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RE: Weekend-engagement week 70: Cherished & valued thing

Such beautiful stories here attached to sentimental items.

Galen you know I love that painting, it's stunning and that aquamarine colour is just superb. Your dad captured life so well.

I keep, hoard, protect and cherish so many little treasures that have practically no monetary value but are irreplaceable to me. All of these have some form of provenance that I personally maintain and I have written about a few of them previously.

Today a new one made it's way into my care which I am absolutely over the moon about.

It is a vintage kitchenalia ice cream scoop. This ice cream scoop belonged to my sister. I found it at her house we were staying in while in Knysna recently along with 5 other varieties of vintage ice cream scoops. Of course this is a running family joke now but this particular one is just so funky, retro cool and now has memories - my sister gifted it to me today and I practically jumped up and down like a kid on Christmas eve. I know, I know I'm weird. Welcome home little ice cream scoop 🍧🍨🍦

Ice cream scoop.png


There's ice cream scoops and there's ice cream scoops and this one is the latter. A legit example of a simple item that can bring so much pleasure to a person. This one is clearly special and valued considering your reaction and it also has a very pleasing look about it...An ice cream scoop with a handle shaped as an ice cream cone? Genius!

Thanks for the comments about my dads painting; I'm sure he'd be pleased to hear you say so.

Yup G-Dog this scoop is super special to us! It is so loved.

I can understand why you treasure that painting that your dad made and I'm glad you have it hanging up on display.

Thank you for a lovely engagement post again this week, I've enjoyed reading these. Have a brilliant day!

You wouldn't know of course, but the old G-dog is an expert with the ice cream scoop. Not being boastful of course, just calling it as it is. My ice cream scoop skills are ninja-level. I know a good ice cream cream scoop when I see one and this one is tantalising.

I value my dad's paintings. One of the most enduring memories I have of him is at his easel painting, brush and palette in hand. It's nice to have a few of his artworks hanging.

I hope you have a good Sunday Andy, that you rest up and and recharge.

I think loving what we got no matter how small it is, explains the personality we are. There's a lot attached to being so appreciative.

You are spot on buddy! I absolutely agree with you.

Man this is so cool! I love the retro colors on it! Nice that she saw how much you loved it and gifted it to you!

I'm glad you also think it's cool. I've never seen such a funky ice cream scoop before, so pleased to have it.

Oh, man. I just love it. The product and the story both. My kind of scoop.

Hey @bigtom13

Nice to see you and I'm glad you also appreciate the most awesome scoop to have ice creamed! I enjoyed reading about your sentimentals too, I think jewellery often has a lot of personal vibes that get passed on with it.

 3 years ago  

That's an awesome looking scoop lol

this is a cute little ice-cream scoop. I would love to have one like this as well. So cute

Aha, I can see how the love for ice creams runs in your family😂😂😂
For you to be able to guard and cherish this spoon it does some good with ice creams.

 3 years ago  

I did not find anything you said weird. I'd like to continue by saying my favoUrite part is I never woulda guessed you'd end on a spoon ice cream scooper after that introduction.

:applause: I encourage this behavioUr.