Weekend-engagement week 70: Cherished & valued thing

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago
Countdown terminated on Oct 11, 2021, 1:41 AM

cherished and valued.png

The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity.

Ulysses S. Grant

I was thinking about an item I really want to have this week and whilst it's a non-essential thing and I generally have a need over want ethos I can't get that damned thing out of my head. I want it! Sort of like Gollum and the precious. Tragic right?

This scenario made me wonder about the items we have around us, our possessions, and what they really mean to us, how precious they are and why. I have mementos and keepsakes from my past and they mean a great deal but also things that don't mean so much or have great value to me. I thought it would be interesting to hear about yours.

in the comments below then stay around and engage with others - On Monday 11th October I'll split some hive between a few who respond to the topic in the comments below.The #weekend-engagement concept is simple; respond to the topic

Weekend-engagement topic week 70

➡️ Option one: Tell us about an item you own that you cherish and value

Name an item you have and tell us why you value it. Leave a picture also if you like. It could be a keepsake, souvenir or memento, tool, heirloom, appliance, toy, clothing, book, photograph, electrical equipment, musical instrument, vehicle, bike, tea cup, garden bed, artwork, furniture item...Basically any thing you have. Tell us about it and why it's so valued or what it means to you. It should be easy, unless you don't value anything at all.

➡️ Option two: Tell us about something you don't have but want and why you desire it

This is basically the same as option one but it's about an item or thing you do not have but want. Tell us what it is and why. Drop an image if you like.

✅ Answer in the comments below
✅ Be creative and have some fun
✅ Add an image if you would like
✅ Engage below in the comments
❌ Don't drop links to external posts

Read this bit so you know what to do.

⬆️ - ⬆️ - ⬆️ - ⬆️ - ⬆️

The image above is one of my prized possessions; a painting created by my father. This painting is large, almost two metres wide and it hangs in my lounge room. Dad painted it in 2002 based on a scene in Far North Queensland, Australia where he lived. It has ended up in my care along with several others that I cherish greatly. It reminds me of him each day and that his legacy lives on in me and his other children.

I took this photo with my phone so it doesn't really look that great; in real life it's rather spectacular. I also have cropped it down so maybe the composition suffers for it, but I think you'll get the idea.

That's the topic folks; you have until Sunday night to get your response into the comments below and I hope you'll stay around and get friendly with some of the others who participate as it'll be good to see you around over the weekend. Have a great weekend whether you engage or not though - Life's too short not to.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209

The image is mine

Countdown terminated on Oct 11, 2021, 1:41 AM

Ah this is a nice one! And for me an easy one: everyone meet Beri!

Beri and I have shared almost all of our lives together, I was born the 8th of July 1990 and he was gifted to me 3 weeks later. We have been inseparable since, we saw the world, he dried my tears, I told him all my good news first. We moved out and went to uni together, etc etc. Now that we are both getting older and more fragile he doesn't sleep in my bed anymore, but he has the best spot on the couch in our living room.

One of my main things with boyfriends was always that they had to be kind to Beri, assholes who though it was funny to poke him or make fun of him were instantly dumped. If you can't even be kind to a teddybear, why should I be with you? My partner now is very nice with Beri, he is actually the one that knitted him this scarf to help him with some much needed arm support as over the years the arms have become delicate.

I think for me Beri is not so much a thing or an object but more a buddy that has been through everything with me. I would be truly heartbroken if he were to break or somehow disappear. So instead of wishing for new things that I would want, I wish for Beri to stick around as long as I do!

Happy weekend everyone!

Hey Beri you cute little bugger! 😊

What a funny little fellow he is and clearly he's a top notch sort of teddy as he stuck with you all this time!

Thanks for joining in this week and sharing your treasured item friend Beri with us. ✅

I also have a few teddy's left from when my kids were little. Hardest things to give away

I always wonder how it will be when I have kids, I hope they find a teddy for life as well!

Yeah, teddy bears hold a certain sentimentality. I still have mine too. (Did a post on it a while back actually.)

I have from all my kids and now passing on to my son's wife

 3 years ago  

I've seen too many murder mystery shows where the lead character murders a whole town of tumbleweed farmers and then sinks them to the bottom of the ocean on stolen cargo ships all because a teddy bear said so.

Haha you have? I gotta watch different movies!

 3 years ago  

Good one!


Wow! So nice, Beri must have been so good to you, therefore, you are right, if someone can not be good to a teddybear, how come of a human, it is truly an example, and you are right on this, if someone really loves you, he or she must abide to your ways and love what you loved

I would be truly heartbroken if he were to break or somehow disappear. So instead of wishing for new things that I would want, I wish for Beri to stick around as long as I do!

Happy weekend everyone!

Thanks man, Happy weekend!

I wish you the same

All Beris of this world have a good soul :-) they listen and understand everything. They have always time for listening and dont get angry when somebody forgets them for some time. Great that you show us this little nice Beri.

Yeah that's exactly how I feel :) Thanks for the kind words!

Best Beri in the world, knows your good times and bad times, helped you find great partners too... Grow old together!

We made it this far together! I am sure we can do another like 60 years together! Hopefully haha

Sure to be with you for years to come, my brothers is still in the family 73 years on. I was given dolls that I gave to my sister, still have some of my dinky cars though.

That is awesome!

Always something hidden away, one day will have to be passed on.

This is the cutest! I melted when I read the part about your boyfriend knitting the scarf. That is super adorable. Beri will stay nice and warm. 🧸

Yeah I think he likes his scarf a lot, and I am keeping the boyfriend! He did good!

Yeah Beri!

I do understand his ability to advise you on the boyfriends. Makes perfect sense to me, matter of fact.

Wonderful selection.

Thanks a lot! Have a happy weekend!

Looks like Beri is starring directly towards us...Yeah I understand how companionship meant, he now lives as part of you because he has done through a lot with you. I hope he sticks with you for so long

Thanks a lot for the kind words! We have indeed been through a lot together!

Such beautiful stories here attached to sentimental items.

Galen you know I love that painting, it's stunning and that aquamarine colour is just superb. Your dad captured life so well.

I keep, hoard, protect and cherish so many little treasures that have practically no monetary value but are irreplaceable to me. All of these have some form of provenance that I personally maintain and I have written about a few of them previously.

Today a new one made it's way into my care which I am absolutely over the moon about.

It is a vintage kitchenalia ice cream scoop. This ice cream scoop belonged to my sister. I found it at her house we were staying in while in Knysna recently along with 5 other varieties of vintage ice cream scoops. Of course this is a running family joke now but this particular one is just so funky, retro cool and now has memories - my sister gifted it to me today and I practically jumped up and down like a kid on Christmas eve. I know, I know I'm weird. Welcome home little ice cream scoop 🍧🍨🍦

Ice cream scoop.png

There's ice cream scoops and there's ice cream scoops and this one is the latter. A legit example of a simple item that can bring so much pleasure to a person. This one is clearly special and valued considering your reaction and it also has a very pleasing look about it...An ice cream scoop with a handle shaped as an ice cream cone? Genius!

Thanks for the comments about my dads painting; I'm sure he'd be pleased to hear you say so.

Yup G-Dog this scoop is super special to us! It is so loved.

I can understand why you treasure that painting that your dad made and I'm glad you have it hanging up on display.

Thank you for a lovely engagement post again this week, I've enjoyed reading these. Have a brilliant day!

You wouldn't know of course, but the old G-dog is an expert with the ice cream scoop. Not being boastful of course, just calling it as it is. My ice cream scoop skills are ninja-level. I know a good ice cream cream scoop when I see one and this one is tantalising.

I value my dad's paintings. One of the most enduring memories I have of him is at his easel painting, brush and palette in hand. It's nice to have a few of his artworks hanging.

I hope you have a good Sunday Andy, that you rest up and and recharge.

I think loving what we got no matter how small it is, explains the personality we are. There's a lot attached to being so appreciative.

You are spot on buddy! I absolutely agree with you.

Man this is so cool! I love the retro colors on it! Nice that she saw how much you loved it and gifted it to you!

I'm glad you also think it's cool. I've never seen such a funky ice cream scoop before, so pleased to have it.

Oh, man. I just love it. The product and the story both. My kind of scoop.

Hey @bigtom13

Nice to see you and I'm glad you also appreciate the most awesome scoop to have ice creamed! I enjoyed reading about your sentimentals too, I think jewellery often has a lot of personal vibes that get passed on with it.

 3 years ago  

That's an awesome looking scoop lol

this is a cute little ice-cream scoop. I would love to have one like this as well. So cute

Aha, I can see how the love for ice creams runs in your family😂😂😂
For you to be able to guard and cherish this spoon it does some good with ice creams.

 3 years ago  

I did not find anything you said weird. I'd like to continue by saying my favoUrite part is I never woulda guessed you'd end on a spoon ice cream scooper after that introduction.

:applause: I encourage this behavioUr.


Considering last weekend's topic and this weekend's topic I would say that there is a lesson we can learn about what is valuable. Above all people and relationships. No object can even come near, but since today's topic is objects I will try to bring one for show and tell.

Right now I would have to go with my keyboard. It's a little heavy but it's precious to me. With out it I wouldn't know where to let out my frustrations. I don't own any Winchester riffle so the best thing I have to let out steam is to bang on the keyboard.

It's kind of sad, but very practical that most of many of my precious things today are digital.


I've been holding back...

