't capitalise aussie but I barely acknowledge it as a country, I just see it as 'England's overflow carpark!' 😜

Β 4 years agoΒ Β 

I'll get arrested by the rainbow people for some transgression or other...Not having my paper like in 1939 Nazi Germany. Great fucking world huh?

Hey, aussies don't need a capital letter bro, we're comfortable with who we are...This only get feisty when some ignoramus confuses us with a Pom! The reasons are obvious. πŸ˜‰