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RE: Weekend-engagement week 70: Cherished & valued thing

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

That’s an awesome painting man. I love paintings of the ocean particularly! Your dad seems like he was a great artist indeed!

I have a few mementos and other cherished items. One that is particularly dear to me is my necklace that I got from my grandfather.


It’s the Italian horn, or the cornicello. He went to Italy many years ago for the first time and traveled around, visited places that our family had its roots, though I don’t know if he met any of them, but he bought two necklaces and cornicelli. I went up to visit him one week and he shows them to me. He gave one to me and kept one of them which was awesome. I was excited to have one since I didn’t own one but knew what they were! A year or two goes by and I visit him again and he gives me a second one. I kept the original one on but kept the second one in a jar so that I wouldn’t lose it. Sadly a few years ago I swapped the necklaces and put the second one on and the first one away. I didn’t put the first one in the right bag and lost it! It might be in our house now but I unfortunately think it’s gone. I wanted to keep it and pass the smaller one down to the little man when he got old enough to not lose it but now I can’t do that. I’ll give him the one that I’m wearing now when he’s around 25 or so, old enough to appreciate it and not mess it up lol. I’m hoping that we can pass it down through the generations since my grandfather wore it himself for years, I would love to continue that. It’s not worth more than a few hundred dollars but the sentimental value of it is more than that for me.

I’ll still keep looking for the other one, but I don’t have much hope I’ll find it.


The sentimental value of items like this often far outweighs the monetary value. I have a few similar items; a set of cuff links if my dad's, my grandfather's pocket watch and other such items. I'm quite sentimental in that way.

I think you've got a great item there to band down to the e-dog when he's old enough and I'm pretty sure he'll appreciate it.

What do you think of your own, besides the cornicelli do you think you'd want him to have? I mean something that has been solely your own.

 3 years ago  

That's great, cuff links and pocket watches sound awesome! Both things I've gotten into in my later years, I would love that type of stuff.

Thinking of other things that I would pass down to him, one is certainly my pistol. That was one of the things I bought for myself on my own with my license. I don’t get to use it as much as I’d like, I meant to take it out on my recent vacation but didn’t get to do it but I think that would be a good thing to pass down to him. My dads giving me some of my grandfathers guns when I get a house and a safe to do so, so I’ll be able to store more of them which is great. Passing this stuff down I think is important for the obvious fact that we have to prevent them being taken away but also because it’s one of my proudest possessions I think.

There are other things I like too such as some of the woodwork I’ve built over the years. I’ve built two nightstands (one my ex has but she probably burned it or tossed it sadly, I loved that one!) a TV stand and a car key shelf. Those are pretty great things to me as well but not on the same level as the firearm that’s for sure.

If you had a son, what do you think would be the #1 thing you’d give him from your stash of items?

I wear business shirts that require cufflinks, double cuff shirts, and have many cool cufflinks but it's the ones I've been given that mean the most.

You ask me a tough question...

I think l, like you, there's a lot of things I'd like to hand down some of value and others not.

My Rolex watch would hand down as would my gold and silver, but I have a hunting knife that would need to go as well, I have a few awards and accolades that I would like to hand down also, just for posterity's sake. I have the stuff of my dad and grandad of course and a few other things.

I guess the most important thing would be my skills, values and ethos. I'd I had a son or daughter and that's all I left then I'd be content.

One cannot put a value to something passed down, pity you misplaced one, all things come back to you, hopefully one day this will reappear again. Most unusual and lovely simple piece.