Guaooo, I had never thought of making a combination of bread with beets and cheese 😯.
I tell you my favorite food since I was a kid is pasticho, I totally love it. My dad used to get annoyed because I always ordered the same dish when we went out to eat and I never dared to try anything else, even, if the restaurant wasn't that pasta specialty, hahahaha. Before choosing where to go, they would think about looking for some place that might have pasticho included in the menu.
A few years ago I became a Sushi fanatic, I love it!!!! And now it is my first choice when going out to eat.
What do I hate? Undoubtedly the liver, I find it totally disgusting.
I love pasticho too! A mates wife used to make it for me when I was over for dinner with them sometimes and would always make an extra batch to take home. It's so good! And that sushi? Yep, that's legit too.
Thanks for joining in.
I think that just remembering this made me want to prepare a good tray of pasticho this weekend 🤗
tokens.Wheel it in pasticho or any pasta dishes are great, so many ways to make and flavour, yummy.
Sushi never eaten, except select few pickled Herring, smoked trout, fresh oysters sums it up for me....
Yes, pasta has many tasty ways to prepare it. I don't usually eat a lot of pasta, but I love pasticho.
Sushi is a recent taste, it doesn't appeal to you because of the fish?
You know what? Liver makes just fine stinkbait when you are fishing for bottom fish.
I don't even eat the fish that's caught off of liver.
Oh no, liver on a fish line. We start spicing them using bread balls and curry powder.
How do you know a fish was caught off liver, smell it? No I don't eat catfish either, whiskers put me off.
Trust you are well @bigtom13
Interesting question, I was just asking myself this question ðŸ¤
I didn't know that fact, is it because of the foul odor it has? 🤢
You are right not to eat that fish,hahahaha 😂
It is very unpleasant, although many people like it. Its peculiar smell of blood and its consistency like gum make it inedible
Mmmmm... liver.
More for Me then. Love me some liver.

This weekend I'm in the mood for some Italian food because of such good suggestions, the pasticho is a delicious dish, my mom always makes it when the family gathers, it takes us back to childhood days when we had fun at lunch eating pasticho.
I think all the kids love pasticho!!!! It's a dish that every mom in the world should know how to make, hahaha 😅
Yes, I agree, teach how to make a delicious pasticho to all the moms hahaha.
Hahahahaha, like a subject in college 😊
Back in my drinking days I used to say 'I'd rather be a liver than have one' and now that I typed it out I realize I probably shouldn't post it.
But I love sushi so it's going up.
Hehehe, things you say with a few drinks in your liver 🙈🙉🙊😅
August 2nd, 2014.
You known it's bad when the date's locked in memory
We all have those special dates...
Mine is Sunday August 28th 2016. (3pm)
Drunk Driver...
I've seen that a couple times now and it never gets easier to imagine.
It was my dream truck, paid off, it was like losing a member of the family. I do not think I will ever get over it. I have HD video of it but do not watch it. It plays on a repeat loop in my head.
But I will keep on truckin' till the wheels fall off again.
And always miss that Kay Dubbya... R.I.P. old truck.
You know... I, like many others, only know the exterior of a big truck on the road. Some are bigger than others, some are lit tf UP, some have sleepers, some don't.
But that Kay Dubya is a good lookin machine and you don't have to be a truck driver to know that.
OMG!!! I also have an experience of these 😠a drunk driver hit my van from behind, the whole passenger side was destroyed and I had to do rehab for my spine for about 6 months and I still have discomfort in my neck. It was exactly 8 months ago
Aww I love it too, that's the biggest Sushi ever! mlem! mlem! mlem!
Hahahaha, can you imagine eating one like that? 😯
I don't really like the sushi, I couldn't find the delicious thing that everyone loves.
Too bad, but diversity is the variety of tastes, if we all liked it, it would probably be a very boring world if we ate the same 😅
So long live lentils 😄🤗
Mmmmm... liver.
More for Me then. Love me some liver.

It is the one and only thing My Wife will not cook for Me...
I understand her perfectly, I can't stand the smell, even when cooked with lots of onions 🙈
Fava Beans..?
Fava Beans & A Nice Chianti
Oh nononono you just raked up a whole host of childhood trauma with mention of liver....😱
Keep hodl'ing that crypto because you are really gonna have out with the therapy costs later.
Hahahahaha, it's true!!!! For me it was a trauma, only that now overcome (although I still can not tolerate the liver), I have nothing to complain to my mother because I know she did it with the best intentions 🤗
How have I never heard of pasticho? I need to look that up!
Ah sushi, that's something I haven't enjoyed in a while. I love me a good sushi but I stay away from it now unless it's cooked. For the longest time I never used the soy sauce with it but once I did it's a game changer! Lol
Pasticho is very similar to lasagna, do you know this dish? They are not exactly the same but in concept they are quite similar.
I like cooked sushi too, and with the soy sauce... Yummyyyy, definitely another taste 😋