This is a leather Bible a friend made for me. It is precious because of my relationship to this friend and the effort he put in to make this for me. He lives half way around the world but for I feel very close and I'm thankful to have him as a friend.



Posted via proofofbrain.io

I play the piano, and have one of my own, so I understand how valued your keyboard is. A great choice. I also agree that it's a little sad that electronic devices tend to be our most treasured, or important things. I remember a time when this was not the case. I know, I'm so bloody old! 😀

I like that bible cover also, it looks really cool and also that you keep that friendship going despite the distance. Nice work.

I hope you're having a good weekend so far; what's on your agenda for Saturday and Sunday?

Hi @galenkp,

It's a beautiful day in Korea. I'm actually reading that Bible and now in the book of Numbers chapter 7. We are rearranging all the furniture in the house and one step closer into making our living arrangements livable.

I know, I'm so bloody old! 😀

I remember so many times waiting for the dial when other people bought high tech touch tone phones. I don't remember much more beyond the boom box and jogging head phones but since I was little I liked electronics and they always turned out to be be mostly a fad.

Are you still in the outback?

Lol, the boom box! One wasn't cool unless one had a boom box. 😂

Do you remember the Walkman? It used to play cassette tapes. The sound quality was terrible!

I'm at home currently. I've had a few interviews to do and this coming week I think I'll get an offer or two to consider and then will be back to work shortly, a week or two. Time will tell.

I'm glad you've got a good day over there and hope you make the most of the day.

I was a caddy at the golf course to earn money to buy a Walkman but by the time I had enough money to buy a Walkman my friend already bought a discman. That's life chasing after material. Someone always has something better. Try to have fun with work and the interviews if that is possible. I will try to have fun getting rid of my kid's elementary school stuff.^^







@galenkp, you've been given LUV from @mineopoly.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (7/10)

Lol, that's awesome. Golf caddy to earn money for walkman. Ah yes,the good old days.

Good luck with your weekend and schoolwork for your little tacker. I hope you find some time for yourself also.

Damn. I sorta get the keyboard. I'm not even sort of musical so playing the radio is about the limit of my talents.

The music brought back a surge of memories. My grandmother was self taught on the Pianer and everything she played was either gospel or hymns from church. I've often wondered how she convinced my Grandfather that she needed a piano. He was not exactly frivolous with money. I know I heard 'Precious Memories' from her and I think Jim Reeves (on the phonograph)...

Beautiful memories


A precious friendship indeed. That is truly from the heart especially with all the effort that must have went into it.

It's kind of sad, but very practical that most of many of my precious things today are digital.

Hahaha I heavily relate to this as well. I do have few items here and there that have practical value but quite a lot are digital. I am greatful to still keep hard copy books around for my leisure reading.

Even the books get heavy whenever we move from place to place @moon-city. But we still keep a load of books. Some of them we should really throw out. We haven't been to the library since corona maybe we should visit there now and work on organizing some of the stuff we don't need.


I definitely agree with you here! The books I have are relatively in good condition so I am aiming to give it away to a library near me so I can lighten up the load here in my house. I have not been inside a library either in a very long time.

Overall, the less things I keep around, the better I am able to manage them. My overall space stays less cluttered and cleaning is a lot faster lol. I see quite some perks of going digital

 3 years ago  

How long you been doing those quotes now? That Ulysses one just trumped all the others.

When we began traveliving, we liberated ourselves by parting with our possessions. The most difficult for me was my record collection, I'm talking more than 10k pieces of vinyl. I'm gonna stop now cuz you might've just inspired a whole article (AGAIN!) about the one thing I'll never lose site of.

Even when we returned stateside I already had Pura's mother ready to get it back to me. She holds it for me when I'm not in the country—my grandfathers flag. He was a Submariner in the US Navy, they did the whole folding of the flag, 21 gun salute, etc at his memorial. Eh, lol! My uncles (his boys) were pissed when grandma gave it to me and not them. 👊🏼


It's a legit quote huh? I always look for quotes that mean something to me or kind of resonate and this one is certainly one that does both.

Thanks for sharing this cool item mate; it has deep meaning and value to you clearly. Respect for your grandpa also. Submariner = Crazy bugger in my opinion. Brave souls though. You must be proud.

 3 years ago  

I am sir. To the point I get chills when my virtual homeboy recognizes my pride.

Yes'ir. I love that quote. I'll make sure to let you know when if a future quote resonates more to me. Might be awhile.

I feel proud of him man, I can only imagine how proud you are. It says a lot about a person who looks back and honours those that came before, especially ones who did very difficult things, usually willingly.


 3 years ago  

I wasn't sure how to compliment the painting. I've been thinking of a good way and the weekend's gonna be over soon so I'll just wing it and say I wish I could look at it every day.

Thank you mate. It gets a lot of attention when people come into my house and see it. It's pretty large so commands attention but people always say it's like looking out a window over the beach.

It's actually the second he did...He'd been commissioned by some rich-ass dude to do this scene with his daughter in it, along down the beach wearing a yellow bikini. It was pretty damned legit. Fucken legit bro.

We all coaxed him into doing another but he refused to make it the same so he fundamentally changed it and left out the 20 year old hottie. Lol.

I have a few of dads paintings and this one is one of my faves.

 3 years ago  

Damn man! That's like 2,000 words.

 3 years ago  

See what happens when you tensile strengthen strings? I forgot to tell you I was waiting for img src on this one and when I found it, it was yours. I was all "first the quote and now this?!"

Hashtag Fire!! And for anyone tuned in who doesn't like The Cult: Firstly, you have issues. Secondly, I've included this alternate source for your listening pleasure however the messages in each are essentially equal.

Who can go past a little bit of Nelly bro! So hot in herre...

Brilliant quote

Wow! such was an honour, the gave it to you because they Saw greatness in you,
Your potential was what drives them, to me, they were not mistaking....

 3 years ago  

Really nice of you to say that, thank you.

What's on the agenda in South Nigeria this weekend, anything exciting in the works?

You are welcome

Governor's in all the South South States complain of "open grazing" I think some Governor's made law that must be undergo by cattle rearers, since farming are complaining of their farmland being destroy by cow, that moved from one place to another, in search of goods and pasture.

 3 years ago  

Costa Rica has the same practice, "open grazing." It was so odd to me at first but I understand now. But seeing cattle and big huge bulls marching down the beach never gets old.

That is the thing, although it is not good as the cow may destroy farmers crops, causing traffic on the roads or beach and as that, the cow dung is acidic, it can cause damage to crops or others animals

 3 years ago  

Ah, ok. Well in that case I can see why everything would turn to bullshit.

The west used to all be 'free range'. Some of it still is. It's not a good idea to drive fast at night in 'free range' zones :) Go ahead, ask me how I know.

Costa Rica? My brother just bought a place there. Right now today, he's in Panama looking at another place. Yep, investment places, though he has a 'temporary resident visa' in CR.

 3 years ago  

I have nothing good to say about CR my friend so I'll stop now. We stayed there for 6 months. Where was I?

I know this! Sir, we were in a golf cart the first time we came up on a herd of cattle. A no door or roof having golf cart. It was pitch black outside. I felt so unprotected in that thing.

Then I learned it was Mornal and nobody owns the cattle. They're just doing what everyone else does... search for food and shelter.

Panama was cool though! 👍🏿

Talking about historic flags! This really takes a spot into the cherished kind of memorabilia.

 3 years ago  

Thank you. It's my favorite possession. I'm kinda disappointed in haven't mentioned I til now.

I think it just got the perfect moment to be a showcase.

This is very cool @dandays and I'm glad that it is so prized, perhaps that's why it made it's way to you, they knew you would look after it.

Unfortunately the war medals that were in my family from my mothers side got into the hands of the wrong grandson who sold them all, so it makes me very happy and proud to see when people look after these memorabilia of people that gave up so much for country and kin. You should be very proud of it being bestowed into your care and that it is part of your history and lineage.

Go well buddy


 3 years ago (edited) 

That was so nice. Now that I think about it, you're always nice. That's nice.

I think of that regularly, my grandmother knew who to give that flag to even out of her own boys. It's been everywhere I am for over 20 years now.

When we got back to the states last year, first thing we did when we got a car was drive all the way across the country to California from Florida to get it. I won't ship it.

And when we leave again, I'll drive it all the way back to California where I know it's safe.

Sorry about your memorabilia, those kinda stories are the worst. How is that grandson doing these days?

Hey @dandays Thanks for the reply.

It's great that you take the time and effort to keep it safe and I wouldn't ship it either if it were an item in my possession.

Hmmm interesting question, I actually don't know where he is - he kinda fell off the radar shortly after he did that stupid deed.

Re: on being nice - I try to be a good human being, but I do have the capacity to not be nice, should I choose to (or need to) the same as the next person I suppose. Most times I'd prefer to remain dignified.

Look after yourself bud.


 3 years ago  

See what I mean? You did it again. =D

So what'd Lory's mommy make her for breakfast this morning?

Funny, my autocorrect refused to spLeL Lory. It changed her name to Alley two times without my permission but I saw that shit like "you're wrong Autocorrect!!"

Lol autocorrect often does not possess the ability to be dignified or nice! Well done on catching it.

Lory chose to have a rather boring option of wheatbix this morning, although she did have more exciting options to choose from. Funny I used to love wheatbix as a kid too, barely appeals to me these days though.

