I had to go without meat for several years, mostly fruits and nuts and green salads, but that diet caused other issues, so I am finally able to do a more balanced diet, less meat than before, and less fruits than before. Still all in all chicken is a good food. rattlesnake even taste like chicken, or does chicken taste like rattlesnake?
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I've never tried rattlesnake, is that weird?
I don't know if it is weird or not. But you have to do something with the snake after you kill it so skin it, (hat band), keep the rattle, (great for scaring people), toss the head away, (who needs it), and cook the rest. I guess it is mostly back woods campers that ever really get to eat rattlesnake. It is probably illegal to do that now.
Rattlesnakes are protected species here in Arizona. I mean REALLY!.
That happened because of commercial hunters. So, you are supposed to carefully move a rattler you find in your yard to a wild place. It's pretty tricky to do, mine almost always seem to end up dead. (Or in the neighbors yard :))
I knew there were venom harvesters of rattlesnakes, but there were people harvesting them? Heck they have pretty big broods when they mate, or so I've been told, so why not just farm them if they want the skins for belts and the meat for exotic restaurants. People are lazy I guess, or really afraid of them in tight quarters.
No doubt about it, chicken tastes like rattlesnake.
I think I was 14 years old when I had my first taste of rattlesnake, and it really was a great tasting food.