
Do you have a favourite colour of pen to write with? I prefer blue always although when signing contracts I prefer to use black. How about you?

My favourite color of pen is blue as well, I do not prefer any color other than blue.

Additional, I am good in writing, using pen, I write like a professor 🙈

Lol...Write like a professor huh.

My hand writing is pretty messy usually. I used to get into trouble at school for having bad handwriting. It didn't get better though.

Oh! That was so bad, that means they didn't used to cheer you up for being the best in class when it comes to writing?

That not good at all, I guess you didn't enjoy like I did!

You should have practice more in writing, because practice make perfect.

Perfect doesn't exist; I don't believe it does anyway. Nah, I didn't do so well with hand writing..

Now that the technology gatdgets has replace it, you are now the best 😍

You most be a genius, all the genius I know has messy hand writing.

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😁 I might be indeed!