What a great piece of furniture! Ornate but also useful too.
I have some furniture that has been in my family for over a hundred years and then some. It'll get passed on of course, as with yours. I think it's good to preserve that history.
What a great piece of furniture! Ornate but also useful too.
I have some furniture that has been in my family for over a hundred years and then some. It'll get passed on of course, as with yours. I think it's good to preserve that history.
Grandparents must have purchased this with pride not being very well off, it may have been second hand already back then.
Sheer beauty in manufacture, I had been thinking who in the family for about ten years would inherit, made contact with a niece about two months ago, now happy it has a planned new home.
It's often a relief to determine who may receive heirlooms. I'm glad you have it sorted out.
Oh that is but one item, still have to get to some more... I just thought it neat that my Gran's wishes were that it remains with the girls, girls normally those years seldom inherited anything at all.
These days I think many heirloom items are not seen as desirable; people want new and flashy stuff...There's people out there that respect tradition though, I hope anyway.
Many reach their forties then realize the modern is not what it is cracked up to be, slowly see many start eyeing out the old folks furniture 😄 solid wood in great design!
I agree. There's nothing quite like seeing the craftsmanship that goes into older furniture: The doweling, dove-tailing and effort that goes into making things square and flush and so on. The quality is difficult to go past for those who know what to look for. But alas, most don't care.
Craftsmanship and solid wood, we inherited a lot of ball and claw, when I go out purchasing it is more often than not found in second hand stores.
Alas now I have to find home for most I have which I was going to pass down to the sons, if they move it will not be worth shipping.