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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 43: Your food love or hate - Win hive

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Dear community, here again with you.
This time to tell you about the foods that I like and those that I do not tolerate.

A good balanced diet is synonymous with health.

I love fish, and salads in all its presentations, fish is a rich source of nutrients, it connects me with my childhood because my dad was a fisherman all his life.

Eating is definitely my passion, and any dish regardless of its presentation is my delight.

There are foods that I have not been able to eat because I can't tolerate them at all such as: viceras, beef tongue, cauliflower, chicken feet, goat and sheep meat are some of those foods.

I believe that any food is good, however we always have preferences to select what we really like.

In Venezuela we have the virtue and privilege of having a wide gastronomic range, in which we can delight whenever we can.

Blessings to all my dear foodies hahahaha those who are passionate about eating.


Fish is a good food for sure. So healthy and good for us in many ways. You must have had so much fresh fish I guess with your dad and all. Also, those foods you don't like...With the exception of cauliflower, which I love, I'm with you.


Gracias por comentar, si para nada me gusta la coliflor aunque se que es muy nutritiva .

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 4 years ago  

I certainly enjoy me some fish for sure but I can also enjoy some nice lamb chops as well! Some good food all around and it's great to live where there's great food varieties.

De eso se trata, disfrutar lo más que se pueda.