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RE: Weekend-engagement week 70: Cherished & valued thing

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

That's great, cuff links and pocket watches sound awesome! Both things I've gotten into in my later years, I would love that type of stuff.

Thinking of other things that I would pass down to him, one is certainly my pistol. That was one of the things I bought for myself on my own with my license. I don’t get to use it as much as I’d like, I meant to take it out on my recent vacation but didn’t get to do it but I think that would be a good thing to pass down to him. My dads giving me some of my grandfathers guns when I get a house and a safe to do so, so I’ll be able to store more of them which is great. Passing this stuff down I think is important for the obvious fact that we have to prevent them being taken away but also because it’s one of my proudest possessions I think.

There are other things I like too such as some of the woodwork I’ve built over the years. I’ve built two nightstands (one my ex has but she probably burned it or tossed it sadly, I loved that one!) a TV stand and a car key shelf. Those are pretty great things to me as well but not on the same level as the firearm that’s for sure.

If you had a son, what do you think would be the #1 thing you’d give him from your stash of items?


I wear business shirts that require cufflinks, double cuff shirts, and have many cool cufflinks but it's the ones I've been given that mean the most.

You ask me a tough question...

I think l, like you, there's a lot of things I'd like to hand down some of value and others not.

My Rolex watch would hand down as would my gold and silver, but I have a hunting knife that would need to go as well, I have a few awards and accolades that I would like to hand down also, just for posterity's sake. I have the stuff of my dad and grandad of course and a few other things.

I guess the most important thing would be my skills, values and ethos. I'd I had a son or daughter and that's all I left then I'd be content.