
Visit us @ The Sandbag House House and I will make haggis...

When covid buggers off it's on the cards!

I won't eat thats. One is kidneys. And if I can, I will avoid things passion fruit and guava. And overdone chilli. Oh and my late mother's vegetable soup.Well, @dandays called me over. Food, I can discuss for days... I have lots of favourites (yes with a U 💃) and will eat anything at least once, possibly more often before I give my verdict. I don't have many

As for favourites, that depends entirely on the mood and the moment. Am I cooking or choosing from a menu. Really easy to please, methinks!!!

 4 years ago  

Quick, I need a favor!



Well, I've threatened to come to SA to visit your food booth, but now I know I'd be fine. I have one thing to add to the list: Brussel Sprouts. Not now, not ever. :) I'm more likely to eat passion fruit and guava.

You'd be very welcome. You might get passion fruit cheesecake and I would keep all the Brussels sprouts for myself!!🤣

Thanks, Brexit and then COVID have been conspiring against me making it over there. Someday hopefully.

You'll get there...This pandemic can't last for ever right? Right? Come on I need some reassurance! 😆

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I just hope it isn't a train. :)

Haha! That's always an issue I guess.