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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 43: Your food love or hate - Win hive

in Weekend Experiences • 4 years ago

🤣Haha!!! That rocket really got me at first. It’s really hard to pick a favorite fruit so I’ll name a few. Muscat grapes, watermelon or all kinds of melon, peaches, apples, mangoes and strawberries. How about you, what fruits do you like? Here’s a little platter I made some time ago:



Looks delicious that dish, very provocative 😋, I hadn't heard that muscatel fruit, I guess it's the one next to the strawberries?

I really like fruits too, my favorites: strawberries, grapes, pineapple, watermelon and mangoes!!!!

😃Your likes are similar to mine. The one next to the strawberry is dragonfruit. These are muscat grapes:


 4 years ago (edited) 

I know them as green grapes and I love them, but I didn't know dragonfruit 😯

Dragonfruit aren’t very sweet but but nutritious. It’s my favorite of green grapes. 😃

I don't think we have this fruit in Venezuela, I have never seen it 🙄.

This is an uncut one.


Wow! How curious that fruit, definitely hadn't seen it before 😯.

Thank you for showing it to me 🤗.

Thanks re the dish. 😃