Glad to read you are having an ok weekend that side and your posts comments have now got me questioning how to ensure family heirlooms remain in the care of the right people. Seems many of us have some planning to do.

Have a good one bud.

 3 years ago  

Write It Down!


Wheatbix, between autocorrect and google I don't know who to believe so why don't you tell me. Is that a cereal like Wheat Chex?

Best Item I have seen here so far, it gets my up vote.

Even though the wooden spoon (spatula) and a psycho babysitter hold personal meaning for me...

Freedom has never been free. But Hot Dogs are with a fuel purchase at Bongo Bills Truck Stop and Casino.


 3 years ago  

Thank you sir, I love that flag. My favorite possession. I haven't got a chance to go through all the engagement yet but it's really cool several of you appreciate that flag.

You attach the dopest clips. Whoever caught that eagle on film musta been like BIGGEST EMOJI EVER!


Clock starting now...


And Reading in 4... 3... 2...

 3 years ago  

I'll believe it when I see read that you saw it.

Took me 25 minutes. Did I say how great it was. It was and I did...


 3 years ago  

Hashtag ThugLife.

Grandma must have recognized the care you would show toward family heirloom by placing it in your keeping.

Now this duty falls to you when old to find the right family member to look after as you have.

 3 years ago  

I never thought about that. I'm embarrassed I haven't mentioned the flag until now but even more so I haven't thought about where it should go next! Dammit.

I better get to searching for a couple cousins I think are still alive and write it down!

Thank you.

Get it to them beforehand, or write a Will, make sure once you gone it get's to the right one....

Witnessed enough fighting over dem old bones in families, actually sad, but yup it happens.

 3 years ago  

Me too Joan! I even wrote about it once. Family changes after they bury a loved one. Thank you. It's written now.


Makes you feel better knowing you have noted where it goes, seen some wicked shit in my time with families.

Ironically my Mom was given 6 months to live, Dad made a year later, when we all met, everything.... and I mean everything had been labelled by my Mom in those 6 months.

Memory serves me well, not going to happen in my home if I can avoid it.

That flag is an amazing memorial to your grandfather. I still remember my father's record collection. Some of the faces spooked me out like Joan Baez and Jim Croce, others were just trippy to me back then like the Yellow Submarine album. I would look at the covers more than listen. They were all gone in 1983.

 3 years ago  

83 is significant to me too, my wife was born that year. I parted with so many records, I remember each cover you mentioned. I have a vague idea how your dad must've felt. Devastated only worse.

I'm glad I pictured that flag, not sure what took me so long.

What's it like living in Korea? That's frikkin cool! How long you been there? What made you call it home?


Damn man. Your grandfather was a pig boat (diesel) guy. Those were some tough and dedicated sailors, I'll tell you what.

I have a really good buddy in San Diego that's 80 now. He started out on a pig boat and 30 years later was the COB on a boomer. Hell of a man, hell of a friend, hell of a motorcycle rider.

Thanks for the memories. Mine and yours.

 3 years ago  

My pleasure. Anytime I can spark a memory like that, I only wish I would've shared it sooner.

Yes'ir. Submariner. Good morning Tom!

:insert pipes that vibrate off the road like:
potato chip- potato chip- potato chip....



That's a wonderful topic, @galenkp

My most treasured item on the list is the bicycle although I have a lot of items on the list. It has served as my primary means of transportation and has given me exercise every day. There are many benefits that come with bicycling such as the fact that it is good for my health and I am able to get outside more than if I were to take public transportation. In addition, it's highly valued for its accessibility, affordability, and low maintenance cost. Although it's not a professional or expensive bike, it really suits me and my cycling level now. 😁😁


That looks like a pretty legit bike indeed! Do you ride it to work or is it just recreational? Also, have you tried jumping it off a ramp? I used to want to jump my bike off ramps as a kid all the time, most didn't end well for me and ended in pain. 😀

Gosh, I've read some of those stories Galen and it amazes me sometimes that you are still alive and not missing limbs.

All my bits are where they should be Andy, but some have had a torrid time of it.

I'm sorry I laughed at this, I feel horrible, but the way you word these things G-dog, I can't help it.

Please take care ok?

It's ok Andy, I don't mind people laughing at me; I like it actually. It means they have positive thoughts and if I can be at the root of them? Well, I think that's legit.

I'll take care...I'm easier on my bits as I age...But I'm still hoping for advances in technology and the mainstream release of boinic bits just in case I lapse into some form of nutbaggery or other that doesn't go well for some of the more sensitive parts of me. It's always a possibility.

My bike is used for recreational purposes 😅

have you tried jumping it off a ramp?

Is it a serious question, Galen? I don't sound like the kind of professional you are 😄😄

Lol, yeah it was a serious question. I can get on a push bike without having the need to jump it off something. These days I need to be a little more careful though, my body doesn't recover as well as it did when I was a kid. 🤪

Nice! I kinda miss my biking days (as a student).
A bit of music and I would just enjoy the scenery.

Just make sure not to fall 😅

Hahaha Oh man, I almost forgot my accident last time 😂😂 but I still cycled the following day as I remember. Getting to cycle along the beach and flat streets in my city with music on, yeah,☺️ is a great experience for me 🤩🤩

Wow. This is such a good desire with food intent. The health aspect is believable and it's easy access to move around. A bicycle will serve a good purpose.

This remind me of my Dady bicycle when i was little. I loved seating at the back held on tight to my dad's waist while we ride along to the farm.

Sweet old days😊

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Lovely memory ❤️
Back when I was in high school, I often sat behind my ex's bicycle. It was romantic 😉😉
Hey nice to meet you and thanks for engaging 😘

I can imagine that feeling,😊

Thank you for having me.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Sturdy looking cycle, nice mode of transport to enjoy in more ways than one.

Ah I like this, I use my bike for transport every day as well! So much better for you than sitting in a car all day!

Thank you 😉
Cycling is my favorite activity when the weather is cool, not when it is 40 degrees outside during the summertime in my country 😄

Haha I can imagine, that is wayyy too hot

I once has a bicycle when I was 20 years old but my friend took it from me, he requested that I gave it to him, as a gift, so that he would be using it to remember me, since he and his family were relocating from our State to another state


Such a great excuse to have your bicycle, haha, he is smart

What are friends for?
At times you know what they said, isn't really what they meant but you do it for friendship sake.

I'm sorry I was kidding
Don't get me wrong :)

I know you, and to be sincere I enjoyed your comments 🤗
How are you doing today?

Thank you for understanding friend, I had a busy day outing and cycling. And you?

Can you believe - I can't ride a bike?

You never learned how? Or is it you just don't have the knack of bike riding?

I never learned how and once in England friends showed me and I rode for a short distance but then got really scared of oncoming cars

Lol, yes cars and push bikes aren't a good mix.

Now I have to resort to Taxi's and my kids driving me. Still not happy to use the busses since the pandemic

Yep, public transport isn't much fun at the best of times.

Oh really? You will love cycling every day once you try it 🤩

As mentioned @trangbaby - I tried one but then chickened out when the cars drove towards me

Its night time here but looking at this beautiful shot makes me want to bike close to a beach tomorrow. ⛱

Biking is one of my favourite ways of getting around places as well. This is such a peaceful shot.

Thank you moon-city. Let's do it. Today I was cycling again, so I would like to send you some more beautiful views to keep you motivated ❤️




I love that bicycle! Reminds me of the time I use to ride with my little sister, she's the expert by the way. She'll give me tips on how to ride better and we'll have a good laugh whenever I fall. Good old memories.

Thank you. You both seemed to enjoy the ride together, and your sister seems competent at biking. I'm just a starter and do need to improve more. The day I sent a friend the video of me cycling and he told me that the saddle on my bike is too low 😅😅😅 and I told him that it's because my legs are short 😂😂

Yeah, we did enjoy the ride together.

The day I sent a friend the video of me cycling and he told me that the saddle on my bike is too low 😅😅😅 and I told him that it's because my legs are short 😂😂

😂😂 No, you didn't! What did he say😂😂

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 3 years ago  

Uh huh. Mono-e-mono you and I.

Yeah I know ...we both do cycling 😅

Hello dear friends. I am happy to be able to participate in the 70th week of Weekend and share with all of you pictures of a precious Mother's Day gift that my husband gave me. It is very meaningful to me and I use it in special moments, when I go for a walk. We got married very young and at that time we were not working and we were unable to buy wedding rings. When he started working he gave me that stainless steel chain and I have had it for 16 years now, originally it had a white pearl in the middle that unfortunately fell from the base. I tried to stick it back but I never could. I keep it with a lot of love and it is very valuable to me.



As for the question of what would I like to have and why do I want it? Well, I would like to have my own cell phone. My husband and I have one in common and have had so many priorities at home that it has been impossible to buy another. I work doing online sales and many times my husband needs it to make his recordings or answer his messages and it is a bit cumbersome. Hence the need for everyone to have theirs.


Jewelry is probably one of the keepsakes that most of us have and cherish. Wearing it means we can take the memories and emotional connection with us wherever we go. Thanks for sharing your special item with us and I hope you manage to get a second phone sometime as it seems quite a struggle for you both to be using a single phone between you.

Thanks for joining in and I hope you'll be back.

