How long you been doing those quotes now? That Ulysses one just trumped all the others.
When we began traveliving, we liberated ourselves by parting with our possessions. The most difficult for me was my record collection, I'm talking more than 10k pieces of vinyl. I'm gonna stop now cuz you might've just inspired a whole article (AGAIN!) about the one thing I'll never lose site of.
Even when we returned stateside I already had Pura's mother ready to get it back to me. She holds it for me when I'm not in the country—my grandfathers flag. He was a Submariner in the US Navy, they did the whole folding of the flag, 21 gun salute, etc at his memorial. Eh, lol! My uncles (his boys) were pissed when grandma gave it to me and not them. 👊🏼
It's a legit quote huh? I always look for quotes that mean something to me or kind of resonate and this one is certainly one that does both.
Thanks for sharing this cool item mate; it has deep meaning and value to you clearly. Respect for your grandpa also. Submariner = Crazy bugger in my opinion. Brave souls though. You must be proud.
I am sir. To the point I get chills when my virtual homeboy recognizes my pride.
Yes'ir. I love that quote. I'll make sure to let you know
whenif a future quote resonates more to me. Might be awhile.I feel proud of him man, I can only imagine how proud you are. It says a lot about a person who looks back and honours those that came before, especially ones who did very difficult things, usually willingly.
I wasn't sure how to compliment the painting. I've been thinking of a good way and the weekend's gonna be over soon so I'll just wing it and say I wish I could look at it every day.
Thank you mate. It gets a lot of attention when people come into my house and see it. It's pretty large so commands attention but people always say it's like looking out a window over the beach.
It's actually the second he did...He'd been commissioned by some rich-ass dude to do this scene with his daughter in it, along down the beach wearing a yellow bikini. It was pretty damned legit. Fucken legit bro.
We all coaxed him into doing another but he refused to make it the same so he fundamentally changed it and left out the 20 year old hottie. Lol.
I have a few of dads paintings and this one is one of my faves.
Damn man! That's like 2,000 words.
2013 to be exact.
See what happens when you tensile strengthen strings? I forgot to tell you I was waiting for img src on this one and when I found it, it was yours. I was all "first the quote and now this?!"
Hashtag Fire!! And for anyone tuned in who doesn't like The Cult: Firstly, you have issues. Secondly, I've included this alternate source for your listening pleasure however the messages in each are essentially equal.
Who can go past a little bit of Nelly bro! So hot in herre...
Brilliant quote
Wow! such was an honour, the gave it to you because they Saw greatness in you,
Your potential was what drives them, to me, they were not mistaking....
Really nice of you to say that, thank you.
What's on the agenda in South Nigeria this weekend, anything exciting in the works?
You are welcome
Governor's in all the South South States complain of "open grazing" I think some Governor's made law that must be undergo by cattle rearers, since farming are complaining of their farmland being destroy by cow, that moved from one place to another, in search of goods and pasture.
Costa Rica has the same practice, "open grazing." It was so odd to me at first but I understand now. But seeing cattle and big huge bulls marching down the beach never gets old.
That is the thing, although it is not good as the cow may destroy farmers crops, causing traffic on the roads or beach and as that, the cow dung is acidic, it can cause damage to crops or others animals
Ah, ok. Well in that case I can see why everything would turn to bullshit.
We are used to their bullshit anyway.....
The west used to all be 'free range'. Some of it still is. It's not a good idea to drive fast at night in 'free range' zones :) Go ahead, ask me how I know.
Costa Rica? My brother just bought a place there. Right now today, he's in Panama looking at another place. Yep, investment places, though he has a 'temporary resident visa' in CR.
I have nothing good to say about CR my friend so I'll stop now. We stayed there for 6 months. Where was I?
I know this! Sir, we were in a golf cart the first time we came up on a herd of cattle. A no door or roof having golf cart. It was pitch black outside. I felt so unprotected in that thing.
Then I learned it was Mornal and nobody owns the cattle. They're just doing what everyone else does... search for food and shelter.
Panama was cool though! 👍🏿
I was maybe 18 and taking a girl home and cutting her curfew pretty close (I'm thinking midnight) when I caught a cow in the headlights. I went completely defensive with brakes and steering. I JUST bumped the bull at the end. If I'd have hurt her daddy's bull I'd have been in shit deeper than you can imagine.
Talking about historic flags! This really takes a spot into the cherished kind of memorabilia.
Thank you. It's my favorite possession. I'm kinda disappointed in haven't mentioned I til now.
I think it just got the perfect moment to be a showcase.
This is very cool @dandays and I'm glad that it is so prized, perhaps that's why it made it's way to you, they knew you would look after it.
Unfortunately the war medals that were in my family from my mothers side got into the hands of the wrong grandson who sold them all, so it makes me very happy and proud to see when people look after these memorabilia of people that gave up so much for country and kin. You should be very proud of it being bestowed into your care and that it is part of your history and lineage.
