My pen has really help me in such a way, I can never forget, being on hive here, and making post everyday, isn't much easy, at times, I do have Inspiration of what to write on my blog, then i will be facing network challenges.
While, going through this, i will probably wrote those posts down, using my pen, if not for my pen, those would have been a lost contents, and once you lost contents, you probably think has much value to you, the people of hive, and to the world at Large.
You will begins to see your self (mode) not the way it should be.
You will not be happy.
Your mind would not be at ease, you will try as much as possible to remember it,
and that may Inturn induce stress on you, therefore, pen is the item that save me from challenge and it is my favorite item of the week.
#weekend-engagement everyone.
"I work the one and make the ink transform on any particular surface the pen lands on"
- Dakir, J5.That's such a dope line. Ever hear it? It's from a group called Jurassic 5 outta Los Angeles, California. On a song called What's Golden.
That is great, they knew how magical the pen is, and the power it carries
There's a saying that goes, the pen is mightier than the sword. You may have heard that. It was coined by by Englishman Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839...It suggests that the pen is a better way to communicate and get ones message across than violence.
I don't know about all that, but certainly, the pen became a powerful tool, and weapon I guess too, through the words they wrote over the years, and still can be.
It's being (been) replaced by electronic devices these days, but there's many who still value them, like yourself.
Your are right, the electronic gadgets are awesome, Because they really help a lot in Achieving things in an easy way, but to me " The Pen" still has it place in the world as it will always do, in the minds of men.
Do you have a favourite colour of pen to write with? I prefer blue always although when signing contracts I prefer to use black. How about you?
My favourite color of pen is blue as well, I do not prefer any color other than blue.
Additional, I am good in writing, using pen, I write like a professor 🙈
Lol...Write like a professor huh.
My hand writing is pretty messy usually. I used to get into trouble at school for having bad handwriting. It didn't get better though.
Oh! That was so bad, that means they didn't used to cheer you up for being the best in class when it comes to writing?
That not good at all, I guess you didn't enjoy like I did!
You should have practice more in writing, because practice make perfect.
Perfect doesn't exist; I don't believe it does anyway. Nah, I didn't do so well with hand writing..
You most be a genius, all the genius I know has messy hand writing.
😁 I might be indeed!
This is very thoughful of you, I might just start to see my pen and jotter in this same regards.
Wow! Thank you for your encouragement, how are you doing today?
My weeekend was a bit messy but is all good now thank you.
Good habit to write things down
Thanks so much
You're welcome
Power of the Pen, my mom firmly believed in writing, it did not matter to who or when, something she taught us from young, something on your mind write it down.
Wow! Such a nice caring mother, she was preparing you for the best, she wanted you and your siblings to become great men in the world.
All I see there is mother's love😍
Penned it down, posted it and normally got what she was after. Ask!