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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 43: Your food love or hate - Win hive

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago (edited)

I don't like goat cheese. I can't even stand the thought of goat cheese. I gag at the sight of goat cheese. If someone slips me goat cheese, and that shit somehow ends up in my mouth, and I begin to taste it, I become paralyzed with fear. I have to scrub my tongue and use three liters of mouthwash to get whatever the hell is wrong with that stuff out of me, for good. Goat cheese is the most traumatizing experience of my life. I don't know if I can even trust people who eat that stuff and say, "It's good." What is so wrong with their mouth to even make them say that?


Goat and goat by-products, I have ate a lot of things in my life, but some how goat cheese, goat meat, and goat milk have not crossed my taste buds yet. I should try some one day.

I have had lamb chops before, and mutton once but the mutton was a tad bit to chewy even though it was in a stew.

I'll eat squirrel. I'll leave the goats alone. They can be the petting zoo.

I never tried squirrel stew before and I lived in TN close to the KY border for a few years. I was young and just could not get passed the stereotype of squirrel stew eating folk.

 4 years ago  

You ever tried goat cheese cake?

I can't say I've ever tasted goat cheese and, if I have, I don't remember so it must not have been good. I'm cheesy, but more peppery jacky.

I saw goat cheese cake on a menu once in New Orleans, it came with the fried alligator poppers, I'd had neither. I had to try it. Eh... they were both pretty damn good.

Those creative restaurants can be so, awkward. The way some of those menus are designed, and the confusion they create at times, can be like eating goat cheese.

 4 years ago  

Goat cheese didn't rhyme with times. And had I not directed that sentence it would've said Fiat cheese. The fuuuu??

 4 years ago  

Hahah your passionate hate for goat cheese sounds like you had quite the traumatic event with the stuff. I won't try to convince you otherwise but if it's the right variety, the stuff is excellent. Some are disgusting for sure though, so it depends which.

You can't fool me with that brand name stuff. No dice. Nice try though!

Hahahaha, I can see the hatred you have for goat cheese, I don't like it either but not so much that I distrust people who eat it,although I probably should 😅😂🤣

There's something off about those people...

I'm just kidding of course. But I'm not kidding when I say I hate goat cheese...

Hahahaha, I totally understand the feeling 🤗

Hahahaha, I totally understand the feeling 🤗

Hahahahaha I felt the passion in this one...
What did goats ever do to you 🤣🤣🤣

They tried to put rotten milk in my face!

Goat cheese malfunctions...I'm not saying you, maybe it's everyone else...Like, their mouth is malfunctioning or something...Or the taste receptors in their noggins? Lol.

I'm not actually a big fan of it either to be honest...I mean, if I was starving I'd eat it but otherwise I'd choose anything else over it...Even rocket. (Arugula).

Thanks for stopping by.


I'd rather starve or eat bugs. I would eat the goat raw and while its still living before I'd eat goat cheese.

So...You don't like it much then? 🤣

Well, no. Do they milk a male to make that stuff?

Haha, I think that's exactly what they do...Best avoided I'd say.

Got your back on this one!

Habajajaah I only tried goat cheese once and it was good, what's the problem?

Don't try it twice. Fair warning! LOL

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