Hi friends! something that I appreciate and value a lot is my guitar. 15 years ago I was paid a vacation voucher and I remember that I went downtown to buy some shoes, but walking through the shops I saw that beautiful guitar and without thinking twice I bought it. It was a very good decision today it would be impossible to have it. I only use it on special occasions when my children and I do hive performances.
And on the other hand, what I don't have and would like to have is my dad who went to heaven 16 years ago and I still miss him like the first day, I really want to have him with me so that he can sing with me and my children, but unfortunately he has gone.
This is a really cool item as it gives you and others so much enjoyment. I'm a musician also, piano and trumpet of all things, but I haven't played the latter for a little while. I understand what the instrument comes to mean.
I'm sorry about your dad, I lost mine last year so understand. Mum left quite tragically several years ago too...I miss them both. They're in our memories though.
What instruments do your children play and do they sing?