The turtledove, one of my pets from babies, this was a gift from my grandfather a few days ago before he died, he advised me, this baby turtledove has a sweet voice, at any time he will be tame, and can be released and he will come back again easily, grandfather really loves this bird as an entertainer in the morning grandfather, every morning he makes a beautiful sound, it's a sign of a beautiful early morning. this bird is very special to me, this is the most beautiful will that has ever been entrusted to me before my grandfather died.


This is a cool photo and a great item to use for this week's topic!

I'm sorry to hear your grandfather passed away however he has left you with a great gift to help you remember him by.

I wonder, have you named this bird? He looks like a Robert to me. 😀

I don't have a name for the bird yet, I tried to train it by whistling, this is the most beautiful gift for me, my grandfather is a bird lover, every day he takes care of him, my grandfather often tastes coffee in the morning, always plays with his birds. , I allow you to take this picture as the topic of this week, glad to hear you, appreciate my grandfather's gift. 😉



Such great pictures and a well behaved bird to sit there and let you take them.

That is so cool! Hopefully you can become a dove whisperer like your grandfather!

Wow wonderful sentence ...
It is precisely in difficult circumstances that one must know true friends
Otherwise, everyone is ready to have fun
What is very valuable to me is my external hard drive because all my dance movies are in it and I feel like I am nothing without it and I also love my car very much because I love its red color.
What I do not have is a romantic relationship that is mine but I have to wait for time ...

I know you love dancing so understand what those dance movies will mean to you. Which is your favourite movie?

Also, I'm sure romance will happen for you in life, just keep being yourself and it'll happen at the right time.

I can say that dancing is the most important and best part of my life
Among the dances I do:
I like Azeri dance the most but I do not post videos because it is less understandable for non-Iranians and I feel they can not communicate with it.
I hope about the romantic relationship and wait ...

That's a lot of different dance styles. I can't do any of them. In fact, I dance so terribly that people become irrevocably emotionally scarred just by watching me dance...And so I do not do it.

Oh my God, I laughed a lot
Dancing gives you a sense of liberation
Just practice a little
I will post hip hop dance training videos soon
Start with them and dance to your favorite song in the forest
I'm sure you will feel good

If I dance too vigorously I might throw a hip out and that will be expensive! Nah, I'll leave dancing to those better suited for it.

Your decision is respectable
In my opinion, everyone does one thing much better than others

➡️ Option two: "Tell us about something you don't have but want and why you desire it..."

Again this week, I choose option two...

Hey G-Dog, Can I get a 3rd option?

"I will take what is behind door #3 Monty..."

I guess what I really want is..?

$$$ M O N E Y.!! $$$

My Crypto Portfolio is up 200% this week. It gives me hope.

What I really want is to be debt free. To have a clean slate. To retire from the daily grind and get off the road. The winning lottery ticket. I do not need to be rich, but to just be done with the financial struggle.


Debt free is a good thing to aim for although society isn't really geared for it these days; keeping us poor seems to be better for the corporations and government. How did things shake out after you lost that crypto a little while back? Any luck getting it back?

Oh yes...

Here is the short version.

"Mind officially blown here. The hackers put the inflated amount into my ethereum wallet. The full amount after the bump up.!!"

Long version here.

Last Saturday Night...

It was not hamburgers that were stolen, but over $3k ... https://peakd.com/hive-168869/@krazzytrukker/fear-the-hamburglar-hackers

Wow, you got it back?

I started with 1k. Have since added about $500.

Just hit $8500 last night.

I will make a few bold moves when it does that again to double that amount.

I use Coinbase. I have had the best luck with them. Tried others, but they are User friendly, and they integrates with the 5 laptops I have mining on prohash for Doge.

Binance is ok, but horrible withdrawal fees. I will pull out of there with an ACH transfer soon.

I like Bittrex and have made a few bucks there.

I wish I had invested in Hive when it was at .20 cents. $1500 x 7 would have.been a sweet bump last week.

Yeah, I use Binance and Bittrex as well. I split my trading over both so one exchange doesn't have it all. The bulk of my holdings are on my Trezor wallet though. I did pretty well last week with the hive increase. I had sells laddered all the way up to $2USD so managed to sell all the way through the increase range. Of course, it all got put back in as buys and I'm looking forward to hive dropping back so they all go through...And then it can go back up again.

 3 years ago  

200% from what, $10? That's a real vague way of bragging. Watch, I'll show you what I mean.

Fuel prices have increased 85% since some crazy ass viral thing took over humanity.

$1500 Fiat. Up to $8500 top of bump. 6-7k bouncing now.

 3 years ago  

Nice dude!

Very nice.

When we landed here in August last year, 87 was $1.67/gal. Today at the same station it's $3.09.

Thanks a lot for the stimulus checks assholes!

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

I own a lot of mementos. There's a lot of written stuff. I have a handmade wristband that was a birthday gift. Some coins and a smoking pipe from my grandpa. But something I'll really have on mind and keep and cherish forever is this picture from the girl who owns my first sale from the workshop. This is also something from this year, but it seems like it's been a long time since that Cuatro left my hands. I do hope it is producing a lot of music.

WhatsApp Image 2021-04-21 at 4.09.23 PM (1).jpeg

That's so cool. I am sure that guitar is doing well, it's great that you got a photo of it before it left.

That makes us two. I bet it is getting some love.

This is a cool item bro! Something you crafted with your hands that is making music and making that young lass happy I'm sure. Did she send you the picture in thanks?

It was a gift from her older sister who is in Uruguay. She sent me some pictures for my social media. I need to to keep some updated with stuff if I want to attract clients.

I hope it worked to bring more business in.

It's been tough, but I keep trying posting regularly and well, I have a new one up ready to sell.

Sometimes valuable things are difficult to affect but the reward that comes from the effort can be as welcome as the thing itself. 😉

Some more valuable and good advice coming from the G-dog!

 3 years ago  

Or at least posing in a lot of photos.

Well, that would be some publicity, so it wouldn't be so bad either.

Hello friends! This is my first time here and i love the ideal behind this weekend engagement already.

I have a lot of stuff very dear to my heart, that I can not just get rid off no natter how long its have been with me and that hand made bead is one of such.


I learnt how to make bead in 2016/2017 during my Youth Service Year. I since then havs made some cool brider's beads for friends during their wedding, and this particular one, I made it for myself and ever since it has been with me even when i don't use it for a long time it is always in my Jewelry box.

Anytime i set my eyes on it, it alwsys as if is ever new. I just can't help but love it.

Talking about it here now, i think i might have to do the full neck bead to compliment it.

Thank you! Have fun and enjoy your weekend.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Nice dainty beading with strong clasp, perhaps one day try match up with the necklace you promising yourself, then wear them and enjoy!

Thank you!

I will try and do that.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Good idea Joan

Make it, wear it, enjoy it.... How often don't we go to the trouble and never use item.

This is so true and how often we keep things we never use

Some things we hoard, it's amazing how many keepsakes we keep in perfect condition, I am a culprit of that too....

Bead making is such a great skill, people who are skillful in making beads usually have an extra source of income in it.Welcome here @funshee, I hope you find the fun that we all get trying to engage here.

Yeah you're right about the extra source of income from bead making,

but for now due my others activities and time, I only make it for my close friends.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Keep at it, someday, you may find a breakthrough

Hello funshee and welcome to the #weekend-engagement topic for the first time.

This is a pretty creative thing you've shown us and you made it yourself? Tremendous effort! I'd say a neck bead to match it would be a great idea too.

Just wondering how long it takes to make something like this? It looks like a lot of work.

Thanks for the warmth welcome, I appreciate it.

For the fact that I have master the act of making bead,the one up there dose not takes me more than 3 hours and if I'm to make the one for the neck, it will takes nothing more than three days.

You're really welcome and I'm glad to have you around this week.

This is a lot of fun and precious.

Smiles, thank you!

Seeing you here simply means this place is going to be more interesting and fun than I thought.

This is so beautiful, your teacher was a good one, your work is excellent

Thanks friend 🙏 I apperciate your nice words.

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You are welcome 🥰

Was this the first bead you made? It's really pretty. I like how creative people get with beads. Although I like beads on other people, I don't fancy it on myself.

It is not my first bead dear, but it is my favourite.

Is always inside my handbag even when am not putting it on.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Hi friends! something that I appreciate and value a lot is my guitar. 15 years ago I was paid a vacation voucher and I remember that I went downtown to buy some shoes, but walking through the shops I saw that beautiful guitar and without thinking twice I bought it. It was a very good decision today it would be impossible to have it. I only use it on special occasions when my children and I do hive performances.

And on the other hand, what I don't have and would like to have is my dad who went to heaven 16 years ago and I still miss him like the first day, I really want to have him with me so that he can sing with me and my children, but unfortunately he has gone.

This is a really cool item as it gives you and others so much enjoyment. I'm a musician also, piano and trumpet of all things, but I haven't played the latter for a little while. I understand what the instrument comes to mean.

I'm sorry about your dad, I lost mine last year so understand. Mum left quite tragically several years ago too...I miss them both. They're in our memories though.

What instruments do your children play and do they sing?

Ok, truth is that I've given a lot away over the years and more specifically over the last 8 months. One thing remains in my possession and I cannot bring myself to give it away or get rid of it. The only way this will be out of my life is if it breaks.

This plate has travelled with me from S Africa to Cyprus, to the United Kingdom and back to Cyprus again. I use it very often to eat my meal because it is slightly smaller than my dinner plates.

