So, I love the humble beetroot, cheese and mayonnaise sandwich.
Why did you have to remind me of this horror?
I love sweets. Who doesn't love sweets? if someone doesn't like to eat sweets or to play with dogs I get suspicious of that person.
0:30 to 0:38
but make sure you explain your answers.
...No. 😜
sweets are one my many weaknesses. and they are awesome. I consider this a good explanation. But if it is not enough here are some foodporn pics. After all ,,pictures are worth a thousand words'' right?
Thanks for joining in.
tokens.I feel the same way about someone who doesn't eat sweets or like dogs, can't trust'em. I kinda pretty much feel the exact same way of anyone who doesn't admit they know all the words to this Justin Bieber song, too, so you might consider another potential witness in your behalf.
I guess this means that you should not completely trust me. I don't listen to Justin Bieber. And if I am not mistaken this was the only song that I had learned entirely...
Now I no longer have intention of singing it so I don't even remember this song.
Fuckin dope dude! That's a jam!
I don't listen to Justin Bieber either, can't tell you one other song he does. But that song right there, that song, whoever says they don't like it either can't be trusted or they never heard it. Did you check it out?
Even the video's dope! That young couple dancing but dancing in bed. Cool stuff.
yes. song is nice but I was more interested in their movements.
Do you like any rap music? Or are you into any hip hop at all? I ask cuz I'm a big fan of it. I've seen this dude Futuristic (linking him in a moment) perform twice. The first time he did a cover song of that Justin Bieber otherwise I probably would've never heard it. If you're not a fan of rap or hip hop, apologies in advance but you really gotta check out this cover of that Bieber track. Soon as I heard this I like it and the original.
I don't really consider myself a fan of any music. I like various music but I also often spend months without listening to anything at all. 😜 But I do like Eminem songs. So maybe I could be considered a rap fan? 😜
I liked that cover.
Tough not to like Eminem.
Sweets are indeed a weakness. I've had to put on my game face lately and refuse then entirely, it's tough lol.
I think one time I did not eat any sweets for a few months. I will not do that again.😜