Grandma must have recognized the care you would show toward family heirloom by placing it in your keeping.
Now this duty falls to you when old to find the right family member to look after as you have.
Grandma must have recognized the care you would show toward family heirloom by placing it in your keeping.
Now this duty falls to you when old to find the right family member to look after as you have.
I never thought about that. I'm embarrassed I haven't mentioned the flag until now but even more so I haven't thought about where it should go next! Dammit.
I better get to searching for a couple cousins I think are still alive and write it down!
Thank you.
Get it to them beforehand, or write a Will, make sure once you gone it get's to the right one....
Witnessed enough fighting over dem old bones in families, actually sad, but yup it happens.
Me too Joan! I even wrote about it once. Family changes after they bury a loved one. Thank you. It's written now.
Makes you feel better knowing you have noted where it goes, seen some wicked shit in my time with families.
Ironically my Mom was given 6 months to live, Dad made a year later, when we all met, everything.... and I mean everything had been labelled by my Mom in those 6 months.
Memory serves me well, not going to happen in my home if I can avoid it.