That's a pretty cool looking plate and quite creative for one so young to have made. Good work Eden.
You've certainly moved around a lot lately and I can imagine that having less things would be of an advantage in that regard. I hope you have many meals off your Eden-sun-plate and enjoy your year or so of staying in the one place.
Thank you @galenkp - I'm sure to have many more meals on that plate and I guess my heart will break a little if the plate ever breaks - it has lived for 26 years without a crack on it.
You must preserve the plate!
I have a little pottery thing I made, I must have been 5 or so when I did. My dad helped me and we got it fired with a blue glaze. 45 years later I still have it. It's on my desk with some pens and pencils in it. These things are important to keep. I'll hand it on to my niece of nephew sometime.
Ah so cool - can you send a photograph of it sometime
I did a post back in 2019. There's the link @christinepoulos