Eden, my daughter made it in one of those pottery places when she was 3 years old. She has a great sense of humour too because the other day she said to a friend. How do you like my art?- I made this today - and the friend was very embarrassed and did not know what to say - she just said "Really"

For the last couple of years I have wanted to reduce my "things" to 2 suitcases so I could pick up and go anywhere - so for the last 8 months we moved 10 times - from one airbnb to another, each time giving away things. This continued until I felt I needed to be settled again even if only for a year, so I signed a year's lease and my daughter in law gave me some kitchen things to start again - some that I had given her and she was now giving back to me. Now I don't keep anything that I don't need.

That's a pretty cool looking plate and quite creative for one so young to have made. Good work Eden.

You've certainly moved around a lot lately and I can imagine that having less things would be of an advantage in that regard. I hope you have many meals off your Eden-sun-plate and enjoy your year or so of staying in the one place.

Thank you @galenkp - I'm sure to have many more meals on that plate and I guess my heart will break a little if the plate ever breaks - it has lived for 26 years without a crack on it.

You must preserve the plate!

I have a little pottery thing I made, I must have been 5 or so when I did. My dad helped me and we got it fired with a blue glaze. 45 years later I still have it. It's on my desk with some pens and pencils in it. These things are important to keep. I'll hand it on to my niece of nephew sometime.

Ah so cool - can you send a photograph of it sometime

Sunshine love that keeps giving, showing flair for art at a young age and now sings like a bird.

Using the plate each time must bring a smile to your face remembering the young three year old, knowing the lovely lady all grown up now.

!LUV it!






@christinepoulos, you've been given LUV from @joanstewart.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (2/10)

Joan, what a lovely comment - thank you - one to cherish.

Special to keep using, it was made for you. Have a wonderful weekend.

Christine this is too adorable! I can totally see why you have kept it all these years. I absolutely love the fact that you use it and not put it on the wall, that just makes it so much cooler and adds memories to it.

Lol @edenmichelle has a good sense of humour and I wish I could have been there when she said that, I would have canned myself!

Moving is never easy and the downscaling is a pain, but often it does help to get rid of the non essential "stuff" that we tend to accumulate. I hope that you have settled in a bit now and it was a nice gesture of your daughter-in-law to give you some kitchen gear to get back on top.

Have a lovely weekend.

It was really funny to see the look on the friends face when Eden made out that she had just created the plate.
I love using it and often take pics of my food on it when I am alone.Thanks @andrastia - wow that pic of Lory standing under that enormous tree in your post. How spectacular.

It was quite an experience for Lory to look up at how tall those trees were, she was very impressed with them.

It's moments like that with Eden & friend that you wish you had got it on video! So brilliant. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Eden is so unpredictable. I video her now and again but those moments are difficult to catch. I'm sure Lory was impressed with those tall trees. Wow, they really are something.

I love that plate! It is so happy I can imagine eating from it must make you happy too. I feel like when we move often we get a much sharper image of what things are important to us

 3 years ago  

Are you in Cyprus now you're saying? That's your home?

Yes, Cyprus is my home.

 3 years ago  

So Cool!

My wife and I met the sweetest, kindest couple from Cyprus when we were in Thessaloniki a few years ago. We met them on a train to Meteora, they were going the whole way which was a blessing because they spoke both English and Greek and we would've been lost without them.

I got a full history on Turkey, the Ottoman Empire, even how the US in the southern region of Cyprus now drilling for oil. I learned more on that train ride about Cyprus than any history book they taught me in school.


I cherish wearing red rubber slippers and its of a low price worth #800(nigeria currency) because i dont have money to purchase an expensive one, looking forward getting much of them. Smiles.img_20211008_081919.jpg

I'd say that these ones will be as serviceable as the more expensive variants don't you think? Why spend money on a more expensive item when there's a cheaper option?

You chose the red ones. Is that your favourite colour or is there another reason?

Red is my favourite colour sir, The red slippers is of a cheaper price, that is the reason i do purchase them but hoping for an expensive ones in the future

I hope your dream of more expensive ones comes true!

Smiles, thank you sir!

Slip-on slippers for nipping around indoors or outdoors, comfort comes first and price of course!

I like your slippers, how much did you buy it?

Red is my favourite colour

Comfortable slippers, nice choice.

Thank you dear


My pen has really help me in such a way, I can never forget, being on hive here, and making post everyday, isn't much easy, at times, I do have Inspiration of what to write on my blog, then i will be facing network challenges.

While, going through this, i will probably wrote those posts down, using my pen, if not for my pen, those would have been a lost contents, and once you lost contents, you probably think has much value to you, the people of hive, and to the world at Large.

You will begins to see your self (mode) not the way it should be.

You will not be happy.

Your mind would not be at ease, you will try as much as possible to remember it,
and that may Inturn induce stress on you, therefore, pen is the item that save me from challenge and it is my favorite item of the week.

#weekend-engagement everyone.

 3 years ago (edited) 

"I work the one and make the ink transform on any particular surface the pen lands on"

- Dakir, J5.

That's such a dope line. Ever hear it? It's from a group called Jurassic 5 outta Los Angeles, California. On a song called What's Golden.

That is great, they knew how magical the pen is, and the power it carries

There's a saying that goes, the pen is mightier than the sword. You may have heard that. It was coined by by Englishman Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839...It suggests that the pen is a better way to communicate and get ones message across than violence.

I don't know about all that, but certainly, the pen became a powerful tool, and weapon I guess too, through the words they wrote over the years, and still can be.

It's being (been) replaced by electronic devices these days, but there's many who still value them, like yourself.

Your are right, the electronic gadgets are awesome, Because they really help a lot in Achieving things in an easy way, but to me " The Pen" still has it place in the world as it will always do, in the minds of men.

Do you have a favourite colour of pen to write with? I prefer blue always although when signing contracts I prefer to use black. How about you?

My favourite color of pen is blue as well, I do not prefer any color other than blue.

Additional, I am good in writing, using pen, I write like a professor 🙈

Lol...Write like a professor huh.

My hand writing is pretty messy usually. I used to get into trouble at school for having bad handwriting. It didn't get better though.

Oh! That was so bad, that means they didn't used to cheer you up for being the best in class when it comes to writing?

That not good at all, I guess you didn't enjoy like I did!

You should have practice more in writing, because practice make perfect.

You most be a genius, all the genius I know has messy hand writing.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

This is very thoughful of you, I might just start to see my pen and jotter in this same regards.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Wow! Thank you for your encouragement, how are you doing today?

My weeekend was a bit messy but is all good now thank you.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Good habit to write things down

Thanks so much

You're welcome

Power of the Pen, my mom firmly believed in writing, it did not matter to who or when, something she taught us from young, something on your mind write it down.

Wow! Such a nice caring mother, she was preparing you for the best, she wanted you and your siblings to become great men in the world.

All I see there is mother's love😍

Penned it down, posted it and normally got what she was after. Ask!

 3 years ago  

That’s an awesome painting man. I love paintings of the ocean particularly! Your dad seems like he was a great artist indeed!

I have a few mementos and other cherished items. One that is particularly dear to me is my necklace that I got from my grandfather.


It’s the Italian horn, or the cornicello. He went to Italy many years ago for the first time and traveled around, visited places that our family had its roots, though I don’t know if he met any of them, but he bought two necklaces and cornicelli. I went up to visit him one week and he shows them to me. He gave one to me and kept one of them which was awesome. I was excited to have one since I didn’t own one but knew what they were! A year or two goes by and I visit him again and he gives me a second one. I kept the original one on but kept the second one in a jar so that I wouldn’t lose it. Sadly a few years ago I swapped the necklaces and put the second one on and the first one away. I didn’t put the first one in the right bag and lost it! It might be in our house now but I unfortunately think it’s gone. I wanted to keep it and pass the smaller one down to the little man when he got old enough to not lose it but now I can’t do that. I’ll give him the one that I’m wearing now when he’s around 25 or so, old enough to appreciate it and not mess it up lol. I’m hoping that we can pass it down through the generations since my grandfather wore it himself for years, I would love to continue that. It’s not worth more than a few hundred dollars but the sentimental value of it is more than that for me.

I’ll still keep looking for the other one, but I don’t have much hope I’ll find it.

The sentimental value of items like this often far outweighs the monetary value. I have a few similar items; a set of cuff links if my dad's, my grandfather's pocket watch and other such items. I'm quite sentimental in that way.

I think you've got a great item there to band down to the e-dog when he's old enough and I'm pretty sure he'll appreciate it.

What do you think of your own, besides the cornicelli do you think you'd want him to have? I mean something that has been solely your own.

 3 years ago  

That's great, cuff links and pocket watches sound awesome! Both things I've gotten into in my later years, I would love that type of stuff.

Thinking of other things that I would pass down to him, one is certainly my pistol. That was one of the things I bought for myself on my own with my license. I don’t get to use it as much as I’d like, I meant to take it out on my recent vacation but didn’t get to do it but I think that would be a good thing to pass down to him. My dads giving me some of my grandfathers guns when I get a house and a safe to do so, so I’ll be able to store more of them which is great. Passing this stuff down I think is important for the obvious fact that we have to prevent them being taken away but also because it’s one of my proudest possessions I think.

There are other things I like too such as some of the woodwork I’ve built over the years. I’ve built two nightstands (one my ex has but she probably burned it or tossed it sadly, I loved that one!) a TV stand and a car key shelf. Those are pretty great things to me as well but not on the same level as the firearm that’s for sure.