Go well buddy
That was so nice. Now that I think about it, you're always nice. That's nice.
I think of that regularly, my grandmother knew who to give that flag to even out of her own boys. It's been everywhere I am for over 20 years now.
When we got back to the states last year, first thing we did when we got a car was drive all the way across the country to California from Florida to get it. I won't ship it.
And when we leave again, I'll drive it all the way back to California where I know it's safe.
Sorry about your memorabilia, those kinda stories are the worst. How is that grandson doing these days?
Hey @dandays Thanks for the reply.
It's great that you take the time and effort to keep it safe and I wouldn't ship it either if it were an item in my possession.
Hmmm interesting question, I actually don't know where he is - he kinda fell off the radar shortly after he did that stupid deed.
Re: on being nice - I try to be a good human being, but I do have the capacity to not be nice, should I choose to (or need to) the same as the next person I suppose. Most times I'd prefer to remain dignified.
Look after yourself bud.
See what I mean? You did it again. =D
So what'd Lory's mommy make her for breakfast this morning?
Funny, my autocorrect refused to spLeL Lory. It changed her name to Alley two times without my permission but I saw that shit like "you're wrong Autocorrect!!"
Lol autocorrect often does not possess the ability to be dignified or nice! Well done on catching it.
Lory chose to have a rather boring option of wheatbix this morning, although she did have more exciting options to choose from. Funny I used to love wheatbix as a kid too, barely appeals to me these days though.
Glad to read you are having an ok weekend that side and your posts comments have now got me questioning how to ensure family heirlooms remain in the care of the right people. Seems many of us have some planning to do.
Have a good one bud.
Write It Down!
Wheatbix, between autocorrect and google I don't know who to believe so why don't you tell me. Is that a cereal like Wheat Chex?
Yes I do need to write it down.
Wheatbix is a cereal yes, but I totally F-ed up the branded spelling ...on the box it says weet bix. It's not those cute little pillow thingies, those look far more exciting lol.
Best Item I have seen here so far, it gets my up vote.
Even though the wooden spoon (spatula) and a psycho babysitter hold personal meaning for me...
Freedom has never been free. But Hot Dogs are with a fuel purchase at Bongo Bills Truck Stop and Casino.
Thank you sir, I love that flag. My favorite possession. I haven't got a chance to go through all the engagement yet but it's really cool several of you appreciate that flag.
You attach the dopest clips. Whoever caught that eagle on film musta been like BIGGEST EMOJI EVER!
Clock starting now...
And Reading in 4... 3... 2...
I'll believe it when I
seeread that you saw it.Took me 25 minutes. Did I say how great it was. It was and I did...
Hashtag ThugLife.
Grandma must have recognized the care you would show toward family heirloom by placing it in your keeping.
Now this duty falls to you when old to find the right family member to look after as you have.
I never thought about that. I'm embarrassed I haven't mentioned the flag until now but even more so I haven't thought about where it should go next! Dammit.
I better get to searching for a couple cousins I think are still alive and write it down!
Thank you.
Get it to them beforehand, or write a Will, make sure once you gone it get's to the right one....
Witnessed enough fighting over dem old bones in families, actually sad, but yup it happens.
Me too Joan! I even wrote about it once. Family changes after they bury a loved one. Thank you. It's written now.
Makes you feel better knowing you have noted where it goes, seen some wicked shit in my time with families.
Ironically my Mom was given 6 months to live, Dad made a year later, when we all met, everything.... and I mean everything had been labelled by my Mom in those 6 months.
Memory serves me well, not going to happen in my home if I can avoid it.
That flag is an amazing memorial to your grandfather. I still remember my father's record collection. Some of the faces spooked me out like Joan Baez and Jim Croce, others were just trippy to me back then like the Yellow Submarine album. I would look at the covers more than listen. They were all gone in 1983.
83 is significant to me too, my wife was born that year. I parted with so many records, I remember each cover you mentioned. I have a vague idea how your dad must've felt. Devastated only worse.
I'm glad I pictured that flag, not sure what took me so long.
What's it like living in Korea? That's frikkin cool! How long you been there? What made you call it home?
Damn man. Your grandfather was a pig boat (diesel) guy. Those were some tough and dedicated sailors, I'll tell you what.
I have a really good buddy in San Diego that's 80 now. He started out on a pig boat and 30 years later was the COB on a boomer. Hell of a man, hell of a friend, hell of a motorcycle rider.
Thanks for the memories. Mine and yours.
My pleasure. Anytime I can spark a memory like that, I only wish I would've shared it sooner.
Yes'ir. Submariner. Good morning Tom!
:insert pipes that vibrate off the road like:
potato chip- potato chip- potato chip....