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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 43: Your food love or hate - Win hive

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago (edited)

Oh dude! Beetroot is the absolute worst! Like all things that are the worst, it infects everything around it... if there's beets anywhere near anything, then everything will have some purple beet juice on it.


So, you might not know, but I'm an Aussie living in the US. I've been here for about 6 years and only visited home once... and I've got a MASSIVE hankering for two things:

The humble Chicken Parma with chips:


I would want a LOT more chips just FYI... and get that token salad out of there.

Not only is a top-notch pub meal, but my mates and I would chase the best parmas on If you're a pub in Melbourne, your parma will make or break you.

I haven't had one for 6 years and I'm ready.

The other thing I want is just a simple bakery coffee scroll:


I want to get one, cut it in half, slather it in butter and just dig in. Heaven.

The US does have sticky buns... but they're gross. Way too sweet and completely over the top.

Have an awesome Easter break Galen! We got a huge box of Easter Eggs from Aus last night, so we're doing pretty well. Hot Cross Buns aren't a thing here... so my wife has been learning to make them the last couple of years... she's not quite there but each year she gets closer...


I used to work in a huge factory that made bread rolls, the smell was amazing all the time. BUT in late February every year ((depending on when Easter dates fell that year)) We started to make and bake the hot cross buns, each trolley held over 700 of the buggers, 32 trolleys per hour, the smell of the glaze made going to work almost bearable, when they stopped shortly after Easter each year I was a little depressed.

ALSO The town I live in, in England is known as the home of the 'parmo' the difference between parma and parmo is a layer of white bechamel sauce beneath the cheese, it is literally our regional dish, sold in every pub and takeaway. Several people have gained a lot of press exposure for taking it to other countries, including Oz. It was the very last dish containing meat that I ate, almost ten years ago.

 4 years ago  

Damn that looks great! The chicken parm looks like I would love it, with the token salad there too hahah.

I do enjoy an American coffee roll packed with sugar and cinnamon but I think having one that's far lighter on the sugar would be good as well. It might help keep things balanced for flavors. That had ones like that when we were in Italy I think and they were good. I remember being confused expecting the sugar explosion we are used to as Americans but it being pretty low on the sugar lol. Not bad!

It is hard to find a nice not to sweet sticky bun. A whole web tracking page for the best chicken parma, man some foods in some areas that just go nuts. Who would have thought that would be the bar food of Australia. Chicken, Ham and cheese what good possibly go wrong with that combo.

Hahaha, you can't go wrong... that's the beauty of it... and most people don't care... but because it's such the topic of conversation and people love being experts about things, then it's become such a huge deal. I don't need the best, I just want it to be good... but I'm definitely not opposed to traveling to try the best... I'm not immune.

Six years dude? Crikey, your Australianness is in jeopardy! You need a chicken schnitty quick my bro! (No ridiculous side salad either, that's just wrong!) And you need to wash that down with a coffee scroll mate, or else...It could just be the end of you!

The US does have sticky buns

320 million of them apparently. Lol.

I'll hoist a coldie for you mate, eat some hot cross buns and send some subliminal Aussie to you over there. Happy to you and your family mate.


How dare you call my buns sticky!

Ah, well... every time I touch them I have to lick my fingers constantly...

Haha...Well I said 320 million, leaves a few in reserve so consider yourself in the reserve. 🙂

Hahaha, my Australianness is true blue mate, I've got @rustle right here to keep me on the straight and narrow.

We've got some meat pie flavoured Shapes so we're doing alright! Have a great weekend!

Any Shapes will save the day so seems you're all set. 🇦🇺

I resemble that 320 mill. remark...


Haha! Gold. This phenomenon happens in Australia too though. 🤣

The US does have sticky buns

320 million of them apparently. Lol.


Just taking a well-deserved swipe at our American brethren. 😁

Yeah man. Make the most of it before it becomes a crime dude!

National identity is built on these sort of good natured swiping at eachother, I have a couple of aussie mates and some of the stuff we say to eachother during The Ashes turns the air blue 😂

Sorry I didn't capitalise aussie but I barely acknowledge it as a country, I just see it as 'England's overflow carpark!' 😜

I'll get arrested by the rainbow people for some transgression or other...Not having my paper like in 1939 Nazi Germany. Great fucking world huh?

Hey, aussies don't need a capital letter bro, we're comfortable with who we are...This only get feisty when some ignoramus confuses us with a Pom! The reasons are obvious. 😉

That chicken parma looks exceptional!

I live in the North East of England, and in this specific region, there is the chicken parmo, which is the local delicacy, I guess you could call it lol! It's similar to the parma, but it has bechamel sauce, and regular cheese on top!

Oh, very interesting... so a white sauce and then cheese... does it put ham on top of the crumbed chicken?

I can see I'm not going to be able to get through this weekend without making our own chicken parmas now...

Nope, no ham either, which seems like a mistake to me! I might need to try that!

It's such a weird combo... but it's so good!

You gotta find English food to find Hot Cross Buns around here. The buns are fine and the fish and chips are good but the rest? I'll have tacos please...

Which brings me to that Chicken Parma. Looks good. I'm with you that looks like portion control fries (chips) so need to find a restaurant with a fat boy cooking...

Yeah, we've found one pub in Oregon that specialized in English food... and it, was, ah, not good. We were so excited for the fish and chips but it was massively disappointing.

We did find one bakery that did Hot Cross Buns... but they stuck candy all over it, and then glazed it. It was hard as a rock and the most bizarre thing I've ever eaten.

Ahhhhh. We have the old, used up London Bridge over the Colorado River here, and there are a ton of Fish and Chips restaurants in the neighborhood. It works out pretty well and only a couple hundred miles from home :)

That chicken Parma looks really delicious. And the bakery coffee roll looks like what I know in my country as cinnamon roll (there are also dried fruit ones but these look awful to me).

I really like the cinnamon ones, and the chocolate ones make my mouth water 🤤

Hmmm, the chocolate ones aren't too sweet? Is the whole thing chocolate or is there just chocolate chips in there? This conversation is making my mouth water too!

I think it depends on your sweet tolerance level, hahaha 😅. The rolls I like have only chocolate chips, I think that balances the flavor and gives them a tolerable sweetness, my mouth is really watering talking about this 🤤🤭

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No Vegemite..?

Juss kidding...

Ok, not kidding but kinda...


But one of my co-pilot cats likes it...

Lil' Guy & Vegemite (3) 2019-07-25.jpg

Oh.. I forgot.

Chik-Parm Rocks.!!


Oh gosh. Here we have a similar thingy to the sticky buns but they're called Copenhagen's and are filled with custard and drizzled with glaze icing 🤤 man hot cross buns ain't got s*** on Copenhagens.

 4 years ago  

A big ol' chicken parm and cinnamon buns will keep the doctor away for sure said the beetroot.

:confession: I can't stand it either.

Hahahaha, my partner loves beetroot... it's the root of our worse fights.

 4 years ago  

10 in creativity points. If this was a one-liner contest, you just set the bar.