If you had a son, what do you think would be the #1 thing you’d give him from your stash of items?

I wear business shirts that require cufflinks, double cuff shirts, and have many cool cufflinks but it's the ones I've been given that mean the most.

You ask me a tough question...

I think l, like you, there's a lot of things I'd like to hand down some of value and others not.

My Rolex watch would hand down as would my gold and silver, but I have a hunting knife that would need to go as well, I have a few awards and accolades that I would like to hand down also, just for posterity's sake. I have the stuff of my dad and grandad of course and a few other things.

I guess the most important thing would be my skills, values and ethos. I'd I had a son or daughter and that's all I left then I'd be content.

One cannot put a value to something passed down, pity you misplaced one, all things come back to you, hopefully one day this will reappear again. Most unusual and lovely simple piece.

Whoops almost forgot! My most cherished item is my maternal grandfather's scrapbook from WWII. My grandfather died from polio at the age of 35...and my father was only 3 years old at the time. This scrapbook was handed down to me a few years ago and no one in my family even knew it existed. I am hoping to get some photos of it online soon to share, but it's the last know thing that exists from my dad's bloodline...it's pretty crazy, actually.

That sounds like an awesome cherished item indeed! It will so cool to see it in a post or two so I hope you manage to get that done. These items are so valuable to families and like you say, sometimes they don't even know they exist. So great that you have it.

It's a pretty fascinating collection...as no one knows what really happened on my dad's side. His dad passed away young, as mentioned, from polio, and my dad's grandfather passed away at 31 due to Spanish influenza. Lots of missing pieces, but the scrapbook is a start.

The start is always the appropriate place to begin. You have something and that's something. ✅

I was traveling back home so couldn't really participate this time but here's my take.
I'll go for option one.

I'm not some materialistic person but that doesn't really mean that I don't value things around me, l do! But these things are not my priority. The thing I would like to mention here is my sense of care towards others, towards people around me. My roommate got severely sick so I chose to stay with him, stayed up all the night to keep him medicated and covered. When the situation did not seem favorable I decided to travel back home with him. Now that he's doing fine, his parents are relieved specially his mother. Ahh that smile on his mother's face 💕🥺

Having a sense of care is a strength.

It is really kind of you, and your roomate is lucky to have someone like you around when is needed the most.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Cherished and valued since the age of thirteen is this late Victorian oak Art Nouveau mirror back side board.

The top section has heavy moulded cornice with carved decoration plus carved piece on top decor. Corinthian columns, with two smaller side mirrors. The base has two half width drawers over central single drawer, with a single door directly beneath, flanked by two doors with carved panels.

Inherited from my Gran I estimated late 1800's on looking at detail I am not sure of the wood, however very similar carving research found "Antique Victorian Sideboard, Carved Oak, Mirror Back Buffet, Scotland 1890" this is not oak!

Sideboard has traveled into every home I have lived, currently in my own 'office space', needs repairs if I ever find a competent person in woodwork.

My niece has accepted the offer of now enjoying it once she is in the new home she is currently looking forward to moving into, her daughter will then inherit from her being an antiques fan. (This is for the benefit of @dandays make sure it stays in the family!)

Promise made was it would continue down the bloodline of woman, I have no daughters I am sure my niece will have many years of happiness inviting this piece into her home with hidden drawers and false panels.... never show, it is for her to find.


This I have never had valued, no price could be paid to equal the love of my Scottish ancestor grandmother, it's not for sale.

 3 years ago  

Oh you know it. I wrote it down about 15 minutes ago thanks to you. It's written.

That's a gorgeous piece of furniture too. I can remember my grandmother having one so similar.

My niece will cherish this as much as I have, then one day pass to her daughter, by then I will be long gone, so good to know it will be loved.

 3 years ago  

Has anyone told you how cool you are today?

Windswept 😁


I wish, now this is for your eyes only....

What a great piece of furniture! Ornate but also useful too.

I have some furniture that has been in my family for over a hundred years and then some. It'll get passed on of course, as with yours. I think it's good to preserve that history.

Grandparents must have purchased this with pride not being very well off, it may have been second hand already back then.

Sheer beauty in manufacture, I had been thinking who in the family for about ten years would inherit, made contact with a niece about two months ago, now happy it has a planned new home.

It's often a relief to determine who may receive heirlooms. I'm glad you have it sorted out.

Oh that is but one item, still have to get to some more... I just thought it neat that my Gran's wishes were that it remains with the girls, girls normally those years seldom inherited anything at all.

These days I think many heirloom items are not seen as desirable; people want new and flashy stuff...There's people out there that respect tradition though, I hope anyway.

Many reach their forties then realize the modern is not what it is cracked up to be, slowly see many start eyeing out the old folks furniture 😄 solid wood in great design!

That thing that's riding the spider around in your head isn't a motorcycle is it?

I collect and save stuff. Lots of stuff. It all means something to me.


This is just a small sample. The Porsche is a solid cast scale model that actually belongs to a hiver that I've never met, but I'll deliver it when I can.

That Turquoise is a frog carved out of a hunk of Sleeping Beauty Turquoise given to me by maybe my best friend ever as spiritual protection.

Tweed Towing is 30 years out of business, bought out by Foss Maratime. Another really good buddy was part of the refit crew on one of their deep water tugs. This cup was in the cupboard in the galley and my friend liberated it for me. I used it every day for over 20 years, retiring it a bit over a year ago.

The spoon is from my mother's collection. The mother I never met. It's the Arizona spoon and of course it's made of copper. We lead the planet in copper production. My niece gave it to me the first time I met her.

The knife was my other mother's. Steel knife with a wooden handle, nothing fancy. But it was my mom's go to knife and now it's mine. I have a very superior set of knives but this is the one I use most...

Great topic this week my friend. I hate that I'm always the scoffer that breaks the rules, but I still manage to sleep at night.

"Turquoise frog carved out of a hunk of Sleeping Beauty Turquoise" that is awesome, I too collect frogs nothing so cute and ornate it looks of Japanese origin.

My dads kitchen knife I have is so worn down on the blade, he used it daily in the kitchen, very little left I have a handle with strange blade...

Oh these treasures we keep wrapped up in memories of love over the ages, nice collection @bigtom13, rules are there to be broken.

My mom also had a steel knife like you describe. I KNOW it started the same shape as the one here, but it was a boning knife at the end...

Thanks Joan!

Old man had a thing about knives being sharp, out came the stone.... after time the blade disappeared, it was still sharp just never held the shape 😄

We had a 'sharpening wheel' when I was a kid. You pedaled it and sharpened the knife right in front of where you sat. There was a soup can with a nail hole in the bottom so water could dribble on the stone.

We only used it when we butchered, but you can bet the knives were sharp and like yours, some just disappeared. Those old dutchmen didn't buy good knives, they MADE them good.

My Dad had a stone in the kitchen, my younger son still has a set of stones to do my knives when they get blunt, appears he inherited my Dads fetish for sharp blades, he too is chef in his home.

Old blades were made to last, handles never came loose or wobbly either... Made them good, that is without a doubt.

A nice collection of simple but valued items. I like the reality of it, the way they're just every day items but have strong meaning. I would have expected no less from you. We are similar like that.

My art pieces. I think that they are the best way I was able to express myself. Also they are keepers a lot of my precious memories.


besišypsantis ledkalnis 1.jpg

Bundanti saulė.jpg

A few chess sets. They remind me of my dad.

You're a very talented fellow huh? Do you have a particular favourite and if so which and why?

Thank you very much. In the first two of these pieces I used a photo and tracing paper. I hope that this doesn't change your opinion too much.

I am not sure about favorite. They would still be a few... But the first one here is unique because I was my own model- I used my photo. I have done pieces with multiple hive girls. Also pieces like the last one where I just drew something by hand. But first one is only real piece where I was also the model. Sometimes I drew myself as a snowman and one time I did this...

But that was not nearly as serious as my first piece in this topic. Also it took me probably the longest.

I like it - has character

have done pieces with multiple hive girls.

I didn't know this. Anyone I know?

Eve, escapist( I think you knew her?). Others you probably don't know. The one with iceberg was one of my pieces with Eve.

Here is one of my pieces with escapist.

Papūga 0.jpg

Ah yeah I know Eve. Did you let her know you did some art work of her image? She might like to know if you didn't.

Art can be a great way for one to experess his or her self

They look spectacular to me, nice art pieces

Posted via proofofbrain.io

thank you very much.

Memories linked to specific work, something to treasure remembering in later years of the time you were going through when you put paint to canvas.

you are right.

Memories are good ways of remembering the past

But perfect memory could also be a curse.

You are right, it could also be a curse, depending on how you view those memories

There are many things on my mind as we speak but of immediate importance is to establish a school of my own and inculcate some ideas I am not allowed to do in the place I presently work. As much as we try, my present school is still merry-go-rounding with the need to improve on teaching and learning styles.Good morning guys and welcome to another #weekend-engagement.

I see the world is changing and humans have to join the moving train or be left behind. Learning styles have changed also. Students now learn quickly using gadgets. The appliances like smart or electronic boards makes teaching more comprehensive with the use of audio-visuals instructions. I really hope I would have enough funds to bring this ideas to place.

Building a school, equipped with modern learning implement as nice desire to hold. We had the privilege of donating encyclopedia collection to just such a school built in a rural district completed about fifteen years ago.

