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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 43: Your food love or hate - Win hive

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Oh, yeah. I like Italian. True story: The first time in my life that I really got overweight I had an Italian girlfriend. She cooked and I ate!

I like Seafood just fine. But I can understand why people don't.


Italian seasoning is the absolute best, isn't it? There is somewhat of a crossover between love and food in Italian culture that I really like, feeding someone you love is seen as such a caring thing to do.

That girlfriend suggested that it was a physical way to say I love you. I believe her-and still have a real fondness for Provolone cheese :)

You love it perhaps?

Yup a lot of ladies feel that way. Usually Mama sets that wheel in to motion I think, as they say the kitchen is the heart of the home.

Hope you're doing good man, nice to cross paths buddy, have an awesome week 😎


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I know I know... I'm a dumbass!!!

They were clearly for Tom, although if I don't even know that, how are you supposed to?

Gahh!!! Life's too bloody complicated 😂

Imagine if you had married her..?

Well I did, and mine makes killer lasagna.

Thank God.!! It is only once in a blue moon now or I would weigh a TON..!!


GOAL!!! Result Bro. It's probably for the best about that lasagna, like ya said. It would be horrendous if we had to start describing you as:


But it is Soooooooo good..!

Here is a photo of what I would look like if She cooked up a batch every week...

hey happy weekend - what's your favorite seafood item, out of curiosity?

My boyfriend is descended from Italians, but he did not inherit the cooking gene, unfortunately lol!