Bro I wish you to get to that financial independence! 🤑
Wish you to get out of the shit simulation fraudolent system!
I do understand the struggle, I'm young and may have just started the real rat race shit (28yo) but I do share your same view and hope, trying to get that green candles to get some money! Not to be rich as you say, to be free, free to have time, free to work whenever I fucking want! Free to draw if I feel fancy, free to do the silly things I like doing, free to be me! Well you get the point hahaha
I may be delusional but honestly I try to learn every day, actively do and research, do my DD, I have stepped up my game by a lot in this few years just by never giving up and keeping to go ahead!
I started trading maybe like 5 years ago and crypto believer since day one, remember fighting with my mom in 2008-2009 because I wanted to buy GPUs to mine and leave on 24/7 but she just thought I was mad! To this day I feel stupid for not being rich lol I was 16 and living in Italy so I didn't have no card or bank account but man I was years ahead lol I wanted to go all in on mining, if I had just insisted and maybe idk just got her to buy some btc rather then setting up mining... Well I learned from that that you need to always believe in yourself and just follow that gut feeling! Believing in yourself and in sticking up with your plan is what will grant you the key to financial indipendence and again I want to wish you the best of luck in your trading adventures! Let's get them tendies! 🤑🤑🤑*
Sorry for the few swear words lol you got me hyped up so much with your answer and I wanted to leave my thoughts here! Hope it's ok, cheers 😎
Loved your answer as you'd have guessed by now 🤣