Desire of an elderly man who built the school with local assistance, the library was shared to the whole village over weekends, one can never think too big!

It's the best I could think of as the schools around my domain may look beautiful in structure but la led as of those modern facilities to facilitate effecting teaching-learning process.

It will be nice to enjoy modern facilities, education is so important to all!

So if I understand correctly... You want to create a school?
That is a noble idea my good man. The impact you would have is immense.
What kind of courses are you thinking about?

Yeah. That's one thing I want but haven't been able to achieve. It is topmost in my mind.

Then it will happen

This is a great ideal, keep pushing and you are very likely to achieve this your dream someday. I as well wish you all the best.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thank you @funshee, this is a desire I have held in my heart. And I hope this comes to fruition in the nearest future.

The school is your item? Cool, I hope that works out.

This is a good idea

Wow that is a very big and inspiring dream you have. I wish you all the best of luck and hope you get it there, nothing is impossible, just start somewhere and keep going :)

Thanks for your kind words. I hope to start where my resources can carry.

I really do.hope you get the funds to get your school started. One of the disadvantages of working under someone is that you don't have the freedom to implement some of your ideas.

People are afraid of change and it's not shocking the school you work at are unwilling to implement change. If you do get your school, you'll be able to make.those changes yourself.

That's exactly why this is on the top of my list and with time, I'd get it started.

The first thing that comes to my mind are my glasses. I literally cannot live without my glasses. I don't feel complete without them; as a matter of fact without my glasses I feel empty, without them I can't see, I can't hear, I can't think and the worst thing: if I don't have them on, I feel very naked.😂 Even though I have several layers of clothes on. 😂

Glasses are a really important thing for so many, including myself.

In the last couple years I've relied on them for reading my phone and computer effectively. I can barely do so without my reading glasses on. I have great distance vision still but my close vision, reading and writing, is going backwards. So I get it!

I don't feel naked without my glasses, unless of course I am indeed naked, however I have trouble seeing things properly.

Do you keep a spare set around?

I keep one set on my bedside table, one in my satchel and another that goes mobile. In fact, my Oakley sunglasses I'm seen in mostly are prescription reading glasses. I need them to shoot effectively with also. It sucks getting old but I don't have much choice in it.

You look good in your glasses you know, I think some suit it and some don't. You make it look good. ☺️

Awww thank you.💙 I've been wearing glasses for so many years; even I don't like myself anymore without glasses. It's almost as if I'm looking at someone else in the mirror when I don't have them on. 😂

And yes, I have a spare set also. I don't like wearing it though. I only have it, just in case the other one breaks or sth. Also I have a bad habit of falling in sleep with my glasses on (I usually read a book before I sleep) .😣

A spare pair is a must! I have a set also.

Please, can you explain what sth means or was that just a typo?

Haha sure sure..it means 'something'.😅

Ah ok, now I get it.

I can see how writing only three letters rather than nine can add up over a life time and save you something like half a minute or so!

This ☝️ is sarcasm of course. I'm Australian; it comes ntrly.

Ntrly means: Naturally. (I just made that up to same some time.)

Lol. It's just a contraction that is used a lot among my friends and family while chatting. I'm afraid it comes automatically while I write; I didn't even realized it until you asked.😅🤦‍♀️

It's great stuff.
You remind me of a friend. I asked him if he could live without a wife but not his glasses since he has been wearing them for years. 😅

@trangbaby hahaha...that is a good one. I don't know about your friend, but if I had to choose between my glasses and a man, I would definitely choose my glasses. 😂

Hmmm... It's got to be my phone. You see, being an introvert has a lot to do with me falling in love with my gadgets and of course my bed. My phone connects me to so many things I wish to have but don't, as well as places I dream to be but can't. While people are out there doing all they can for fun and living the moment, I'm here in my cocoon, all hurled with my phone making me feel better than I feel anyone would actually make me feel. I can as well blame it all on the way I was brought up away from the world. My phone is just my prized asset due to the fact that it's all I got, and if that's enough to keep me out of the troubles of the world, I'd take it the way it is.


Our smart phones are becoming (have become) indispensable to us I guess right? It's quite distressing when we lose or break them too. Have you ever lost your phone? I had both my work and personal phones stolen last year and it wasn't a pleasant experience.

Haaaaa... Don't even go there, I get sick real bad whenever I have shortcomings with my gadgets. Funny, yeah? 🤣🤣🤣🤣. It ain't always pleasant, got my phone stolen once and I sulked for almost a week, in terms of breaking, I'd make sure I do whatever is within my power to revive it like a patient in a coma 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. My phone means the whole world to me. If there's any punishment that'd make me heed to whatever you want, just take away my phone 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Lol...I think you and a lot of other people would be devastated if they lost their phone!

Devastated is an understatement, I'm gonna end up in an asylum 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣... The bond I have with phones is way beyond this world. Not that I operate them to full potentials, they are just there when no one else would, a trait no one has paid much attention to in a long time. Phones are highly underrated in my view.

I agree with you that phones have become an important part of our identities. But sometimes I think it would be nice if we were less dependent on our phones

Just take my life if you don't wanna give me a phone 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


One of the things that I keep as a treasure is my father's clothes. when I feel sad and I want to feel that he is with me I wear the clothes that he liked at home... I feel that he embraces me and fills me with his love....@galenkp Greetings, here present

I treasure his favorite flannel, his jacket, his depositary pants and his tie with the last time he tied his knot. All the clothes I wear are to show off my treasure.

It stirred in me this emotional theme, yet I felt his embrace and enjoyed his presence.

I know many people who have clothing keepsakes from people who have departed life. I have some of my dad's: His hat, a neck tie, cufflinks etc. It makes me feel closer to him as you say.

What a great nostalgic item you've shared! Thanks for getting involved.

I was unable to reply to the comments due to a problem with the platform. yes.
Yes... Yes @galenkp is a symbolic way for me to feel my father.

 3 years ago  

I want to have a Fitbit health tracker. I don't know why, because I don't see a real need of the same. The only reason I can see is to showoff purpose otherwise I am fine without a Fitbit.
Sometimes I feel that we do a lot many things or buy them without any purpose. I still want to have one.

Hmm, you want a Fitbit for no other reason than to show off? Save your money bro, you have no reason to show off, the person you are shows all that people need to see. You don't need additional accoutrements.

Having said this, I really want a particular watch...I have one already,but I want this other one...So I get what you're saying. I'm resisting the urge though.

Thank you @galenkp for this week topic. I thought your dad's painting is a picture until I read your post. Excellent skills to make it like that. Thank you for sharing with us.

For this week, I would like to share an old photograph of me with my parents and my great-grandparents. This is one of the fews photos in my childhood with my loved ones. When I was small, my parents were busy working in the rice fields so they sent me to live with my great-grandparents. It was a difficult time for us all so I can remember it vividly. We didn't have much but we have lots of love for each other. When I left oversea, I chose this photo to bring with me so I can look at them when I miss home.


Nice to have a photograph of the family together a couple of generations back, something to keep with you forever!

G-Dog (@galenkp) had me thinking about this all weekend, especially after seeing his Dad's great art, now he needs to take individual photographs to see more!

Thank you @joanstewart, actually this is the only one we have with my great-grandparents and I just realise I haven't got a good quality digital copy of it. I should have to back it up in case I lost the original one.

I would have the photograph scanned and saved, one never knows, digital copies would make it easier to load and see whenever the mood takes.

I'm surprised more people haven't shared a cherished photo as I think most of us have them.

It must have been difficult being away from your parents but your grandparents probably cared for you just as well and probably imparted some great lessons right?

Thanks for sharing.

Oh they are actually my great-grandparents. For some reasons, we were not close with my grandparents.

And yes, you are right. I got great influence to become a good person from them. They practiced Buddhism so very often my bedtime stories were about it. Every now and then when I have a chat with my parents, we often talk about our old time and we are all so grateful to be close with my great-grandparents.

Ah I'm sorry my mistake. It would have been very cool to meet my great grandparents but I never had that chance.

No worries @galenkp. Btw love your new profile picture

Thank you, I change it all the time to keep things interesting.

"I took this photo with my phone so it doesn't really look that great; in real life it's rather spectacular..."

Looks pretty spectacular from where I sit...

Where do You sit @krazzytrukker .?

Well thanks for asking G-Dog.

You see I was on a 10-11 hour turnaround. That should have ended back at the Pookyville Cat Ranch. (Home)

It came to a screeching halt at the shipper in Pensacola, FLA. I knew coming over here, to a shitty Overhead Door shipper, that this might happen. They have burned me before with delays that destroy my ELD clock. (Hours of Service)

That painting took me away from a fence line, dumpsters, and disorganized materials strewn about.

"Cat lady Man suit"I will regroup when back home with a cold Michelobe Ultra. I will put on my custom made @dandays and scratch out a post for the #weekend-engagement.

@gvkanten approves...

Michelobe Ultra, Hotdogs, and Cat lady Mansuits...




Get home safe and sound @krazzytrukker will wait! In anticipation "Cat lady Man suit"....

Cat woman is funny .... She never gets tired of dancing, I may someday joined her dance crew

Going to have fun when the fun begins. Enjoy your spatula and dancing with cat woman...

I am going to do just that, I hope cat women take it kindly with me!


You got spycams on me. I look exactly like that...

Yup, I'm watching you....


Your not the only one...

