Hey Weekenders
Wheee what a fun topic. So I think that I would teleport all of you guys plus myself and one of these
To this place for an epic quest
Bring your battle axes and whatever items of Lore you may have with you. And lip ice. Don't forget the lip ice guys.
Shut your face!
We're all going on a quest? ✅
Lip ice packed, also threw in my battle axes, sword and shield...And a jar of Vegemite.
I'm all set.
Glad that koala is coming too.
Oh hell yes we are!
PS that's a Quokka, not a koala for the record lol, because you know, why the heck not?
Thinking of it, this group of people together against villains? Yeah they don't stand a chance and it's going to be hilarious too wonders can you kill an enemy by laughing at them? Question for another time perhaps. I'm off to collect forest gnomes.
You sure? Looks like a koala to me.
Look, how about you call it a quokka and I'll call it what it really is, a koala, and we call it even. Fair?
I'm keen for a quest indeed. You know, adventure by day then around 15:00, find a cave to sleep in at night, build a fire and settle in. Then the next day, Vegemite on toast and...Questing!
Galen you are going to be proven wrong on this one, are you prepared for that? It's a Quokka.
Yes sounds good - I've already found 6 forest gnomes by the way :)
Clearly you can see that the koala in your image is identical to the koala at the Adelaide zoo I snapped last year...
I like gnomes...Funny little buggers. Six already? One more and we'd have an even seven and we could pitch them against the seven dwarves in rugby sevens.
Hahaha you're a funny one.
I've never been one for rugby sevens, but can we maybe mix it with dwarf tossing? That's a legitimate sport somewhere in the world.
If you mean funny as in weird. Yep, took you long enough.
Dwarf tossing is a better idea that rugby sevens...I can see now that you're hard core.
(Not suggesting that you look like Jack Black here...Or a quokka.
There we go....
Did the trick again!
Interesting!! A quest! I'll come along with my sword and knives. I see battle axe in the list so I guess we will face off some rivals. 😄
Um, lip ice? What are we questing for?
Yes, quests are in order. Swords and knives are 100% perfect - foes there will be. Glad to have you along.
My first rule of going anywhere - do I have lip ice? Trust me it's one of those things that you greatly regret not having when you really need it. I know I'm weird but it's on my essentials list (I've just realised I would probably not be great in the apocalypse but my lips won't be chapped so there's that hahaha) -
What would you LIKE to quest for? You can create the adventure too :)
I'll be the writer of the epic quest. I would enjoy watching but no knives for me, I will volunteer as the one writing down this epic tale
Sharpens the knives Oh, yeah! Epic quest Count me in!
Yay I thought you'd find the gang of us at some point :) Good to have all the questing brethren on board.
I can smell the scent of adventure even digitally. Count me in for future raids!
I'm the official loot splitter!
I can share more than an avocado with you. 😉😏
Tropical fruits, bread, cake, pizza and a whole lot of good stuff! 😜
That's brilliant! I'm all up for that, too! I will bring my own fantastic sense of humour and a kazoo!
Hey @wwwiebe
So glad to have you along! You know I had to look up what a Kazoo is? That's pretty nifty, I will go look up some Kazoo tunes (should we call them Kazunes?) today while getting ready for whatever battles will ensue (although I have a suspicion that Kazunes might not be battle music).
Kazunes! I love it! I have several in the house of various shapes and sizes. I've even found an electric one that I've got my eyes on for Christmas! 😂
I'll be your Bard! I'm sure I'll be able to sooth whatever comes our way with an emotionally played Kazune.
Hello Nine
What kind of epic quest would you like it to be? I'm always open to suggestions, I have an open door policy!
Light sabres? Hey why the hell not? Things are already interesting...
Sounds like a good plan!
Yes, I like laughing at myself too, mostly because I'm an idjit a lot of the time hahaha, I'm owning it. I think we'd have a lot of fun together Nine :)
Have a nice evening!