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RE: Weekend-engagement week 70: Cherished & valued thing

I started with 1k. Have since added about $500.

Just hit $8500 last night.

I will make a few bold moves when it does that again to double that amount.

I use Coinbase. I have had the best luck with them. Tried others, but they are User friendly, and they integrates with the 5 laptops I have mining on prohash for Doge.

Binance is ok, but horrible withdrawal fees. I will pull out of there with an ACH transfer soon.

I like Bittrex and have made a few bucks there.

I wish I had invested in Hive when it was at .20 cents. $1500 x 7 would have.been a sweet bump last week.


Yeah, I use Binance and Bittrex as well. I split my trading over both so one exchange doesn't have it all. The bulk of my holdings are on my Trezor wallet though. I did pretty well last week with the hive increase. I had sells laddered all the way up to $2USD so managed to sell all the way through the increase range. Of course, it all got put back in as buys and I'm looking forward to hive dropping back so they all go through...And then it can go back up again.