19 minutes past feeding frenzy time, and I am getting pawed at... LoL

Sammi says FEED ME 10-9-21.jpg

Chocolate and Milk, tip go feed before clawed!

Cats have staff, you the staff no go get em food....

Way to throw Me to the tiger sharks Joan.!!


Feeding Done.

They congregate and circle Like sharks...


You would think they are starving to death...

Actually they probably are. No fat cats here. Strict feed times and amounts.

Catladys Suit or was it Catlady in a Mansuit..?

I am Sooo confused. We need a consult with @dandays on these shenanigans.


Not very becoming suit shows too many curves and dents....


Problem Solved...

We are here to please...

Thank You... And Goodnight.

My job is done here... Mic Drop


Notch up!


Shout Out to Boo.!!


My June rescue kitten from a jobsite in SC. He is doing great and loving life in his new forever home. I love it when we find a home with pet humans who will worship them...


He looks in control of his man staff, plenty going on there for him!

Hey Boo check this sexy lady out, also a rescue named Cloud 😁


Yeah, I have jewelry cause I like to chase birds....

 3 years ago  

Chick Fight!

 3 years ago  

Cat Fight!

(his reads slightly different)

Ha ha better keep check on the wording, eyes on!

How many times do you get screwed over with pick ups and deliveries? Like, what percentage of the time?

A lot more since the flu virus became a weapon.

Pre mass insanity 20-30%

Post mass mental illness +50%

Many reasons for the failures have been cited.

#1 manpower shortages.

#2 supply chain (material shortages)

#3 Freight broker to shipper/reciever mistakes (lies and lack of communication)

#4 Failure on my part (Mechanical or fatigue/illness) only 3 times in 29 years

29 years at the end of this month. I will then be entering my 30th year. I do not expect to finish it. Taxes double to triple alone will bankrupt me. No sence paying the Federal Frauderal Gov. for the privledge to drive for little to no profit. A VACCINE mRNA human experiment mandate will also end my career. I will die a pureblood.

Montana Walkabout (12) 2015-08-16.jpg

Yep, I figured that's what you'd say. Shit is upside down man, and it'll start tumbling soon. Fucking world is done. You have a plan for the future? Don't say it here if you don't want, just wondering.

We are winging it right now. I Got a few things in mind. But I gotta wait and see where the power mad dictators go with all of this tyranny.

We will just hunker down here at the ranch, till they come for us. We are prepping little by little. But not to bug out. To shelter in place, and try to endure a total shut down.

I envy your escape plan. Your camper set up and skill set. I am a country boy from a small farm. I will have a better than most chance at survival. You are next level tho. The skills you practice set you a step above. You could use those skills well in an apocalyptic type scenario.

What would You do with Cleo? Could she go with You.? I know Samantha and the Lil' Guy could go with us if we needed to bug out. But these others do not travel very well... So we will stay.

You're right, your skills place you ahead of most, well ahead really. It pays to be prepared too, the fall is coming. There's no doubt.

It's funny, the whole world went mad with the lockdown, whinged and moaned about the isolation. Shows how ill-prepared people are for a societal breakdown and the isolation that will ensue.

Cleo would come with, I'm not leaving her. If I had to I'd stay too.

Whatever this unknown future holds for us. Just Know that I will fight right beside you in spirit.


Shit has hit the fan....

Greed chomping away your livelihood in taxes....

Run for the hills.... It's all BS

Cat has smoking cool blue eyes.... 😆


Yes She Do..!

C O O L B L U E.!!


Mesmerizing oceans of blue!

Number #3 used to be number #1.

That meal is calling on me, I wish I know the Location

 3 years ago  

Is your company or anyone in your trucking world talking about Kellogg? Curious what a Kellogg's truck driver has to say.

I have no idea what off ramp you took, or how you ended up on that lost highway with the no truck signage. I have.no idea why at 3am you decided to back into a grassy area to turn around. I have no idea what a Kellogg truck has to do with any of this nonsense.

But it made me hungry..?

Oh, And I walked off the job just now. I am on strike.


 3 years ago  

I heard that on the radio, how crazy is that? "Kellogg employees go on strike refusing to get vaccinated." They're massive. I guess I thought you truckers were like us wireman and everyone has the inside scoop.

Two truckers that agree on anything is rare. But so are the side effects of the shot...

Oh wait a minute. 6 outta 10 have issues.

Covid Police be like... Uh huh. You filthy antivaxxer. We are coming for you...
100,000+ now dead from the mRNA injections. 750,000 + reported side effects and those numbers are presumed to be way low from the real numbers. Many of the 750k are the really bad disabling side effects.


99.997+ survival rate of covid vs. +50% chance of an injection fucking me up for life and not even stopping me from getting Covid the influenza...

No Brainer here. They tell me I gotta...

Inject the Venom...

to stay in business. I am...

Out of Business.

Only ones coming out smiling are the greed'ies in politicians for power, pharmaceuticals for profit, who acting like the orchestral leader.... WTF, go with your gut feel! Do it / Don't do it, your body to decide... One instance when numbers do lie!

Freedom of choice. What a concept right? @joanstewart gets it.

 3 years ago  

I'm throwing in the towel.

You should know iheart second place, so I'm not bothered by what I'm about to say: I'll no longer claim comment master status.

You, my friend, are unmatched.

Now get to delivering would ya. There's a whole country fulla following consumers who expect packed shelves at Target because the radio said they're special.


Target = No Fly List

They owe us money...

Screwed us for layover/detention pay last year.

I Did not burn that bridge, but avoid them like the PLAGUE vaccinated...

Target...: For those who think they are too good for Wally World.


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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Feedback from the October 1st Hive Power Up Day

The Android Phone - Samsung/Huawei Y9 Gifts


It was a gift given to me by the 2nd son of my employer last 2018. He promised to give me android phone when he found job after he graduated. Imagine, he was 4 years ild when I arrived here and now he had his own family with one daughter. His name is Hassan, a geneous child and now a man. It. Was too sad that the ohone was stolen in January 01 2019. Then another blessing came to me when the eldest son bought me Huwaei Y9, the latest edition on that time. It was a expensive but they gave me heatily in returned for taking care of them since then and until now. I lived them.like my own son. The Huawei is here in my hand today and the only one I use in blogging. They knew that I am blogging in zteemit before. The time time Samsung was stolen, I cried a lot because all my keys were there in all platform but they helped me recover my google account and everything was okay. These are the tbings that I Cherished most. And what I wanted to have is a laptop, eventhoough the cheapest one for my hive blogs. I badly needed it. Last Thursday this phone was broken that is why I was not around for how many days. I want to buy but this time my son and his family are sick. I am so sad that it happened during my birthday. I am now afraid if it is covid. Only God knows. I never seen them for 3 years personally and hearing the news saddened me with too much pain and prompted me not to attend the party they prepared for me and my friend.

Than you @galenkp and everyone here.

Do you ever wonder if it's all just a little bit sad that we value phones so much?

Yes, I know it. There are so many things to consider about it. In my side being away from home, I need it but supposed to be I must refrain of using it all the time since I have already been exposed to radiation. It is not good for our health but for some reason it has benefits like this. Being here in the platform. Sometimes. And I got my phone for free and never bought it since then. Something that I feel like happy and something a little bit sad.

I just think it's rather sad that a phone has become one of societies most prized of possessions.

!BEERAgree with you but i just cherished it because if I myself I could not prioritize buying android phone, It was given to me from the people I taking care. Not all people here are giving to their helper. It sounds materialistic I am giving credit my phone as one ofy cherished thing but the reason beyond how I have it. Thank you @galenkp

BEERHey @galenkp, here is a little bit of from @olivia08 for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

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 3 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

Yep, this is the sort of stuff I thought people would talk about, keepsakes.

Clearly these things have deep meaning and value for you and I get it; things that others have made or worn tend to hold more significance to us and we tend to attach stories to them for comfort, guidance and even healing. Of course memories also seep into these items sometimes, like with your dad's chain.

Great answer, cool items and awesome photo!

Hmm, yes good questsh.

I have things that I feel contain essence of what was; a moment, a person and such. I wrote about one a while back last year, about a little tea pot that I have that was part of some childhood memories. It was quite a personal post.

At first I was like *snakes!" Then I looked closer.

These pendants really mean a lot to you because of the memories of the people attached to them. I'm sure you wouldn't loose then for just anything.

They are all beautiful by the way.

 3 years ago  

These are awesome things and it almost looks like it's a dream catcher of sorts. I've got a necklace that I'll hope our son has the same memories with one day, that I'll be giving to him!

Oh, man. I love these.

Rest of the story. The Frog (you'll find my post) was given to me by a healer's husband. I have several things from her and really, they all felt too personal to share. A green tourmaline necklace that I wear specifically when I'm riding my motorcycle. Two 'trees of life' that she gave to my mother and me. And more.

So I get it. And even maybe have an inkling of the import...

 3 years ago  


These must be priceless treasures worth more than gold. The memories of your loved ones are fully represented.
I do hope that you pass them on to someone who is worthy next time.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

I have an item in mind now I just need to find it. LOL it is very old so there is a high possibility that it may not be around in my possessions.

Yup I did end up falling asleep 🤣🤣🤣.

Might be asleep.

You and your eye-challenging small text!

This is true, even if one can't see the challenge.

I gonna miss this weekend. I'm busy being on my way to a cyborg. Supposed to be out of the hospital this afternoon.
I miss you too!