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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 43: Your food love or hate - Win hive

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Oh man let me know how you like the ginger cookies and milk dude! I think @ladybug146 was also one to recommend it, if not sorry Marielle lol.

I love fried eggs with a passion. I make them every weekend almost, my favorite is making a bagel and egg sandwich except mine I use two eggs and put one on each half of the bagel instead of one between lol. Your plate looks great!

Brussel sprouts can be tough to get used to if not made right. I love to bake them in the oven with salt and pepper, with olive oil. When they come out drizzle some balsamic vinegar on them and they are delicious!


Haha i did! It was good!
Also tried it with (black) coffee and I now have even more problems limiting my ginger nutty intake 😃...

You know what I'll give these sprouts another chance but I'll have someone else make them and do something special with them haha I'll keep you posted!